import copy
from itertools import product
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
import numpy as np
import sys
# 复合块的最小填充率
# 可行放置矩形与相应复合块顶部面积比的最小值
# 复合块最大复杂度
# 搜索树深度
# 搜索树节点分支数
# 临时的最优放置方案
tmp_best_ps = None
# 栈数据结构,用于存储剩余空间
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.data = []
def empty(self):
return len(self.data) == 0
def not_empty(self):
return len(self.data) > 0
def pop(self):
return self.data.pop() if len(self.data) > 0 else None
def push(self, *items):
for item in items:
def top(self):
return self.data[len(self.data) - 1] if len(self.data) > 0 else None
def clear(self):
def size(self):
return len(self.data)
# 箱子类
class Box:
def __init__(self, lx, ly, lz, type=0, weight=0.0):
# 长
self.lx = lx
# 宽
self.ly = ly
# 高
self.lz = lz
# 类型
self.type = type
# 重
self.weight = weight
def __str__(self):
return "lx: {}, ly: {}, lz: {}, type: {}, weight: {}".format(self.lx, self.ly, self.lz, self.type, self.weight)
# 剩余空间类
class Space:
def __init__(self, x, y, z, lx, ly, lz, origin=None):
# 坐标
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
# 长
self.lx = lx
# 宽
self.ly = ly
# 高
self.lz = lz
# 表示从哪个剩余空间切割而来
self.origin = origin
def __str__(self):
return "x:{},y:{},z:{},lx:{},ly:{},lz:{}".format(self.x, self.y, self.z, self.lx, self.ly, self.lz)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z and self.lx == other.lx and self.ly == other.ly and self.lz == other.lz
# 装箱问题类
class Problem:
def __init__(self, container: Space, box_list=[], num_list=[], weight_limit=sys.maxsize):
# 容器
self.container = container
# 箱子列表
self.box_list = box_list
# 箱子对应的数量
self.num_list = num_list
# 限重
self.weight_limit = weight_limit
# 块类
class Block:
def __init__(self, lx, ly, lz, require_list=[], children=[], direction=None, weight=0.0):
# 长
self.lx = lx
# 宽
self.ly = ly
# 高
self.lz = lz
# 需要的物品数量
self.require_list = require_list
# 体积
self.volume = 0
# 子块列表,简单块的子块列表为空
self.children = children
# 复合块子块的合并方向
self.direction = direction
# 需要的物品重量
self.weight = weight
# 顶部可放置矩形尺寸
self.ax = 0
self.ay = 0
# 复杂度,复合次数
self.times = 0
# 适应度,块选择时使用
self.fitness = 0
def __str__(self):
return "lx: %s, ly: %s, lz: %s, volume: %s, ax: %s, ay: %s, times:%s, fitness: %s, require: %s, children: " \
"%s, direction: %s" % (self.lx, self.ly, self.lz, self.volume, self.ax, self.ay, self.times, self.fitness, self.require_list, self.children, self.direction)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.lx == other.lx and self.ly == other.ly and self.lz == other.lz and self.ax == other.ax and self.ay == self.ay and (np.array(self.require_list) == np.array(other.require_list)).all()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(",".join([str(self.lx), str(self.ly), str(self.lz), str(self.ax), str(self.ay), ",".join([str(r) for r in self.require_list])]))
# 放置类
class Place:
def __init__(self, space: Space, block: Block):
# 空间
self.space = space
# 块
self.block = block
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.space == other.space and self.block == other.block
# 装箱状态类
class PackingState:
def __init__(self, plan_list=[], space_stack: Stack = Stack(), avail_list=[], weight=0.0):
# 已生成的装箱方案列表
self.plan_list = plan_list
# 剩余空间堆栈
self.space_stack = space_stack
# 剩余可用箱体数量
self.avail_list = avail_list
# 当前排样重量
self.weight = weight
# 已装载物品总体积
self.volume = 0
# 最终装载物品的总体积的评估值
self.volume_complete = 0
