如何从PowerPoint调色板获取RGB / Long值
因为该ThemeColorScheme对象仅包含12个项目The specified value is out of range,所以如果我尝试myAccent9以此方式分配值,则会出现错误,这与预期的一样。我了解此错误以及为什么会发生。我不知道该如何访问调色板中不属于ThemeColorScheme对象的其他40多种颜色?
Private Sub ColorOverride()
Dim pres As Presentation
Dim thm As OfficeTheme
Dim themeColor As themeColor
Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme
Set pres = ActivePresentation
Set schemeColors = pres.Designs(1).SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme
myDark1 = schemeColors(1).RGB 'msoThemeColorDark1
myLight1 = schemeColors(2).RGB 'msoThemeColorLight
myDark2 = schemeColors(3).RGB 'msoThemeColorDark2
myLight2 = schemeColors(4).RGB 'msoThemeColorLight2
myAccent1 = schemeColors(5).RGB 'msoThemeColorAccent1
myAccent2 = schemeColors(6).RGB 'msoThemeColorAccent2
myAccent3 = schemeColors(7).RGB 'msoThemeColorAccent3
myAccent4 = schemeColors(8).RGB 'msoThemeColorAccent4
myAccent5 = schemeColors(9).RGB 'msoThemeColorAccent5
myAccent6 = schemeColors(10).RGB 'msoThemeColorAccent6
myAccent7 = schemeColors(11).RGB 'msoThemeColorThemeHyperlink
myAccent8 = schemeColors(12).RGB 'msoThemeColorFollowedHyperlink
'myAccent9 = schemeColors(13).RGB
'myAccent10 = schemeColors(14).RGB
'myAccent11 = schemeColors(15).RGB
'myAccent12 = schemeColors(16).RGB
End Sub
如何从调色板/主题中获取这些颜色的 RGB 值?
Office 主题颜色(因此此解决方案)通常比普通 RGB 变亮/变暗技术更饱和。
用于实施该解决方案的 PowerPoint VBA 代码
[免责声明]:我基于 Floris 的解决方案来创建此 VBA。很多 HSL 翻译代码也是从评论中提到的 Word 文章中复制的。
Option Explicit
Public Type HSL
h As Double ' Range 0 - 1
S As Double ' Range 0 - 1
L As Double ' Range 0 - 1
End Type
Public Type RGB
R As Byte
G As Byte
B As Byte
End Type
Sub CalcColor()
Dim ii As Integer, jj As Integer
Dim pres As Presentation
Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme
Dim ts As Double
Dim c, c2 As Long
Dim hc As HSL, hc2 As HSL
Set pres = ActivePresentation
Set schemeColors = pres.Designs(1).SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme
' For all colors
For ii = 0 To 11
c = schemeColors(ii + 1).RGB
' Generate all the color variations
For jj = 0 To 5
hc = RGBtoHSL(c)
ts = SelectTintOrShade(hc, jj)
hc2 = ApplyTintAndShade(hc, ts)
c2 = HSLtoRGB(hc2)
Call CreateShape(pres.Slides(1), ii, jj, c2)
Next jj
Next ii
End Sub
' The tint and shade value is a value between -1.0 and 1.0, where
' -1.0 means fully shading (black), and 1.0 means fully tinting (white)
' A tint/shade value of 0.0 will not change the color
Public Function SelectTintOrShade(hc As HSL, variationIndex As Integer) As Double
Dim shades(5) As Variant
shades(0) = Array(0#, 0.5, 0.35, 0.25, 0.15, 0.05)
shades(1) = Array(0#, 0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1)
shades(2) = Array(0#, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, -0.25, -0.5)
shades(3) = Array(0#, -0.1, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75, -0.9)
shades(4) = Array(0#, -0.05, -0.15, -0.25, -0.35, -0.5)
Select Case hc.L
Case Is < 0.001: SelectTintOrShade = shades(0)(variationIndex)
Case Is < 0.2: SelectTintOrShade = shades(1)(variationIndex)
Case Is < 0.8: SelectTintOrShade = shades(2)(variationIndex)
