imosflm controller
Execution error 206: wrong # args: should be one of...
.c addImage a_sector a_image ?arg arg ...?
.c addImages
.c addSector a_sector
.c addWarning a_warning
.c busy ?a_message?
.c cget option
.c closeSession
.c component ?name? ?arg arg ...?
.c config ?option? ?arg arg ...?
.c configure ?option? ?arg arg ...?
.c configureSession
.c deleteImages
.c deleteWarning a_warning
.c disable
.c disableStage a_stage
.c displayImage
.c displaySession
.c doubleClickSession w x y
.c editMatrixProperties a_sector a_matrix
.c editTree an_item a_column an_element a_text
.c enable
.c enableIndexing
.c enableProcessing
.c enableStage a_stage
.c errorMessage ?a_message?
.c estimateMosaicity
.c foo
.c forceCommand
.c getObjectByItem an_item
.c hide
.c idle
.c initialize
.c isa className
.c itk_component option ?arg arg ...?
.c itk_initialize ?arg arg ...?
.c itk_option option ?arg arg ...?
.c keyPressDelete an_item
.c launch
.c newSession ?a_image_file?
.c openSession ?a_file?
.c openSessionFile a_file
.c pause ?a_message?
.c progress a_percent
.c promptSaving
.c refreshDialogs
.c rightClickSession
.c rolloutof a_stage
.c rollover a_stage
.c saveProfile
.c saveSession
.c saveSessionAs
.c setLukeSingle
.c showAbout
.c showExperimentSettings
.c showHistory
.c showIndexSettings
.c showIntegrationSettings
.c showStage a_stage
.c shutdown
.c singleClickSession w x y
.c toggleExperimentSettings
.c toggleHistory
.c toggleIndexingSettings
.c toggleIntegrationSettings
.c toggleState a_state
.c uncheckAutothreshCheckbutton
.c updateCell a_cell
.c updateImage a_image
.c updateMatrix a_sector a_matrix
.c updateMosaicblock a_mosaicblock
.c updateMosaicity a_mosaicity
.c updateSector a_sector
.c updateSessionMenu
.c updateSpacegroup a_spacegroup
.c updateStatusMessage ?a_message?
while executing
Execution error 206: wrong # args: should be one of...
.c addImage a_sector a_image ?arg arg ...?
.c addImages
.c addSector a_sector
.c addWarning a_warning
.c busy ?a_message?
.c cget option
.c closeSession
.c component ?name? ?arg arg ...?
.c config ?option? ?arg arg ...?
.c configure ?option? ?arg arg ...?
.c configureSession
.c deleteImages
.c deleteWarning a_warning
.c disable
.c disableStage a_stage
.c displayImage
.c displaySession
.c doubleClickSession w x y
.c editMatrixProperties a_sector a_matrix
.c editTree an_item a_column an_element a_text
.c enable
.c enableIndexing
.c enableProcessing
.c enableStage a_stage
.c errorMessage ?a_message?
.c estimateMosaicity
.c foo
.c forceCommand
.c getObjectByItem an_item
.c hide
.c idle
.c initialize
.c isa className
.c itk_component option ?arg arg ...?
.c itk_initialize ?arg arg ...?
.c itk_option option ?arg arg ...?
.c keyPressDelete an_item
.c launch
.c newSession ?a_image_file?
.c openSession ?a_file?
.c openSessionFile a_file
.c pause ?a_message?
.c progress a_percent
.c promptSaving
.c refreshDialogs
.c rightClickSession
.c rolloutof a_stage
.c rollover a_stage
.c saveProfile
.c saveSession
.c saveSessionAs
.c setLukeSingle
.c showAbout
.c showExperimentSettings
.c showHistory
.c showIndexSettings
.c showIntegrationSettings
.c showStage a_stage
.c shutdown
.c singleClickSession w x y
.c toggleExperimentSettings
.c toggleHistory
.c toggleIndexingSettings
.c toggleIntegrationSettings
.c toggleState a_state
.c uncheckAutothreshCheckbutton
.c updateCell a_cell
.c updateImage a_image
.c updateMatrix a_sector a_matrix
.c updateMosaicblock a_mosaicblock
.c updateMosaicity a_mosaicity
.c updateSector a_sector
.c updateSessionMenu
.c updateSpacegroup a_spacegroup
.c updateStatusMessage ?a_message?
while executing