# 合并块时通用校验项目
def combine_common_check(combine: Block, container: Space, num_list, max_weight=sys.maxsize):
# 合共块尺寸不得大于容器尺寸
if combine.lx > container.lx:
return False
if combine.ly > container.ly:
return False
if combine.lz > container.lz:
return False
# 合共块需要的箱子数量不得大于箱子总的数量
if (np.array(combine.require_list) > np.array(num_list)).any():
return False
# 合并块的填充体积不得小于最小填充率
if combine.volume / (combine.lx * combine.ly * combine.lz) < MIN_FILL_RATE:
return False
# 合并块的顶部可放置矩形必须足够大
if (combine.ax * combine.ay) / (combine.lx * combine.ly) < MIN_AREA_RATE:
return False
# 合并块的复杂度不得超过最大复杂度
if combine.times > MAX_TIMES:
return False
# 合并块的重量不得超过最大重量
if combine.weight > max_weight:
return False
return True
# 合并块时通用合并项目
def combine_common(a: Block, b: Block, combine: Block):
# 合并块的需求箱子数量
combine.require_list = (np.array(a.require_list) + np.array(b.require_list)).tolist()
# 合并填充体积
combine.volume = a.volume + b.volume
# 构建父子关系
combine.children = [a, b]
# 合并后的复杂度
combine.times = max(a.times, b.times) + 1
# 重量相加
combine.weight = a.weight + b.weight
# 生成简单块
def gen_simple_block(container, box_list, num_list, max_weight=sys.maxsize):
block_table = []
for box in box_list:
for nx in np.arange(num_list[box.type]) + 1:
for ny in np.arange(num_list[box.type] / nx) + 1:
for nz in np.arange(num_list[box.type] / nx / ny) + 1:
if box.lx * nx <= container.lx and box.ly * ny <= container.ly and box.lz * nz <= container.lz and \
int(nx) * int(ny) * int(nz) * box.weight <= max_weight:
# 该简单块需要的立体箱子数量
requires = np.full_like(num_list, 0)
requires[box.type] = nx * ny * nz
# 简单块
block = Block(box.lx * nx, box.ly * ny, box.lz * nz, requires)
# 顶部可放置矩形
block.ax = box.lx * nx
block.ay = box.ly * ny
# 简单块填充体积
block.volume = box.lx * nx * box.ly * ny * box.lz * nz
# 简单块重量
block.weight = int(nx) * int(ny) * int(nz) * box.weight
# 简单块复杂度
block.times = 0
return sorted(block_table, key=lambda x: x.volume, reverse=True)
# 生成复合块
def gen_complex_block(container, box_list, num_list, max_weight=sys.maxsize):
# 先生成简单块
block_table = gen_simple_block(container, box_list, num_list, max_weight)
for times in range(MAX_TIMES):
new_block_table = []
# 循环所有简单块,两两配对
for i in np.arange(0, len(block_table)):
# 第一个简单块
a = block_table[i]
for j in np.arange(0, len(block_table)):
# 简单块不跟自己复合
if j == i:
# 第二个简单块
b = block_table[j]
# 复杂度满足当前复杂度
if a.times == times or b.times == times:
c = Block(0, 0, 0)
# 按x轴方向复合
if a.ax == a.lx and b.ax == b.lx and a.lz == b.lz:
c.direction = "x"
c.ax = a.ax + b.ax
c.ay = min(a.ay, b.ay)
c.lx = a.lx + b.lx
c.ly = max(a.ly, b.ly)
c.lz = a.lz
combine_common(a, b, c)
if combine_common_check(c, container, num_list, max_weight):
# 按y轴方向复合
if a.ay == a.ly and b.ay == b.ly and a.lz == b.lz:
c.direction = "y"
c.ax = min(a.ax, b.ax)
c.ay = a.ay + b.ay
c.lx = max(a.lx, b.lx)
c.ly = a.ly + b.ly
c.lz = a.lz
combine_common(a, b, c)
if combine_common_check(c, container, num_list, max_weight):
# 按z轴方向复合
if a.ax >= b.lx and a.ay >= b.ly:
c.direction = "z"
c.ax = b.ax
c.ay = b.ay
c.lx = a.lx
c.ly = a.ly
c.lz = a.lz + b.lz
combine_common(a, b, c)
if combine_common_check(c, container, num_list, max_weight):
# 加入新生成的复合块
block_table = block_table + new_block_table
# 去重,拥有相同三边长度、物品需求和顶部可放置矩形的复合块被视为等价块,重复生成的等价块将被忽略
block_table = list(set(block_table))
# 按填充体积对复合块进行排序
return sorted(block_table, key=lambda x: x.volume, reverse=True)
# 生成可行块列表
def gen_block_list(space: Space, avail, block_table, avail_weight=sys.maxsize):
