Eight digital problem
Abstract: in recent days, the artificial intelligence search words become areas of science and technology, whether from the point of man-machine war news, or the depth of the new proposed learning theory to the analysis, we can clearly foresee, artificial intelligence is about to take off.
Artificial intelligence, as the name implies, is to simulate human thinking mode of super algorithm system, learning ability and reasoning ability is the core content. A simple example, the "machine learning (MachineLearning)" is the field of artificial intelligence is a promising subject, its main content is to use big data training program, let them find some follow rules, and make bold prediction to the program itself. In the process of the search strategy is particularly critical. This paper mainly discusses the computer science and technology under the junior in professional course "artificial intelligence".
Keywords: artificial intelligence, search problems, heuristic search
3×3九宫棋盘,放置数码为1 -8的8个棋牌,剩下一个空格,只能通过棋牌向空格的移动来改变棋盘的布局。
启发中的估价是用估价函数表示的,如:f(n) = g(n) +h(n)其中f(n) 是节点n的估价函数,g(n)是在状态空间中从初始节点到n节点的实际代价,h(n)是从n到目标节点最佳路径的估计代价。 在此八数码问题中,显然g(n)就是从初始状态变换到当前状态所移动的步数,估计函数f(n)我们就可采用当前状态各个数字牌不在目标状态未知的个数,即错位数。
(1)3×3的一个矩阵,矩阵元素S ij∈{0,1,…,8};其中1≤i,j≤3,
(3)数字1 - 8指示相应棋牌。
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
n ——搜索图中的某个当前被扩展的节点;
f(n) ——从初始状态节点s, 经由节点n到达目标节点ng,估计的最小路径代价;
g(n) ——从s到n 的实际路径代价;
h(n)——从n到ng,估计的最小路径代价。 估价函数:f(n)=d(n)+w(n)
其中:d(n)为n的深度 w(n)为不在位的棋子数
A*算法,1 在GRAPHSEARCH过程中,如果第8步的重排OPEN表是依据f(n)=g(n)+h(n)进行的,则称该过程为A算法。在A算法中,如果对所有的n存在h(n)≤h*(n),则称h(n)为h*(n)的下界,它表示某种偏于保守的估计。采用h*(n)的下界h(n)为启发函数的A算法,称为A*算法。当h=0时,A*算法就变为有序搜索算法。
(1) g(n)是对g*(n)的估计,且g(n)>0;
(2) h(n)是h*(n)的下界,即对任意节点n均有0≤h(n)≤h*(n)则A算法称为A*算法
其中:d(n)为n的深度 w(n)为不在位的棋子数
在八数码难题中, 令估价函数
说明h值越大,启发功能越强, 搜索效率越高.特别地
搜索仅沿最佳路径进行, 效率最高.
无启发信息, 盲目搜索, 效率低.
是一般的A算法,效率高, 但不能保证找到最佳路径. 有时为求解难题取h(n)>h*(n), 以提高效率.
1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<cstdlib> 3 #include<ctime> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 class EightPuzzle 7 { 8 private: 9 int num[9]; 10 int malposition; 11 int depth; 12 int evaluation; 13 public: 14 EightPuzzle *parent; 15 EightPuzzle *leaf_last; 16 EightPuzzle *leaf_next; 17 public: 18 EightPuzzle(int *num_input); 19 void init(int *target); 20 void setNum(int num[]); 21 int *getNum(); 22 void getNum(int *num); 23 int getMalposition() 24 { 25 return this->malposition; 26 } 27 int getDepth() 28 { 29 return this->depth; 30 } 31 int getEvaluation() 32 { 33 return this->evaluation; 34 } 35 void print(); 36 bool solvable(int *target); 37 bool find_target(int *target); 38 EightPuzzle& operator=(EightPuzzle& eightPuzzle); 39 EightPuzzle& operator=(int other_num[9]); 40 bool operator==(EightPuzzle& eigthPuzzle); 41 bool operator==(int other_num[9]); 42 }; 43 44 EightPuzzle::EightPuzzle(int *num_input) 45 { 46 int ii; 47 for (ii = 0; ii<9; ii++) 48 { 49 num[ii] = num_input[ii]; 50 } 51 this->leaf_last = NULL; 52 this->leaf_next = NULL; 53 this->parent = NULL; 54 } 55 56 EightPuzzle& EightPuzzle::operator=(EightPuzzle& eightPuzzle) 57 { 58 int ii; 59 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 60 { 61 this->num[ii] = eightPuzzle.getNum()[ii]; 62 } 63 this->malposition = eightPuzzle.getMalposition(); 64 this->depth = eightPuzzle.getDepth() + 1; 65 this->evaluation = this->malposition + this->depth; 66 return *this; 67 } 68 EightPuzzle& EightPuzzle::operator=(int other_num[9]) 69 { 70 int ii; 71 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 72 { 73 num[ii] = other_num[ii]; 74 } 75 return *this; 76 } 77 bool EightPuzzle::operator==(EightPuzzle& eightPuzzle) 78 { 79 int match = 1; 80 int ii; 81 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 82 { 83 if (this->num[ii] != eightPuzzle.getNum()[ii]) 84 { 85 match = 0; 86 break; 87 } 88 } 89 if (match == 0) 90 return false; 91 else 92 return true; 93 } 94 bool EightPuzzle::operator==(int