Batch Updating in Entity Framework
The Update Story of Entity Framework
多數的O/R Mapping Framework都有個共同的行為模式,在刪除資料或是修改資料前,必須隱式的下達一個Query,由資料庫取得即將要更新的資料列,
這個行為模式,多半也會成為設計師考慮是否使用O/R Mapping Framework的考量之一,因為多一個Query,就代表著效能會因此降低,雖然對於
O/R Mapping Framework而言,這是一個必要的行為模式,因為它們得考量到當物件有著關聯時的情況。但對於實際的專案來說,跳過這個Query來更新資料,
卻也是必然會出現的情況,既然是必然會出現的情況,多數的O/R Mapping Framework也只好為此做出讓步,提供可跳過Query來更新資料的機制,
Entity Framework自然也擁有這個機制。
Update Row without Query
Entity Framework支援跳過Query步驟來更新資料列,寫法如下:
static void UpdateWithoutQuery()
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities();
Customers c = new Customers();
c.CustomerID = "VINET";
context.AttachTo("Customers", c);
c.CompanyName = "15556";
static void UpdateWithoutQuery()
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities();
Customers c = new Customers();
c.CustomerID = "VINET";
c.Region = "TWN";
context.AttachTo("Customers", c);
c.CompanyName = "15556";
Delete Row without Query
static void DeleteWithoutQuery()
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities();
Customers c = new Customers();
c.CustomerID = "CT002";
context.AttachTo("Customers", c);
那麼這樣就夠了嗎?事實上,O/R Mapping Framework一直都缺少著一種機制,那就是Batch Update,在很多情況下,我們希望能
UPDATE Customers SET SomeFlag = 1 WHERE Region = “TW”
在O/R Mapping Framework中,這得以迴圈方式,一一查詢出每一筆Region=”TW”的資料,然後更新SomeFlag,由於沒有指定主鍵,
所以也無法使用先前提及的方法來跳過Query動作,我們得遵守O/R Mapping Framework的規則,一筆筆Query後更新,這是很沒效率的動作。
當然,所有O/R Mapping Framework都支援讓設計師直接下達SQL的方法,以Entity Framework而言,可以這麼下:
context.ExecuteStoreCommand(“UPDATE Customers SET SomeFlag = 1 WHERE Region = ‘TW’);
不過,這種方法會失去Entity Framework可切換資料庫的特色,所以得特別小心把這部份獨立出來,為日後切換資料庫時留條後路。
Batch Update
那麼,有沒有一個方法,可以達到Batch Update,又不失去Entity Framework可切換資料庫的特色呢?答案是有,下列的類別可以辦到。
002 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
005 |
using System.Data.Objects; |
006 |
using System.ComponentModel; |
007 |
using System.Data.Common; |
009 |
using System.Data.EntityClient; |
010 |
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses; |
011 |
using System.Reflection; |
012 |
using System.Collections; |
015 |
namespace EntityHelper |
017 |
public class EntityBatchUpdater<T>:IDisposable where T :ObjectContext |
019 |
private static Assembly _systemDataEntity = null ; |
020 |
private static Type _propagatorResultType = null ; |
021 |
private static Type _entityAdapterType = null ; |
022 |
private static Type _updateTranslatorType = null ; |
023 |
private static Type _entityStateType = null ; |
025 |
static EntityBatchUpdater() |
027 |
_systemDataEntity = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(a => a.GetName().Name == "System.Data.Entity" ).FirstOrDefault(); |
028 |
Type t = _systemDataEntity.GetType( "System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.PropagatorResult" ); |
029 |
Type t1 = typeof (KeyValuePair<,>).MakeGenericType(t, typeof ( object )); |
030 |
Type t2 = typeof (List<>).MakeGenericType(t1); |
031 |
_entityAdapterType = _systemDataEntity.GetType( "System.Data.IEntityAdapter" ); |
032 |
_updateTranslatorType = _systemDataEntity.GetType( "System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateTranslator" ); |
033 |
_entityStateType = _systemDataEntity.GetType( "System.Data.IEntityStateManager" ); |
034 |
_propagatorResultType = t2; |
037 |
private T _context = null ; |
039 |
public T ObjectContext |
047 |
public EntityBatchUpdater() |
049 |
_context = (T) typeof (T).GetConstructor( new Type[]{}).Invoke( new object []{}); |
052 |
static object CreatePropagatorResultDictionary() |
054 |
return Activator.CreateInstance(_propagatorResultType); |
057 |
static object GetEntityAdapter(ObjectContext context) |
059 |
object providerFactory = typeof (EntityConnection).GetProperty( "ProviderFactory" , |
060 |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(context.Connection, null ); |
061 |
object result = ((IServiceProvider)providerFactory).GetService(_entityAdapterType); |
065 |
static object CreateUpdateTranslator( object entityStateManager, System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataWorkspace workspace, EntityConnection connection, int ? commandTimeout) |
067 |
ConstructorInfo ci = _updateTranslatorType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null , |
068 |
new Type[] { _entityStateType, typeof (System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataWorkspace), typeof (EntityConnection), typeof ( int ?) }, null ); |
069 |
return ci.Invoke( new object [] { entityStateManager, workspace, connection, commandTimeout }); |
072 |
static string GetQueryStatement(ObjectQuery query) |
074 |
object queryState = typeof (ObjectQuery).GetProperty( "QueryState" , BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(query, null ); |