block_list = []
for block in block_table:
# 块中需要的箱子需求数量必须小于当前待装箱的箱子数量
# 块的尺寸必须小于放置空间尺寸
# 块的重量必须小于可放置重量
if (np.array(block.require_list) <= np.array(avail)).all() and block.lx <= space.lx and block.ly <= space.ly \
and block.lz <= space.lz and block.weight <= avail_weight:
return block_list
# 裁切出新的剩余空间(有稳定性约束)
def gen_residual_space(space: Space, block: Block, box_list=[]):
# 三个维度的剩余尺寸
rmx = space.lx - block.lx
rmy = space.ly - block.ly
rmz = space.lz - block.lz
# 三个新裁切出的剩余空间(按入栈顺序依次返回)
if rmx >= rmy:
# 可转移空间归属于x轴切割空间
drs_x = Space(space.x + block.lx, space.y, space.z, rmx, space.ly, space.lz, space)
drs_y = Space(space.x, space.y + block.ly, space.z, block.lx, rmy, space.lz, space)
drs_z = Space(space.x, space.y, space.z + block.lz, block.ax, block.ay, rmz, None)
return drs_z, drs_y, drs_x
# 可转移空间归属于y轴切割空间
drs_x = Space(space.x + block.lx, space.y, space.z, rmx, block.ly, space.lz, space)
drs_y = Space(space.x, space.y + block.ly, space.z, space.lx, rmy, space.lz, space)
drs_z = Space(space.x, space.y, space.z + block.lz, block.ax, block.ay, rmz, None)
return drs_z, drs_x, drs_y
# 空间转移
def transfer_space(space: Space, space_stack: Stack):
# 仅剩一个空间的话,直接弹出
if space_stack.size() <= 1:
return None
# 待转移空间的原始空间
discard = space
# 目标空间
target = space_stack.top()
# 将可转移的空间转移给目标空间
if discard.origin is not None and target.origin is not None and discard.origin == target.origin:
new_target = copy.deepcopy(target)
# 可转移空间原先归属于y轴切割空间的情况
if discard.lx == discard.origin.lx:
new_target.ly = discard.origin.ly
# 可转移空间原来归属于x轴切割空间的情况
elif discard.ly == discard.origin.ly:
new_target.lx = discard.origin.lx
return None
# 返回未发生转移之前的目标空间
return target
return None
# 还原空间转移
def transfer_space_back(space: Space, space_stack: Stack, revert_space: Space):
# 块放置算法
def place_block(ps: PackingState, block: Block):
# 栈顶剩余空间
space = ps.space_stack.pop()
# 更新可用箱体数目
ps.avail_list = (np.array(ps.avail_list) - np.array(block.require_list)).tolist()
# 更新放置计划
place = Place(space, block)
# 更新体积利用率
ps.volume = ps.volume + block.volume
# 更新排样重量
ps.weight += block.weight
# 压入新的剩余空间
cuboid1, cuboid2, cuboid3 = gen_residual_space(space, block)
ps.space_stack.push(cuboid1, cuboid2, cuboid3)
# 返回临时生成的放置
return place
# 块移除算法
def remove_block(ps: PackingState, block: Block, place: Place, space: Space):
# 还原可用箱体数目
ps.avail_list = (np.array(ps.avail_list) + np.array(block.require_list)).tolist()
# 还原排样计划
# 还原体积利用率
ps.volume = ps.volume - block.volume
# 还原排样重量
ps.weight -= block.weight
# 移除在此之前裁切出的新空间
for _ in range(3):
# 还原之前的空间
# 补全放置方案
def complete(ps: PackingState, block_table, max_weight=sys.maxsize):
# 不对当前的放置状态进行修改
tmp = copy.deepcopy(ps)
while tmp.space_stack.not_empty():
# 栈顶空间
space = tmp.space_stack.top()
# 可用块列表
block_list = gen_block_list(space, ps.avail_list, block_table, max_weight - ps.weight)
if len(block_list) > 0:
# 放置块
place_block(tmp, block_list[0])
# 空间转移
transfer_space(space, tmp.space_stack)
# 补全后的使用体积
ps.volume_complete = tmp.volume
# 带深度限制的深度优先搜索算法
def depth_first_search(ps: PackingState, depth, branch, block_table, max_weight=sys.maxsize):
global tmp_best_ps
if depth != 0:
space = ps.space_stack.top()
block_list = gen_block_list(space, ps.avail_list, block_table, max_weight - ps.weight)
if len(block_list) > 0:
# 遍历所有分支
for i in range(min(branch, len(block_list))):
# 放置块
place = place_block(ps, block_list[i])
