三星的Knox Warranty Bit原理


这个值的状态是烧录在主板上,无法刷写修改, 从0到1 不可逆,除非替换硬件

If a non-Knox boot loader or kernel has been installed on the device, Knox can no longer guarantee the security of the Knox container. As a result, the Warranty Bit will be burned to 0X1, indicating that this device can no longer use the Knox container service.

If the Knox bit has been burned:

A new Knox container can no longer be created on such a device
The data encrypted and stored in an existing Knox container can no longer be retrieved

进入刷机模式以后, Knox WARRANTY VOID: 0x01.表时Knox安全套件已经失效,那么ro.boot.warranty_bit=1,三星大多数app会根据这个值来决定,你有没有权限继续使用三星官方应用。


posted @ 2017-07-27 10:15  神一样得男人  阅读(1856)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报