get date tcl tk

The method to get Date Tcltk

proc GetDate { args } {
#d_sum Return the date/time appropriately formatted
#d_desc Uses Tcl clock command.  Return the current time if the -clock \
argument is not used.  See Tcl clock command for explanation of formats.
#d_opt0 -clock time
#d_opt1 Input a time as a machine clock time in seconds
#d_opt0 -format format
#d_opt1 Output format can be: full (%d %b %Y  %H:%M:%S), time (%H:%M:%S) \
date (%d %b %Y), or brief (%H:%M:%S for today or %d %b %y)

# If there is no input secs then find the current time
# otherwise use the input time secs  and convert to user
# friendly format   dependent on format input
# full        full date and time
# time        time only
# date        date only
# brief        time for any time today otherwise date

  set format full
  set secs {}

  set nargs [llength $args]; set n 0
  while { $n < $nargs } {
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $n] \
    format {
      incr n; set format [lindex $args $n]
    } clock {
      incr n; set secs [lindex $args $n]
    incr n

  if { $secs == "" } { set secs [clock seconds] }
  if { [llength $secs ] > 1 } {
    if { $format == "brief" } {
      return [ append time [string range $secs 0 6] [string range $secs 9 10] ]
    } else {
      return $secs

  if { $format == "seconds"} { return $secs }
  if { $format == "full" } {
    set date [clock format $secs -format "%d %b %Y  %H:%M:%S" ]
  } elseif { $format == "time" } {
    set date [clock format $secs -format "%H:%M:%S" ]
  } elseif { $format == "date" } {
    set date [clock format $secs -format "%d %b %Y" ]
  } elseif { $format == "brief" } {
    set today [ clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y %j" ]
    set input [ clock format $secs -format "%Y %j" ]
    if { [lindex $input 0 ] == [lindex $today 0 ] &&
         [lindex $input 1 ] == [lindex $today 1 ] } {
      set date [clock format $secs -format "%H:%M:%S" ]
    } else {
      set date [clock format $secs -format "%d %b %y" ]
  return "$date"

"Starting CCP4I application [GetDate]"
posted @ 2011-04-19 15:33  greencolor  阅读(355)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报