# 放置下一个块
depth_first_search(ps, depth - 1, branch, block_table, max_weight)
# 移除刚才添加的块
remove_block(ps, block_list[i], place, space)
# 转移空间
old_target = transfer_space(space, ps.space_stack)
if old_target:
# 放置下一个块
depth_first_search(ps, depth, branch, block_table, max_weight)
# 还原转移空间
transfer_space_back(space, ps.space_stack, old_target)
# 补全该方案
complete(ps, block_table, max_weight)
# 更新最优解
if ps.volume_complete > tmp_best_ps.volume_complete:
tmp_best_ps = copy.deepcopy(ps)
# 评价某个块
def estimate(ps: PackingState, block_table, search_params, max_weight=sys.maxsize):
# 空的放置方案
global tmp_best_ps
# tmp_best_ps = PackingState()
tmp_best_ps = PackingState([], Stack(), [])
# 开始深度优先搜索
depth_first_search(ps, MAX_DEPTH, MAX_BRANCH, block_table, max_weight)
return tmp_best_ps.volume_complete
# 查找下一个可行块
def find_next_block(ps: PackingState, block_list, block_table, search_params, max_weight=sys.maxsize):
# 最优适应度
best_fitness = 0
# 初始化最优块为第一个块(填充体积最大的块)
best_block = block_list[0]
# 遍历所有可行块
for block in block_list:
# 栈顶空间
space = ps.space_stack.top()
# 放置块
place = place_block(ps, block)
# 评价值
fitness = estimate(ps, block_table, search_params, max_weight)
# 移除刚才添加的块
remove_block(ps, block, place, space)
# 更新最优解
if fitness > best_fitness:
best_fitness = fitness
best_block = block
return best_block
# # 也可以采用贪心算法,直接返回填充体积最大的块
# return block_list[0]
# 递归构建箱体坐标,用于绘图
def build_box_position(block, init_pos, box_list):
# 遇到简单块时进行坐标计算
if len(block.children) <= 0 and block.times == 0:
# 箱体类型索引
box_idx = (np.array(block.require_list) > 0).tolist().index(True)
if box_idx > -1:
# 所需箱体
box = box_list[box_idx]
# 箱体的相对坐标
nx = block.lx / box.lx
ny = block.ly / box.ly
nz = block.lz / box.lz
x_list = (np.arange(0, nx) * box.lx).tolist()
y_list = (np.arange(0, ny) * box.ly).tolist()
z_list = (np.arange(0, nz) * box.lz).tolist()
# 箱体的绝对坐标
dimensions = (np.array([x for x in product(x_list, y_list, z_list)]) + np.array([init_pos[0], init_pos[1], init_pos[2]])).tolist()
return sorted([d + [box.lx, box.ly, box.lz] for d in dimensions], key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2]))
return []
pos = []
for child in block.children:
pos += build_box_position(child, (init_pos[0], init_pos[1], init_pos[2]), box_list)
# 根据子块的复合方向,确定下一个子块的左后下角坐标
if block.direction == "x":
init_pos = (init_pos[0] + child.lx, init_pos[1], init_pos[2])
elif block.direction == "y":
init_pos = (init_pos[0], init_pos[1] + child.ly, init_pos[2])
elif block.direction == "z":
init_pos = (init_pos[0], init_pos[1], init_pos[2] + child.lz)
return pos
# 绘制立方体边框
def plot_linear_cube(ax, x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, color='red', linestyle=None):
xx = [x, x, x+dx, x+dx, x]
yy = [y, y+dy, y+dy, y, y]
kwargs = {"alpha": 1, "color": color, "linewidth": 2.5, "zorder": 2}
if linestyle:
kwargs["linestyle"] = linestyle
ax.plot3D(xx, yy, [z]*5, **kwargs)
ax.plot3D(xx, yy, [z+dz]*5, **kwargs)
ax.plot3D([x, x], [y, y], [z, z+dz], **kwargs)
ax.plot3D([x, x], [y+dy, y+dy], [z, z+dz], **kwargs)
ax.plot3D([x+dx, x+dx], [y+dy, y+dy], [z, z+dz], **kwargs)
ax.plot3D([x+dx, x+dx], [y, y], [z, z+dz], **kwargs)
# 立方体
def cuboid_data2(o, size=(1, 1, 1)):
X = [[[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]],
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]],
[[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]],
