
using System;

namespace exercise {
    class Program {
        static unsafe void Main(string[] args) {
            decimal* pDecimals = stackalloc decimal[10];

            int size;
            size = 20; //or some other value calculated at runtime
            double* pDoubles = stackalloc double[size];
            *pDoubles = 3.0; // pDoubles[0] is the same as *pDoubles
            *(pDoubles + 1) = 8.4; // pDoubles[1] is the same as *(pDoubles +1)
            //可以用表达式 *(pDoubles + X) 访问数组中下标为X的元素。
            //如果p是任意指针类型,X是一个整数,表达式 p[X]就会被编译器解释为*(p + X),这适合于所有指针。

            double[] myDoubleArray = new double[20];
            myDoubleArray[50] = 3.0;
            pDoubles[50] = 3.0;



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