[转]解决Eclipse/Zend Studio编辑xml/html乱码问题


Eclipse/Zend Studio编辑一php项目,已经设置了项目的Text file Encoding为UTF-8,发现打开php文件显示中文正常,但某些html打开显示为乱码。右键查看这些html的properties,resource中的Text File Encoding显示为:Default(determined from content:GBK)。原来项目设置的编码对这些文件不起作用。


该问题查看Eclipse帮助文档,在“Defining HTML file preferences"一节中有如下解释:

Note: Encoding detection (when loading files) is performed in the following order:

  • Locate the encoding name embedded in the document.
  • When no encoding is embedded in the document, an automaticencoding detector attempts to determineencoding used in the document.
  • If the encoding still cannot bedetermined, theencoding defined in the Encoding field is used.

也就是HTML文件的编码判定顺序,按照文件内容编码优先,然后是文件编码。也就是说,如果HTML内有<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">


windows->preferences->General->Content Types,选择text->html,在最下面的Default encoding中,设置为utf-8,点击update,问题解决。


posted @ 2011-11-11 11:51  great wang  阅读(1168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报