configbody - conifgure variable in batch
class sampleconf {
# a sample class with a single public variable
public method setpulicv;
public variable publicvab ;# this var is adjusted using the configure -publicv...
constructor {} {
body sampleconf::setpulicv { cn } {
set publicvab $cn;
puts $publicvab;
# add a configbody for publicv
configbody sampleconf::publicvab {
puts $publicvab
set ab [lappend publicvab "aaaa" ]
puts $ab
# create a sample instance of the class:
set btn [sampleconf h2]
h2 setpulicv "A value which is not sent via the configbody"
# change the publicv again by configure and again you see a message box.
h2 configure -publicvab "A new Value"
# change the publicv by configure and you see a message box.
h2 configure -publicvab "The same old Value"
h2 configure -publicvab "Another Value"
h2 setpulicv "A value which is not sent via the configbody"
set aaa [h2 cget -publicvab]
puts $aaa