Golang 加速 Go module 加速 Goproxy
Goproxy China
The most trusted Go module proxy in China.
Go 1.13 and above (RECOMMENDED)
Open your terminal and execute
$ go env -w GO111MODULE=on
$ go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
macOS or Linux
Open your terminal and execute
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn
$ echo "export GO111MODULE=on" >> ~/.profile
$ echo "export GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn" >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile
Open your terminal and execute
C:\> $env:GO111MODULE = "on"
C:\> $env:GOPROXY = "https://goproxy.cn"
1. Open the Start Search, type in "env"
2. Choose the "Edit the system environment variables"
3. Click the "Environment Variables…" button
4. Under the "User variables for <YOUR_USERNAME>" section (the upper half)
5. Click the "New..." button
6. Choose the "Variable name" input bar, type in "GO111MODULE"
7. Choose the "Variable value" input bar, type in "on"
8. Click the "OK" button
9. Click the "New..." button
10. Choose the "Variable name" input bar, type in "GOPROXY"
11. Choose the "Variable value" input bar, type in "https://goproxy.cn"
12. Click the "OK" button
A Global Proxy for Go Modules
Go version >= 1.13 (RECOMMENDED)
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY="https://goproxy.io,direct"
# Set environment variable allow bypassing the proxy for selected modules (optional)
go env -w GOPRIVATE="*.corp.example.com"
# Set environment variable allow bypassing the proxy for specified organizations (optional)
go env -w GOPRIVATE="example.com/org_name"
Now, when you build your applications, Go will fetch dependencies via goproxy.io. See more information in the doc and how to use Private service.
Go version <= 1.12
Bash (Linux or macOS)
# Enable the go modules feature
export GO111MODULE="on"
# Set the GOPROXY environment variable
export GOPROXY="https://goproxy.io"
Or, write it into the .profile
or .bash_profile
PowerShell (Windows)
# Enable the go modules feature
# Set the GOPROXY environment variable
Now, when you build your applications, Go will fetch dependencies via goproxy.io. See more information in the doc.