01 2013 档案
摘要:• The main function• The class_factory method (only for C++ device server)• The StepperMotorClass class• The DevReadPositionCmd and DevReadDirectionCmd classes• The PositionAttr, SetPositionAttr and DirectionAttr classes• The StepperMotor class.
摘要:#include <tango.h>int main(int argc,char *argv[]){Tango::Util *tg;try{ tg = Tango::Util::init(argc,argv);tg->server_init();cout << "Ready to accept request" << endl;tg->server_run(); }catch (bad_alloc){ cout << "Can’t allocate memory!!!" << end
摘要:1Data object classesDeviceData: Obect used to send and receive data on device.DbDatum: Object used to put or get properties on database.DbDevInfo: Object used to read device information on database.DbDevImportInfo: Object used to read imported device information on database.DbDevExportInfo: Object u
摘要:1. The synchronous model where client waits (and is blocked) for the server to send the answer or untilthe timeout is reached2. The asynchronous model. In this model, the clients send the request and immediately returns. It isnot blocked. It is free to do whatever it has to do like updating a graphi
摘要:• DeviceProxy which is a proxy to the real device• DeviceData to encapsulate data send/receive from/to device via commands• DeviceAttribute to encapsulate data send/receive from/to device via attributes• Group which is a proxy to a group of devices
摘要:1 Tango::DevFloat DocDs::dev_simple(Tango::DevFloat argin)2 {3 Tango::DevFloat argout ;4 DEBUG_STREAM << "DocDs::dev_simple(): entering... !" << endl;56 // Add your own code to control device here78 argout = argin * 2;9 return argout;10 }1 Tango::DevVarLongArray *DocDs::dev_arr