6485 commands

Mnemonic   Name              Description
*CLS      Clear status             Clears all event registers and error queue.
*ESE <NRf>   Event enable command         Program the standard event enable register.
*ESE?     Event enable query                  Read the standard event enable register.
*ESR?            Event status register query      Read the standard event enable register and clear it.
*IDN?            Identification query Returns the manufacturer,     model number, serial number, and 铿乺mware revision levels of the unit.
*OPC             Operation complete command Set the operation complete bit in the standard event register after all pending commands have been executed.
*OPC?           Operation complete query Places an ASCII 鈥?鈥?into the output queue when all pending selected device operations have been completed.
*OPT?           Option query Returns model number of any installed options.
*RCL <NRf>  Recall command Returns Model 6485 to the user-saved setup.
*RST             Reset command Returns Model 6485 to the *RST default conditions.
*SAV <NRf>  Save command Saves the present setup as the user-saved setup.
*SRE <NRf>  Service request enable command  Programs the service request enable register.
*SRE?           Service request enable query Reads the service request enable register.
*STB?           Status byte query Reads the status byte register.
*TRG            Trigger command Sends a bus trigger to Model 6485.
*TST?           Self-test query Performs a checksum test on ROM and returns the result.
*WAI            Wait-to-continue command Wait until all previous commands are executed.

posted @ 2012-09-12 12:15  greencolor  阅读(147)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报