
heap definition

  • completely balanced binary tree.
  • the value of each node >= each of the node's children.

heap data structure

completely balanced binary tree implemented by an array

  • the root is stored in A[1]
  • the parent of A[i] is A[floor(i/2)]
  • the left child of A[i] is A[2*i]
  • the right child of A[i] is A[2*i +1]
  • the node in the far right of the bottom level is stored in A[n]
  • if 2*i +1 >n, then the node does not have a right child



def heapify(r):
"""pre-cond: the balanced binary tree rooted at A[r] is such that its left and right subtrees are heaps."""
"""post-cond:its values are rearranged in place to make it complete heap.
"""running time: the height of the tree"""

    """loop-invariant: the entire tree rooted at A[r] is a heap except that node i might not greater or equal to both of its children. As well, the value of i's parent is at least the value of i and i's children."""

   if(i is leaf): EXIT;
   elseif(left(i) ==max(A[i],A[leftchild[i]],A[rightchild[i]]):
   elseif(right(i) ==max(A[i],A[leftchild[i]],A[rightchild[i]]):
   else(A[i] ==max(A[i],A[leftchild[i]],A[rightchild[i]]):


pre-cond: left and right child are heapified

post-cond: the whole tree is heapified



if(r is leaf): exit;


if(max(r,left,right)==r): exit;

else if(max(r,left,right)==left): swap(r,left); heapify(left);





make heap

  • recursive way

    get help from friends:


  • loop

    from k=n/2,n/2-1,n/2-2,...2,1


          Time: induction as

          the number of subtrees of height i is 2logn-i

          because each such tree has its root as level(logn-i) in the tree.

          each take O(i) to heapify.

          T(n) = Σlogni=1 (2logn-i)i

          The sum is geometric.


selection sort==> heap sort

largest i values are sorted on side.

remaining values are off to side.

max is easier to find if a heap.

largest i values are sorted on side and remaining values are in a heap.

heap-sort loop invariant:

the n-i largest elements have been removed and are sorted in A[i+1,n] and the remaining i elements form a heap in A[1,i].

running time:

make heap takes O(n) time.

heapifing a tree of size i takes log(i);

T(n) = O(n) + Σ1i=n logi

the sum is arithmetic. 

T(n) = n * maximum value = O(nlogn).

posted on 2012-02-25 11:40  grep  阅读(319)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报