sql server 删除表字段和字段的约束
删除数据库表中的字段时,使用了 :alter table 表名 drop column 列名
Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The object 约束名 is dependent on column 列名.
Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN 列名 failed because one or more objects access this column.
下面的代码为删除表 B_File 中的 Name 列。
DECLARE @sqlCmd nvarchar(1024); DECLARE @tbname nvarchar(180), --要处理的表名 @fdname nvarchar(180), --要处理的字段名 @delfield bit=1 --0只删除关系,1同时删除字段 set @tbname='B_File'; set @fdname= 'Name'; BEGIN -- 定义游标. DECLARE c_test_main CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR --默认值约束 select sql='alter table ['+b.name+'] drop constraint ['+d.name+']' from syscolumns a join sysobjects b on a.id=b.id and a.name=@fdname and b.name=@tbname join syscomments c on a.cdefault=c.id join sysobjects d on c.id=d.id union --外键引用 select s='alter table ['+c.name+'] drop constraint ['+b.name+']' from sysforeignkeys a join sysobjects b on b.id=a.constid join sysobjects c on c.id=a.fkeyid join syscolumns d on d.id=c.id and a.fkey=d.colid and d.name=@fdname join sysobjects e on e.id=a.rkeyid and e.name=@tbname join syscolumns f on f.id=e.id and a.rkey=f.colid union --主键/唯一键/索引 select case when e.xtype in('PK','UQ') then 'alter table ['+c.name+'] drop constraint ['+e.name+']' else 'drop index ['+c.name+'].['+a.name+']' end from sysindexes a join sysindexkeys b on a.id=b.id and a.indid=b.indid join sysobjects c on b.id=c.id and c.xtype='U' and c.name=@tbname join syscolumns d on b.id=d.id and b.colid=d.colid and d.name=@fdname left join sysobjects e on e.id=object_id(a.name) where a.indid not in(0,255) -- 打开游标. OPEN c_test_main; --填充数据. FETCH NEXT FROM c_test_main INTO @sqlCmd; --假如检索到了数据,才处理. WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN PRINT @sqlCmd; exec sp_executesql @sqlcmd;--执行约束的删除操作 --填充下一条数据. FETCH NEXT FROM c_test_main INTO @sqlCmd; END; -- 关闭游标 CLOSE c_test_main; --释放游标. DEALLOCATE c_test_main; END; if @delfield=1 begin --判断表是否存在 --if exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name=@tbname and type = 'u') --判断列是否存在 IF COL_LENGTH(@tbname, @fdname) IS not NULL exec('alter table ['+@tbname+'] drop column ['+@fdname+']') end