python 面向对象(三)magic methods

magic methods就是双下划线方法

As a Python developer who wants to harness the power of object-oriented programming, you’ll love to learn how to customize your classes using special methods, also known as magic methods or dunder methods. A special method is a method whose name starts and ends with a double underscore. These methods have special meanings for Python.

再谈(reprise) 三种下划线

  1. 单下划线在前一般用于声明私有成员,比如 _private_var
  2. 单下划线在后一般用于命名已经被保留关键字占用的变量,比如 class_,type_
  3. 双下划线一般被用于 Python 内置的特殊方法或者属性,比如 name,file,有时候也被称之为魔方方法。

Table of Contents

参考Python's Magic Methods: Leverage Their Power in Your Classes

  • Getting to Know Python’s Magic or Special Methods
  • Controlling the Object Creation Process
  • Representing Objects as Strings
  • Supporting Operator Overloading in Custom Classes
  • Introspecting Your Objects
  • Controlling Attribute Access
  • Managing Attributes Through Descriptors
  • Supporting Iteration With Iterators and Iterables
  • Making Your Objects Callable
  • Implementing Custom Sequences and Mappings
  • Handling Setup and Teardown With Context Managers
  • Conclusion


  1. Python's Magic Methods: Leverage Their Power in Your Classes
  2. Python中的下划线和魔方方法
  3. What is the meaning of single and double underscore before an object name?
posted @ 2024-03-18 15:28  光辉233  阅读(1)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报