other_num[9]) 95 { 96 int match = 1; 97 int ii; 98 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 99 { 100 if (this->num[ii] != other_num[ii]) 101 { 102 match = 0; 103 break; 104 } 105 } 106 if (match == 0) 107 return false; 108 else 109 return true; 110 } 111 112 void EightPuzzle::init(int *target) 113 { 114 int ii; 115 int temp = 0; 116 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 117 { 118 if (num[ii] != target[ii]) 119 { 120 temp++; 121 } 122 } 123 this->malposition = temp; 124 if (this->parent == NULL) 125 { 126 this->depth = 0; 127 } 128 else 129 { 130 this->depth = this->parent->depth + 1; 131 } 132 this->evaluation = this->malposition + this->depth; 133 } 134 135 void EightPuzzle::setNum(int num[]) 136 { 137 int ii; 138 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 139 { 140 this->num[ii] = num[ii]; 141 } 142 } 143 144 int *EightPuzzle::getNum() 145 { 146 return this->num; 147 } 148 149 void EightPuzzle::getNum(int *num) 150 { 151 int ii; 152 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 153 { 154 num[ii] = this->num[ii]; 155 } 156 } 157 158 bool EightPuzzle::solvable(int *target) 159 { 160 int ii, ij; 161 int count_num=0, count_target=0; 162 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 163 { 164 for (ij = 0; ij < ii; ij++) 165 { 166 if ((this->num[ij] < this->num[ii]) && (this->num[ij] != 0)) 167 { 168 count_num++; 169 } 170 if (target[ij] < target[ii] && target[ij] != 0) 171 { 172 count_target++; 173 } 174 } 175 } 176 if ((count_num + count_target) % 2 == 0) 177 { 178 return true; 179 } 180 else 181 { 182 return false; 183 } 184 } 185 186 bool EightPuzzle::find_target(int *target) 187 { 188 int ii; 189 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 190 { 191 if (this->num[ii] != target[ii]) 192 { 193 break; 194 } 195 } 196 if (ii == 9) 197 { 198 return true; 199 } 200 else 201 { 202 return false; 203 } 204 } 205 206 bool move_up(int *num) 207 { 208 int ii; 209 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 210 { 211 if (num[ii] == 0) 212 { 213 break; 214 } 215 } 216 if (ii < 3) 217 { 218 return false; 219 } 220 else 221 { 222 num[ii] = num[ii - 3]; 223 num[ii - 3] = 0; 224 } 225 return true; 226 } 227 228 bool move_down(int *num) 229 { 230 int ii; 231 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 232 { 233 if (num[ii] == 0) 234 { 235 break; 236 } 237 } 238 if (ii > 5) 239 { 240 return 0; 241 } 242 else 243 { 244 num[ii] = num[ii + 3]; 245 num[ii + 3] = 0; 246 } 247 return true; 248 } 249 250 bool move_left(int *num) 251 { 252 int ii; 253 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 254 { 255 if (num[ii] == 0) 256 { 257 break; 258 } 259 } 260 if (ii == 0 || ii == 3 || ii == 6) 261 { 262 return false; 263 } 264 else 265 { 266 num[ii] = num[ii - 1]; 267 num[ii - 1] = 0; 268 } 269 return true; 270 } 271 272 bool move_right(int *num) 273 { 274 int ii; 275 for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) 276 { 277 if (num[ii] == 0) 278 { 279 break; 280 } 281 } 282 if (ii == 2 || ii == 5 || ii == 8) 283 { 284 return false; 285 } 286 else 287 { 288 num[ii] = num[ii + 1]; 289 num[ii + 1] = 0; 290 } 291 return true; 292 } 293 294 void EightPuzzle::print() 295 { 296 int ii; 297 for (ii = 0; ii<9; ii++) 298 { 299 if ((ii + 1) % 3 != 0) 300 { 301 cout << num[ii] << ","; 302 } 303 else 304 { 305 cout << num[ii] << endl; 306 } 307 } 308 } 309 310 bool existed(int *num, EightPuzzle *start) 311 { 312 EightPuzzle *temp; 313 for (temp = start; temp != NULL; temp = temp->parent) 314 { 315 if (*temp == num) 316 { 317 return true; 318 } 319 } 320 return false; 321 } 322 323 EightPuzzle *best_route(EightPuzzle *start,EightPuzzle *target) 324 { 325 EightPuzzle *temp, *best; 326 temp = best = start; 327 start->init(target->getNum()); 328 int min = start->getEvaluation(); 329 for (temp = start; temp != NULL; temp = temp->leaf_next) 330 { 331 if (min > temp->getEvaluation()) 332 { 333 best = temp; 334 