075 |
object queryPlan = queryState.GetType().BaseType.InvokeMember( "GetExecutionPlan" , BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, |
076 |
null , queryState, new object [] { null }); |
077 |
DbCommandDefinition cmddef = (DbCommandDefinition)queryPlan.GetType().GetField( "CommandDefinition" , BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(queryPlan); |
080 |
IEnumerable< string > cmds = (IEnumerable< string >)cmddef.GetType().GetProperty( "MappedCommands" , BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(cmddef, null ); |
081 |
return cmds.FirstOrDefault(); |
084 |
public static void Update(ObjectContext context) |
086 |
object entityAdapter = GetEntityAdapter(context); |
087 |
object updateTranslator = CreateUpdateTranslator(context.ObjectStateManager, ((EntityConnection)context.Connection).GetMetadataWorkspace(), (EntityConnection)context.Connection, context.CommandTimeout); |
088 |
IEnumerable o = (IEnumerable)updateTranslator.GetType().InvokeMember( "ProduceCommands" , |
089 |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null , updateTranslator, null ); |
090 |
Dictionary< int , object > identifierValues = new Dictionary< int , object >(); |
091 |
object generateValues = CreatePropagatorResultDictionary(); |
092 |
context.Connection.Open(); |
095 |
foreach (var item in o) |
097 |
item.GetType().InvokeMember( "Execute" , BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null , item, |
098 |
new object [] { updateTranslator, (EntityConnection)context.Connection, identifierValues, generateValues }); |
103 |
context.Connection.Close(); |
107 |
private static void MarkModifiedProperty(ObjectContext context, object entity, params string [] propertys) |
109 |
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(entity, EntityState.Unchanged); |
110 |
ObjectStateEntry objectStateEntry = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(entity); |
111 |
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(entity.GetType()); |
112 |
foreach (FieldMetadata metadata in objectStateEntry.CurrentValues.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata) |
114 |
string name = objectStateEntry.CurrentValues.GetName(metadata.Ordinal); |
115 |
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = properties[name]; |
116 |
if (propertys.Contains(descriptor.Name)) |
117 |
objectStateEntry.SetModifiedProperty(descriptor.Name); |
121 |
public static void UpdateDirect(ObjectContext context, string orKeyFields) |
123 |
object entityAdapter = GetEntityAdapter(context); |
124 |
object updateTranslator = CreateUpdateTranslator(context.ObjectStateManager, ((EntityConnection)context.Connection).GetMetadataWorkspace(), |
125 |
(EntityConnection)context.Connection, context.CommandTimeout); |
126 |
IEnumerable o = (IEnumerable)updateTranslator.GetType().InvokeMember( "ProduceCommands" , |
127 |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null , updateTranslator, null ); |
128 |
Dictionary< int , object > identifierValues = new Dictionary< int , object >(); |
129 |
object generateValues = CreatePropagatorResultDictionary(); |
130 |
context.Connection.Open(); |
133 |
foreach (var item in o) |
135 |
DbCommand cmd = (DbCommand)item.GetType().InvokeMember( "CreateCommand" , BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | |
136 |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null , item, |
137 |
new object [] { updateTranslator, identifierValues }); |
138 |
cmd.Connection = ((EntityConnection)context.Connection).StoreConnection; |
139 |
cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + " OR " + orKeyFields; |
140 |
cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); |
145 |
context.Connection.Close(); |
149 |
public void UpdateBatch(EntityObject entity, IQueryable query) |
151 |
if (!(query is ObjectQuery)) |
152 |
throw new Exception( "only support ObjectQuery." ); |
153 |
object entityAdapter = GetEntityAdapter(_context); |
154 |
object updateTranslator = CreateUpdateTranslator(_context.ObjectStateManager, ((EntityConnection)_context.Connection).GetMetadataWorkspace(), |
155 |
(EntityConnection)_context.Connection, _context.CommandTimeout); |
156 |
IEnumerable o = (IEnumerable)updateTranslator.GetType().InvokeMember( "ProduceCommands" , |
157 |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null , updateTranslator, null ); |
158 |
Dictionary< int , object > identifierValues = new Dictionary< int , object >(); |
159 |
object generateValues = CreatePropagatorResultDictionary(); |
160 |
_context.Connection.Open(); |
163 |
foreach (var item in o) |
165 |
