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Filtered Far UVC 222nm Technology

UVC has a spectral range of 100 to 400 nm, with germicidal wavelengths in the 100-280 nm range, known as UV-C, and a peak germicidal activity of 265 nm.Single-wavelength far uvc light at 222nm generated by fltered excimer lamps, which inactivates airborne viruses without inducing biological damage in exposed human cells and tissue. Only far uvc at 222 nm, which is filtered by a special optical bandpass filter for the rest of the harmful wavelengths, is safe for humans, which it’s a new disinfecting light source. Filtered far uvc technology can be used even when people are present, allowing continuous disinfection of the air and environmental surfaces.


UV light works against microorganism which has RND/DNA such as viruses and bacteria. Also, bacteria or virus won’t be resistant agains ultraviolet light differently from drugs or chemicals. Unlike with chemical treatments or antibiotics, bacteria and viruses cannot become resistant to damage from ultraviolet light.


Care222® uses filtered krypton-chlorine (Kr-Cl) excimer lamp that produces essentially monoenergetic UV light at 222 nm and established that a wavelength window exist in the far uvc region (from 200–222 nm) that inactivates bacteria efficiently,but unlike conventional germicidal UV lamps (254 nm), which is not cytotoxic or mutagenic to mammalian cells.

Care222® Filter

The 222nm wavelength used with Care222® is absorbed by dead skin layer of the stratum corneum and the upper layer of cornea of the eye, so it can not cause skin cancer or eye disease.

Thanks to over 10 tens cooperation with Japan companies, we have almost the same business philosophy with them.  From 2020, we became one of key partner of Ushio Inc for the Care222 business, and developed the finished products together with Care222 and our sophisticated technique. Now we have provided the world an effective tool to fight against the spread of COVID-19, which is used our far UVC disinfection devices that could be used in the occupied spaces.

Care222 is a new and one-of-a-kind disinfecting light technology that inactivates bacteria and viruses in the same manner as conventional ultraviolet sanitizers but can be used while people are present. Care222 is not a stand-alone disinfecting system but is a key component in the very latest UV light disinfecting systems available.

Please click the below button to learn more.

Artemis Far UVC Disinfection Device

posted @ 2022-05-18 09:54  gsmalarm  阅读(26)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
Freewing RC Jet Sky Flight Rc Jet Dynam Rc Jet kerui Security alarm Atten soldering Gun FMS RC Plane

Arrows RC airplane