min = temp->getEvaluation(); 335 } 336 } 337 return best; 338 } 339 340 void print_route(EightPuzzle *best,int list_length) 341 { 342 int step = 0; 343 EightPuzzle *temp; 344 for (temp = best->parent; temp != NULL; temp = temp->parent) 345 { 346 cout << endl; 347 temp->print(); 348 step++; 349 } 350 cout << endl << "The total steps is " << step << "." << endl; 351 cout << endl << "The memory cost is " << list_length << "." << endl; 352 return; 353 } 354 355 void proceeding(EightPuzzle &start, EightPuzzle &target) 356 { 357 if (!start.solvable(target.getNum())) 358 { 359 cout <<endl<< "The serious number you input can't be solvable!" << endl; 360 return; 361 } 362 EightPuzzle *best = &start; 363 EightPuzzle *list = &start; 364 EightPuzzle *apply,*temp; 365 int num[9],list_length=0; 366 while (best != NULL) 367 { 368 best = best_route(list,&target); 369 if (best->find_target(target.getNum())) 370 { 371 print_route(best,list_length); 372 return; 373 } 374 temp = best->leaf_last; 375 best->getNum(num); 376 if (move_up(num) && !existed(num, best)) 377 { 378 apply = new EightPuzzle(num); 379 apply->parent = best; 380 apply->init(target.getNum()); 381 apply->leaf_last = temp; 382 if (temp == NULL) 383 { 384 list = apply; 385 } 386 else 387 { 388 temp->leaf_next = apply; 389 } 390 temp = apply; 391 list_length++; 392 } 393 best->getNum(num); 394 if (move_down(num) && !existed(num, best)) 395 { 396 apply = new EightPuzzle(num); 397 apply->parent = best; 398 apply->init(target.getNum()); 399 apply->leaf_last = temp; 400 if (temp == NULL) 401 { 402 list = apply; 403 } 404 else 405 { 406 temp->leaf_next = apply; 407 } 408 temp = apply; 409 list_length++; 410 } 411 best->getNum(num); 412 if (move_left(num) && !existed(num, best)) 413 { 414 apply = new EightPuzzle(num); 415 apply->parent = best; 416 apply->init(target.getNum()); 417 apply->leaf_last = temp; 418 if (temp == NULL) 419 { 420 list = apply; 421 } 422 else 423 { 424 temp->leaf_next = apply; 425 } 426 temp = apply; 427 list_length++; 428 } 429 best->getNum(num); 430 if (move_right(num) && !existed(num, best)) 431 { 432 apply = new EightPuzzle(num); 433 apply->parent = best; 434 apply->init(target.getNum()); 435 apply->leaf_last = temp; 436 if (temp == NULL) 437 { 438 list = apply; 439 } 440 else 441 { 442 temp->leaf_next = apply; 443 } 444 temp = apply; 445 list_length++; 446 } 447 temp->leaf_next = best->leaf_next; 448 if (best->leaf_next != NULL) 449 { 450 best->leaf_next->leaf_last = temp; 451 } 452 best->leaf_next = best->leaf_last = NULL; 453 } 454 } 455 456 void input(int num_init[]) 457 { 458 int ii, ij; 459 cout << "Please input the initial state of the eight puzzle:" << endl; 460 cout << "(0 for the blank)" << endl << endl; 461 for (ii = 0; ii<9; ii++) 462 { 463 cin >> num_init[ii]; 464 if (num_init[ii]<0 || num_init[ii]>8) 465 { 466 cout << "Wrong number! Please input again:(0-8)" << endl; 467 ii--; 468 } 469 for (ij = 0; ij<ii; ij++) 470 { 471 if (num_init[ii] == num_init[ij]) 472 { 473 cout << "The number you inputed is duplicated! Try again:" << endl; 474 ii--; 475 } 476 } 477 } 478 } 479 480 int main(int argc, char **argv) 481 { 482 double time; 483 clock_t START, FINISH; 484 int num_init[9]; 485 input(num_init); 486 EightPuzzle *start = new EightPuzzle(num_init); 487 int num_target[9] = { 1,2,3,8,0,4,7,6,5 }; 488 EightPuzzle *target = new EightPuzzle(num_target); 489 cout << "The initial serial number is:" << endl; 490 start->print(); 491 cout << "The target serial number is:" << endl; 492 target->print(); 493 START = clock(); 494 proceeding(*start, *target); 495 FINISH = clock(); 496 time = (double)(FINISH - START) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; 497 cout << endl << "The total time cost to solve the puzzle is: "; 498 cout<< time <<" millisecond."<< endl << endl; 499 system("pause"); 500 return 0; 501 } 502 503 //216408753->18steps
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