DbCommand cmd = (DbCommand)item.GetType().InvokeMember( "CreateCommand" , BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | |
166 |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null , item, |
167 |
new object [] { updateTranslator, identifierValues }); |
168 |
cmd.Connection = ((EntityConnection)_context.Connection).StoreConnection; |
169 |
string queryStatement = GetQueryStatement(query as ObjectQuery); |
170 |
if (queryStatement.ToLower().Contains( "where" )) |
171 |
queryStatement = queryStatement.Substring(queryStatement.ToLower().IndexOf( "where " ) + 5); |
172 |
cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText.Substring(0, cmd.CommandText.ToLower().IndexOf( "where " ) - 1) + " Where " + |
173 |
queryStatement.Replace( "[Extent1]." , "" ).Replace( "/"Extent1/"." , "" ).Replace( "Extent1." , "" ); |
174 |
RemovePrimaryKeyParameter(cmd, entity); |
175 |
cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); |
180 |
_context.Connection.Close(); |
184 |
private static void RemovePrimaryKeyParameter(DbCommand cmd, EntityObject entity) |
186 |
foreach (var prop in entity.GetType().GetProperties()) |
188 |
EdmScalarPropertyAttribute[] attrs = (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute[])prop.GetCustomAttributes( typeof (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute), true ); |
189 |
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0) |
191 |
if (attrs[0].EntityKeyProperty) |
192 |
cmd.Parameters.RemoveAt(cmd.Parameters.Count - 1); |
197 |
public void TrackEntity(EntityObject entity) |
199 |
if (entity.EntityKey == null ) |
201 |
EntityKey keys = new EntityKey(); |
202 |
List<EntityKeyMember> members = new List<EntityKeyMember>(); |
203 |
foreach (var prop in entity.GetType().GetProperties()) |
205 |
EdmScalarPropertyAttribute[] attrs = (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute[])prop.GetCustomAttributes( typeof (EdmScalarPropertyAttribute), true ); |
206 |
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0) |
208 |
if (attrs[0].EntityKeyProperty) |
210 |
object defaultValue = null ; |
212 |
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof ( string )) |
214 |
else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof ( int ) || |
215 |
prop.PropertyType == typeof ( double ) || |
216 |
prop.PropertyType == typeof ( float ) || |
217 |
prop.PropertyType == typeof (Int32) || |
218 |
prop.PropertyType == typeof (Int16) || |
219 |
prop.PropertyType == typeof (Int64) || |
220 |
prop.PropertyType == typeof ( long ) || |
221 |
prop.PropertyType == typeof ( short )) |
223 |
else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof (DateTime)) |
224 |
defaultValue = DateTime.MinValue; |
225 |
else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof (TimeSpan)) |
226 |
defaultValue = TimeSpan.MinValue; |
227 |
else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof (Char)) |
229 |
prop.SetValue(entity, defaultValue, null ); |
230 |
members.Add( new EntityKeyMember(prop.Name, defaultValue)); |
234 |
keys.EntityKeyValues = members.ToArray(); |
235 |
EdmEntityTypeAttribute[] attrs1 = (EdmEntityTypeAttribute[])entity.GetType().GetCustomAttributes( typeof (EdmEntityTypeAttribute), true ); |
236 |
if (attrs1 != null && attrs1.Length > 0) |
238 |
keys.EntityContainerName = _context.DefaultContainerName; |
239 |
keys.EntitySetName = attrs1[0].Name; |
241 |
entity.EntityKey = keys; |
244 |
_context.Attach(entity); |
246 |
entity.PropertyChanged += (s, args) => |
248 |
MarkModifiedProperty(_context, entity, args.PropertyName); |
252 |
public void Dispose() |
這個類別的程式碼,說穿了就是透過Entity Framework原本提供,但不公開的函式及物件來達到目的,運用此類別,我們可以寫下以下這段程式碼,然後進行批次更新:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Objects;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.EntityClient;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using EntityHelper;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Customers c = new Customers();
EntityBatchUpdater<NorthwindEntities> batchContext =
new EntityBatchUpdater<NorthwindEntities>();
c.CompanyName = "CR4";
batchContext.ObjectContext.Customers.Where(a => a.Region == "ru"));
寫入資料庫中,注意,第二個參數是更新c時的查詢條件,此例會將所有Region = “ru”的資料列的CompanyName更新為CR4。
batchContext.UpdateBatch(c, from s1 in batchContext.ObjectContext.Customers where s1.Region == "ru" select s1);
Batch Delete
static void Main(string[] args)
Customers c = new Customers();
EntityBatchUpdater<NorthwindEntities> batchContext =
new EntityBatchUpdater<NorthwindEntities>();
from s1 in batchContext.ObjectContext.Customers where s1.Region == "ru" select s1);
此例會將所有Region = “ru”的資料列刪除。
EntityBatchUpdater可以幫我們完成Batch Update及Batch Delete,現在問題出在跨資料庫上,EntityBatchUpdater所使用的手法可以適用於SQL Server及Oracle(Devart),