Ordered Fractions


欧几里得公式求最大公约数 gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a mod b) (a > b)

最小公倍数 = a * b / gcd(a, b)







Here's a super fast solution from Russ:

We notice that we can start with 0/1 and 1/1 as our ``endpoints'' and recursively generate the middle points by adding numerators and denominators.

0/1                                                              1/1
                  1/3                      2/3
        1/4              2/5         3/5                 3/4
    1/5      2/7     3/8    3/7   4/7   5/8       5/7         4/5

Each fraction is created from the one up to its right and the one up to its left. This idea lends itself easily to a recursion that we cut off when we go too deep.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

int n;
FILE *fout;

/* print the fractions of denominator <= n between n1/d1 and n2/d2 */
void genfrac(int n1, int d1, int n2, int d2)
	if(d1+d2 > n)	/* cut off recursion */

	genfrac(n1,d1, n1+n2,d1+d2);
	fprintf(fout, "%d/%d\n", n1+n2, d1+d2);
	genfrac(n1+n2,d1+d2, n2,d2);

void main(void)
	FILE *fin;

	fin = fopen("frac1.in", "r");
	fout = fopen("frac1.out", "w");
	assert(fin != NULL && fout != NULL);

	fscanf(fin, "%d", &n);

	fprintf(fout, "0/1\n");
	genfrac(0,1, 1,1);
	fprintf(fout, "1/1\n");
posted @ 2011-04-20 22:42  记录点滴  阅读(480)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报