create table IF NOT EXISTS `student`( `id` INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(32), `age` int , `score` double(4,1), `birthday` date, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8;
INSERT INTO study.student VALUES(1001,'王五',23,89,'1992-1-30');
UPDATE `student` SET `student`.`name`='飘雪' WHERE `student`.id=1001;
DELETE FROM `student` WHERE `id`=1004;
SELECT * FROM `student`;
-- DQL语句(查询) -- 基础查询 select * from student; -- 计算列 -- ifnull select id,name,ifnull(score,0) from student; -- 别名 select id as '学号',name as '姓名',ifnull(score,0) as '分数' from student; -- 条件 -- null不会参与运算 select * from student where id = 6; select * from student where score <> 60; -- 分数在60以上,90以下的学生 select * from student where score between 60 and 90; -- [60,90] -- 查询年龄是18或者22的学生 select * from student where age in(18, 22); -- 查询姓名以J开头的学生 select * from student where name like '%j%';-- jack jackson ... -- 查询出没有成绩的学生信息 select * from student where score is null; select * from student where score is not null; -- 逻辑运算 -- and or not -- 查询出年龄大于19,成绩大于80的学生 select * from student where age > 19 and score > 80; -- 查询出年龄大于19或者成绩大于80的学生 select * from student where age > 19 or score > 80; -- 查询出姓名中不包含j的学生 select * from student where name not like '%j%'; -- 排序 select * from student order by score desc; -- 查询出成绩大于等于60的学生的姓名,并按照成绩降序排序 select * from student where score >= 60 order by score desc, age desc; -- 聚合函数(最好是对数值进行计算) -- *代表的是任意一列 select count(*) from student; select max(score) as '最高分' from student; select min(score) as '最低分' from student; select sum(score) as '总分' from student; select avg(score) as '平均分' from student where score >= 60; -- 分组 -- 查询的“列”一定能和分组的列产生逻辑关系 select avg(score) as '平均分', sex as '性别' from student where name not like '%j%' group by sex having 性别 = 2; -- 查询出大于平均成绩的学生? select avg(score),* from student where score > avg(score); select avg(score) as '平均分', count(*) as '人数', sex as '性别' from student where score >= 60 group by sex having 人数 > 2; -- 分页 -- limit 开始的索引,每页查询的条数; -- 公式:开始的索引 = (当前的页码 - 1) * 每页显示的条数 select * from student limit 0,3; -- 第1页 (1-1)*3 select * from student limit 3,3; -- 第2页 (2-1)*3 select * from student limit 6,3; -- 第3页 (3-1)*3
-- DML语句(增删改) -- 插入数据 insert into student(id,name,age,score,birthday) values(1,'tom',20,98.7,'2000-12-12'); insert into student values(2,'jreey',19,100.0,'2001-07-09'); insert into student(id,name,age,birthday) values(3,'andy',19,'2001-05-09'); insert into student values(4,'jack',21,78.9,'1999-06-09'), (5,'rose',20,78.9,'2000-05-09'); -- 删除数据(加上条件) delete from student where id = 1; truncate table student; -- 修改数据(加上条件) update student set name = 'jackson', score = 80.0 where id = 3;