Case Is < 0.999: SelectTintOrShade = shades(3)(variationIndex)
Case Else: SelectTintOrShade = shades(4)(variationIndex)
End Select
End Function
Public Function ApplyTintAndShade(hc As HSL, TintAndShade As Double) As HSL
If TintAndShade > 0 Then
hc.L = hc.L + (1 - hc.L) * TintAndShade
hc.L = hc.L + hc.L * TintAndShade
End If
ApplyTintAndShade = hc
End Function
Sub CreateShape(slide As slide, xIndex As Integer, yIndex As Integer, color As Long)
Dim newShape As Shape
Dim xStart As Integer, yStart As Integer
Dim xOffset As Integer, yOffset As Integer
Dim xSize As Integer, ySize As Integer
xStart = 100
yStart = 100
xOffset = 30
yOffset = 30
xSize = 25
ySize = 25
Set newShape = slide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, xStart + xOffset * xIndex, yStart + yOffset * yIndex, xSize, ySize)
newShape.Fill.BackColor.RGB = color
newShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = color
newShape.Line.ForeColor.RGB = 0
newShape.Line.BackColor.RGB = 0
End Sub
' From RGB to HSL
Function RGBtoHSL(ByVal RGB As Long) As HSL
Dim R As Double ' Range 0 - 1
Dim G As Double ' Range 0 - 1
Dim B As Double ' Range 0 - 1
Dim RGB_Max As Double
Dim RGB_Min As Double
Dim RGB_Diff As Double
Dim HexString As String
HexString = Right$(String$(7, "0") & Hex$(RGB), 8)
R = CDbl("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 7, 2)) / 255
G = CDbl("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 5, 2)) / 255
B = CDbl("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 3, 2)) / 255
RGB_Max = R
If G > RGB_Max Then RGB_Max = G
If B > RGB_Max Then RGB_Max = B
RGB_Min = R
If G < RGB_Min Then RGB_Min = G
If B < RGB_Min Then RGB_Min = B
RGB_Diff = RGB_Max - RGB_Min
.L = (RGB_Max + RGB_Min) / 2
If RGB_Diff = 0 Then
.S = 0
.h = 0
Select Case RGB_Max
Case R: .h = (1 / 6) * (G - B) / RGB_Diff - (B > G)
Case G: .h = (1 / 6) * (B - R) / RGB_Diff + (1 / 3)
Case B: .h = (1 / 6) * (R - G) / RGB_Diff + (2 / 3)
End Select
Select Case .L
Case Is < 0.5: .S = RGB_Diff / (2 * .L)
Case Else: .S = RGB_Diff / (2 - (2 * .L))
End Select
End If
End With
End Function
' .. and back again
Function HSLtoRGB(ByRef HSL As HSL) As Long
Dim R As Double
Dim G As Double
Dim B As Double
Dim X As Double
Dim Y As Double
With HSL
If .S = 0 Then
R = .L
G = .L
B = .L
Select Case .L
Case Is < 0.5: X = .L * (1 + .S)
Case Else: X = .L + .S - (.L * .S)
End Select
Y = 2 * .L - X
R = H2C(X, Y, IIf(.h > 2 / 3, .h - 2 / 3, .h + 1 / 3))
G = H2C(X, Y, .h)
B = H2C(X, Y, IIf(.h < 1 / 3, .h + 2 / 3, .h - 1 / 3))
End If
End With
HSLtoRGB = CLng("&H00" & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(B * 255)), 2) & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(G * 255)), 2) & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(R * 255)), 2))
End Function
Function H2C(X As Double, Y As Double, hc As Double) As Double
Select Case hc
Case Is < 1 / 6: H2C = Y + ((X - Y) * 6 * hc)
Case Is < 1 / 2: H2C = X
Case Is < 2 / 3: H2C = Y + ((X - Y) * ((2 / 3) - hc) * 6)
Case Else: H2C = Y
End Select
End Function
Office 2010 的调色板可能与 2013 不同。
