Best quotes from The Vampire Diary(《吸血鬼日记》经典台词)


1. I will start fresh, be someone new.

1. 我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。

2. It's the only way I'll make it through.

2. 这是我能挺过去的唯一办法。

3. No comment.

3. 不予评论。

4. You need to chill yourself, all right?

4. 你得冷静点,行吗?

5. Keep it up.

5. 爱干嘛干嘛。

6. It is long story.

6. 说来话长。

7. I lost control today.

7. 今天我失控了。

8. Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.

8. 我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。

9. You are such a dick.

9. 你真是个混蛋。

10. Memories are too important.


11. I'm not giving up on that.

11. 我不会放弃。

12. Do not suit you.

12. 一点都不适合你。

13. Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question.

13. 你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。

14. She took my breath away.

14. 她把我的灵魂都吸走了。

15. Let's just cut to the chase.

15. 我们直截了当。

16. I was impressed.

16. 真令我印象深刻。

17. Ashes and Ashes

17. 灰飞烟灭

18. People are going to stop giving you breaks.

18. 人们总是针锋相对。

19. They just don't care anymore.

19. 他们不再互相关心。

20. She's always the one that everyone picks.

20. 她总是人见人爱。

21. I want to change who I was.

21. 我想改变我自己。

22. All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it.

22. 你唯一能做的就是等待好事降临,当他们降临,你邀请它们进来,因为你需要它们。

posted @ 2017-12-05 13:40  gscsd  阅读(472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报