Operation Define
Line 1:operationName
Line 2:11
Line 3:responsibleDHS externalName activeClientOnly
Line 4:passiveOk remoteOk localOk inHutchOk closedHutchOk
Line 5:passiveOk remoteOk localOk inHutchOk closedHutchOk
• The responsibleDHS must be the name of a DHS defined in separate entry.
• The externalName parameter can be used by the scripting engine to locate a specialized script for the operation. In the case of the scripting engine, it appends a .tcl to this parameter to locate the script for the operation.
• The activeClientOnly parameter can be a 0 to allow any client to request the operation or 1 to allow only the active client to request the operation.
Here is an example operation entry:
getLoopTip 11
camera getLoopTip 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0