”这些差异并不是由于新的颜色主题造成的。颜色主题仅更改基色。这是关于根据基色计算不同的变化。您可以像 Floris 那样在 RGB 色彩空间中做到这一点,在许多情况下都能获得相当好的结果,但绝对不是全部。或者,您可以使用 HSL 颜色空间进行计算,如本答案所示,与 Office 的计算相比,这将完美复制变化颜色。这在 Office 2010 和 2013 中都是一样的(我猜 2007 年也是如此,但我还没有机会尝试)。“
如果您使用 VBA for Excel,您可以记录您的击键。选择另一种颜色(从主题下方)显示:
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight2
.TintAndShade = 0.599993896298105
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
该.TintAndShade因子修改定义的颜色。主题中的不同颜色使用不同的值.TintAndShade- 有时数字是负数(使浅色变暗)。
不完整的表格.TintAndShade(对于我碰巧在 Excel 中拥有的主题,前两种颜色):
0.00 0.00
-0.05 0.50
-0.15 0.35
-0.25 0.25
-0.35 0.15
-0.50 0.05
编辑一些“或多或少”进行转换的代码 - 您需要确保您的 中具有正确的值shades
更新为纯 PowerPoint 代码,输出显示在最后
Option Explicit
Sub calcColor()
Dim ii As Integer, jj As Integer
Dim pres As Presentation
Dim thm As OfficeTheme
Dim themeColor As themeColor
Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme
Dim shade
Dim shades(12) As Variant
Dim c, c2 As Long
Dim newShape As Shape
Set pres = ActivePresentation
Set schemeColors = pres.Designs(1).SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme
shades(0) = Array(0, -0.05, -0.15, -0.25, -0.35, -0.5)
shades(1) = Array(0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5)
shades(2) = Array(-0.1, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75, -0.9)
For ii = 3 To 11
shades(ii) = Array(-0.8, -0.6, -0.4, 0.25, 0.5)
For ii = 0 To 11
c = schemeColors(ii + 1).RGB
For jj = 0 To 4
c2 = fadeRGB(c, shades(ii)(jj))
Set newShape = pres.Slides(1).Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 200 + 30 * ii, 200 + 30 * jj, 25, 25)
newShape.Fill.BackColor.RGB = c2
newShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = c2
newShape.Line.ForeColor.RGB = 0
newShape.Line.BackColor.RGB = 0
Next jj
Next ii
End Sub
Function fadeRGB(ByVal c, s) As Long
Dim r, ii
r = toRGB(c)
For ii = 0 To 2
If s < 0 Then
r(ii) = Int((r(ii) - 255) * s + r(ii))
r(ii) = Int(r(ii) * (1 - s))
End If
Next ii
fadeRGB = r(0) + 256& * (r(1) + 256& * r(2))
End Function
Function toRGB(c)
Dim retval(3), ii
For ii = 0 To 2
retval(ii) = c Mod 256
c = (c - retval(ii)) / 256
toRGB = retval
End Function
using PowerPoint = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint;
using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;
public class ColorCalculator
public void CalcColor()
PowerPoint.Presentation pres = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation;
Office.ThemeColorScheme schemeColors = pres.Designs[1].SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme;
List<double[]> shades = new List<double[]>();
shades.Add(new double[] { 0, -0.05, -0.15, -0.25, -0.35, -0.5 });
shades.Add(new double[] { 0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5 });
shades.Add(new double[] { -0.1, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75, -0.9, 0 });
for (int ii = 3; ii < 12; ii++)
shades.Add(new double[] { -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, 0.25, 0.5 });
for (int ii = 0; ii < 12; ii++)
int c = schemeColors.Colors((Office.MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex)(ii+1)).RGB;
for (int jj = 0; jj < 5; jj++)
int c2 = FadeRGB(c, shades[ii][jj]);
PPt.Shape newShape = pres.Slides[1].Shapes.AddShape(Office.MsoAutoShapeType.msoShapeRectangle, 200 + 30 * ii, 200 + 30 * jj, 25, 25);