[[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]],
[[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]],
[[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]]
X = np.array(X).astype(float)
for i in range(3):
X[:, :, i] *= size[i]
X += np.array(o)
return X
# 绘制立方体
def plotCubeAt2(positions, sizes=None, colors=None, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(colors, (list, np.ndarray)):
colors = ["C0"] * len(positions)
if not isinstance(sizes, (list, np.ndarray)):
sizes = [(1, 1, 1)] * len(positions)
g = []
for p, s, c in zip(positions, sizes, colors):
g.append(cuboid_data2(p, size=s))
return Poly3DCollection(np.concatenate(g), facecolors=np.repeat(colors, 6), **kwargs)
# 绘制排样结果
def draw_packing_result(problem: Problem, ps: PackingState):
# 绘制结果
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = mplot3d.Axes3D(fig, auto_add_to_figure=False)
# 绘制容器
plot_linear_cube(ax1, 0, 0, 0, problem.container.lx, problem.container.ly, problem.container.lz)
for p in ps.plan_list:
# 箱子位置及尺寸
box_pos = build_box_position(p.block, (p.space.x, p.space.y, p.space.z), problem.box_list)
positions = []
sizes = []
# 箱子颜色
colors = ["yellow"] * len(box_pos)
for bp in sorted(box_pos, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2])):
positions.append((bp[0], bp[1], bp[2]))
sizes.append((bp[3], bp[4], bp[5]))
pc = plotCubeAt2(positions, sizes, colors=colors, edgecolor="k")
# plt.savefig('3d_multilayer_search.png', dpi=800)
# 基本启发式算法
def basic_heuristic(is_complex, search_params, problem: Problem):
if is_complex:
# 生成复合块
block_table = gen_complex_block(problem.container, problem.box_list, problem.num_list, problem.weight_limit)
# 生成简单块
block_table = gen_simple_block(problem.container, problem.box_list, problem.num_list, problem.weight_limit)
# 初始化排样状态
ps = PackingState(avail_list=problem.num_list)
# 开始时,剩余空间堆栈中只有容器本身
# 所有剩余空间均转满,则停止
while ps.space_stack.size() > 0:
space = ps.space_stack.top()
block_list = gen_block_list(space, ps.avail_list, block_table, problem.weight_limit - ps.weight)
if block_list:
# 查找下一个近似最优块
block = find_next_block(ps, block_list, block_table, search_params, problem.weight_limit)
# 弹出顶部剩余空间
# 更新可用物品数量
ps.avail_list = (np.array(ps.avail_list) - np.array(block.require_list)).tolist()
# 更新排样计划
ps.plan_list.append(Place(space, block))
# 更新已利用体积
ps.volume = ps.volume + block.volume
# 更新排样重量
ps.weight += block.weight
# 压入新裁切的剩余空间
cuboid1, cuboid2, cuboid3 = gen_residual_space(space, block)
ps.space_stack.push(cuboid1, cuboid2, cuboid3)
# 转移剩余空间
transfer_space(space, ps.space_stack)
# 打印剩余箱体和已使用容器的体积
# 绘制排样结果图
draw_packing_result(problem, ps)
# 主算法
def main():
# 容器
container = Space(0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10)
# 箱体列表及数量
# 深度优先遍历算法效率较低,可以采用如下测试数据
box_list = [Box(1, 2, 3, 0, 13), Box(4, 5, 5, 1, 19), Box(1, 1, 1, 2, 33), Box(2, 2, 2, 3, 77), Box(4, 5, 2, 4, 46)]
num_list = [3, 4, 3, 2, 1]
# 贪心算法效率较高,可以采用如下测试数据
# box_list = [Box(1, 2, 3, 0, 13), Box(4, 5, 5, 1, 19), Box(1, 1, 1, 2, 33), Box(2, 2, 2, 3, 77), Box(4, 5, 2, 4, 46)]
# num_list = [11, 4, 5, 8, 6]
# 问题
# container: Space, box_list = [], num_list = [], weight_limit = sys.maxsize
problem = Problem(container, box_list, num_list, 120)
search_params = dict()
# 具体计算
basic_heuristic(True, search_params, problem)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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