很多新来的同事不了解我们的项目架构 准备补充一下我们的项目架构 Spring-Hibernate Based.


Queue-based event processing

Producer: IDBSync

Consumer: EAI

for producer:

shell, bash, cron job, 


for consumer:

hibernate to persistent

spring to glue business and others together, such as transaction,exception,Schedule,Mail,Webservice,apache cxf integration...



Hudson, maven, profile for test,dev,stage,production...


Spring (IOC, DI)


<bean id="triangle" class="a.b.c.Triangle" />

getbean from XmlBeanFactory

BeanFactory factory= new XmlBeanFactory(new FileSystemResource("spring.xml"));
Triangle  triangle = (Triangle)factory.getBean("triangle");

application context

ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring.xml");
Triangle triangle =(Triangle)context.getBean("triangle");

Bean with property

  <bean id="triangle" class="a.b.c.Triangle" >
    <property name="type" value="Equlateral"/>

Constructor injection

  <bean id="triangle" class="a.b.c.Triangle" >
           <constructor-arg  type="java.lang.String" index="0" value="Equlateral"/>
           <constructor-arg  index="1" value="20" />

 injection object

  <bean id="triangle" class="a.b.c.Triangle" >
    <property name="pointA" ref="aPoint">
  <bean id="aPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" >
    <property name="x" value="20">
    <property name="y" value="120">

inner bean, aliases,idref

  <bean id="triangle" class="a.b.c.Triangle"  name="triangle-name">
    <property name="pointA" ref="aPoint">
    <property name="pointC">
      < idref="Point0"/>
    <property name="pointB">
      <bean id="point2" class="a.b.c.Point" >
        <property name="x" value="19">
        <property name="y" value="12">
  <bean id="aPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" >
    <property name="x" value="20">
    <property name="y" value="120">
  <bean id="Point0" class="a.b.c.Point" >
    <property name="x" value="0">
    <property name="y" value="0">
<alias name="triangle" alias="triangle-alias" />


  <bean id="triangle" class="a.b.c.Triangle" >
    <property name="points" >
        <ref bean="aPoint">
        <ref bean="bPoint">
  <bean id="aPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" >
    <property name="x" value="20">
    <property name="y" value="120">
  <bean id="bPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" >
    <property name="x" value="120">
    <property name="y" value="1120">


  <bean id="triangle" class="a.b.c.Triangle" autowire="byName">
  <bean id="aPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" >
    <property name="x" value="20">
    <property name="y" value="120">
  <bean id="bPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" >
    <property name="x" value="120">
    <property name="y" value="1120">

Spring Bean Scope

  • singleton - Only once per Spring container(default)
  • prototype - new bean created with every request or reference

Web-aware context bean scope

  • request - new bean per servlet request
  • session - new bean per session
  • global session - new bean per global http session(portlet context)
  <bean id="bPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" scope="prototype">
    <property name="x" value="120">
    <property name="y" value="1120">

 Using applicationContextAware

public class Triangle implements ApplicationContextAware, BeanNameAware{
  private ApplicationContext context=null;

public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context)
throws BeansException{
  this.context = context;

public void setBeanName(String beanName){
  System.out.println("bean name is: " +beanName);

Lifecycle Callbacks

public class Triangle implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean{

public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception{
public void destory() throws Exception{
public void myInit(){
public void myclean(){

customize init-method and destory-method

  <bean id="bPoint" class="a.b.c.Point" init-method="myInit" destory-method="myclean">
    <property name="x" value="120">
    <property name="y" value="1120">


public class XXX implements BeanPostProcessor{

public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(object bean,String beanName) throws BeansException{

return bean;
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(object bean,String beanName) throws BeansException{

return bean;

Coding to interface


Using MessageSource to get text from property files

<bean id="messageSource" class="">
<property name="basenames">


and in java

ApplicationContext context ;

context.getMessage("key",null,"default value");

 Event handing

ApplicationEventPublisher.publishEvent() + ApplicationEvent + ApplicationListener

built-in event:

  • ContextRefreshedEvent
  • ContextClosedEvent
  • RequestHandleEvent : web app related, for DispatcherServlet
Load ApplicationContext in web application

ContextLoaderListerner in web.xml


or ContextLoaderServlet to, but prefer ContextLoaderListener


 with Hibernate, Spring as a Container injects all hibernate's dependencies automatically.






import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;

public class LoggingAspect{

@Before("execution(public String getName())")
public void loggingAdvice(){
System.out.println("Advice run, getName method called.");


<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
<bean name=''loggingAspect" class="a.b.c.LoggingAspect"/>

or define a pointcut

public class LoggingAspect{

public void loggingAdvice(){
System.out.println("Advice run, get* method called.");

@Pointcut("execution(* get*())")
public void allGetters(){}

 Around pointcut

public Object myAroundAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint){
Object returnValue = null;
  System.out.println("Before advice");
  returnValue = joinPoint.proceed();
  System.out.println("After Returning");
}catch(Throwable e){
  System.out.println("After Throwing");
System.out.println("After Finally");
return returnValue;


















posted on 2012-04-26 13:10  grep  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报