PPt.FillFormat fill = newShape.Fill;
PPt.LineFormat line = newShape.Line;
fill.BackColor.RGB = c2;
fill.ForeColor.RGB = c2;
line.ForeColor.RGB = 0;
line.BackColor.RGB = 0;
private int FadeRGB(int c, double s)
int[] r = ToRGB(c);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
if (s < 0)
r[ii] = (int)((r[ii] - 255) * s + r[ii]);
r[ii] = (int)(r[ii] * (1 - s));
return r[0] + 256 * (r[1] + 256 * r[2]);
private int[] ToRGB(int c)
int[] retval = new int[3];
for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
retval[ii] = c % 256;
c = (c - retval[ii]) / 256;
return retval;
- 引入 Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint 和 Microsoft.Office.Core 命名空间。
- 创建一个名为 ColorCalculator 的类,用于计算颜色。
- 在 CalcColor 方法中,获取当前活动演示文稿和颜色方案。
- 创建一个二维数组 shades 存储颜色的渐变值。
- 使用嵌套的 for 循环遍历颜色和渐变值,并在幻灯片上添加矩形形状。
- 获取新形状的填充和线条,并设置背景色、前景色、线条颜色和背景线条颜色。
- 在 FadeRGB 方法中,将颜色值进行渐变计算。
- 在 ToRGB 方法中,将颜色值转换为 RGB 数组。
我已经用计算更新了我的答案(涉及一些猜测,但结果对我来说看起来很有说服力)。函数toRGB将 转换long为三个字节的数组;fadeRGB获取颜色和“褪色系数”,并相应地修改颜色。
基于上述具有 HSL 值的解决方案,在此处添加可在 Excel 中运行的演示。与上面列出的 HSL 解决方案结合使用。
Sub DemoExcelThemecolorsHSL()
Dim rng As Range
Dim n As Integer, m As Integer
Dim arrNames
Dim arrDescriptions
Dim arrValues
Dim schemeColors As ThemeColorScheme
Dim dblTintShade As Double
Dim lngColorRGB As Long, lngColorRGBshaded As Long
Dim ColorHSL As HSL, ColorHSLshaded As HSL
Set schemeColors = ActiveWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme
arrNames = Array("xlThemeColorDark1", "xlThemeColorLight1", "xlThemeColorDark2", "xlThemeColorLight2", "xlThemeColorAccent1", "xlThemeColorAccent2", _
"xlThemeColorAccent3", "xlThemeColorAccent4", "xlThemeColorAccent5", "xlThemeColorAccent6", "xlThemeColorHyperlink", "xlThemeColorFollowedHyperlink")
arrDescriptions = Array("Dark1", "Light1", "Dark2", "Light2", "Accent1", "Accent2", "Accent3", "Accent4", "Accent5", "Accent6", "Hyperlink", "Followed hyperlink")
arrValues = Array(2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
' New sheet, title row
Set rng = Cells(1, 2)
rng(1, 1).Value2 = "ThemeColor Name"
rng(1, 2).Value2 = "Value"
rng(1, 3).Value2 = "Description"
rng(1, 4).Value2 = "TintAndShade"
rng.Resize(1, 4).Font.Bold = True
Set rng = rng(3, 1)
' color matrix
For n = 0 To 11
rng(n * 2, 1).Value = arrNames(n)
rng(n * 2, 2).Value = arrValues(n)
rng(n * 2, 3).Value = arrDescriptions(n)
lngColorRGB = schemeColors(n + 1).RGB
For m = 0 To 5
ColorHSL = RGBtoHSL(lngColorRGB)
dblTintShade = SelectTintOrShade(ColorHSL, m)
ColorHSLshaded = ApplyTintAndShade(ColorHSL, dblTintShade)
lngColorRGBshaded = HSLtoRGB(ColorHSLshaded)
With rng(n * 2, m + 4)
.Value = dblTintShade
If ColorHSLshaded.L < 0.5 Then .Font.ColorIndex = 2
' fixed color, not changing when a new Color scheme is being selected
.Interior.color = lngColorRGBshaded
' cell color dependent on selected color palette
.Offset(1, 0).Interior.ThemeColor = arrValues(n)
.Offset(1, 0).Interior.TintAndShade = dblTintShade
End With
Next m
Next n
rng.Resize(1, 3).EntireColumn.AutoFit
End Sub
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