Recursive : Divide and Conquer

Consider your input instance

  • Allocate work
  • construct one or more sub-instances

     1 assume by magic your friends give you the answer for these, trust your friends to sovle sub problem.

     2 each sub-instance must be a smaller instance of the same problem.

  • Use this help to solve your own instance.


Do NOT worry about anything else.

  • Who your boss is...
  • How your friends solve their instances...
  • No global variables or effects.

Recursive algorithm

  • assume you have an algorithm that works
  • use it to write an algorithm that works.

Recursive sorts

  • given list of objects to be sorted
  • split the list into two sub-lists
  • recursively have a friend sort the two sub-lists.
  • combine the two sorted-list into one entirely sorted list.
  size of sublist
  n/2,n/2 n-1,1

minimal efforts splitting,

lots of efforts recombining.

merge sort insertion sort

lots of efforts splitting,

minimal efforts recombining.

quick sort selection sort

partition sort: partition set into two using randomly chosen pivot.

posted on 2012-02-20 22:17  grepp  阅读(122)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
