
Dim X As Short = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width
Dim Y As Short = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height
MsgBox("您的显示器分辨率是:" & X & " X " & Y)

'"Application Data"路径

'Dim SPEC As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.XXXXXXX)




Module mciAPIModule
  Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" _
  (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, _
  ByVal uReturnLength As Integer, ByVal hwndCallback As Integer) As Integer
End Module

Dim lRet As Long
lRet = mciSendString("set cdAudio door open", 0&, 0, 0)

Dim lRet As Long
lRet = mciSendString("set cdAudio door Closed", 0&, 0, 0)

Dim MYIP As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName)
MsgBox("您的IP地址:" & (MYIP.AddressList.GetValue(0).ToString))
MsgBox("您的计算机全名:" & (MYIP.HostName.ToString))

使用win32_operatingSystem (wmi Class)得到计算机信息
Dim opSearch As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
Dim opInfo As ManagementObject
For Each opInfo In opSearch.Get()
  ListBox1.Items.Add("Name: " & opInfo("name").ToString())
  ListBox1.Items.Add("Version: " & opInfo("version").ToString())
  ListBox1.Items.Add("Manufacturer: " & opInfo("manufacturer").ToString())
  ListBox1.Items.Add("Computer name: " & opInfo("csname").ToString())
  ListBox1.Items.Add("Windows Directory: " & opInfo("windowsdirectory").ToString())

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fntCollection As InstalledFontCollection = New InstalledFontCollection()
Dim fntFamily() As FontFamily
fntFamily = fntCollection.Families
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To fntFamily.Length - 1
End Sub

Imports System.Management
Public Class Form1
  Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

#Region " Windows 窗体设计器生成的代码 "

  Public Sub New()

    '该调用是 Windows 窗体设计器所必需的。

    '在 InitializeComponent() 调用之后添加任何初始化

  End Sub

  '窗体重写 dispose 以清理组件列表。
  Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
    If disposing Then
      If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
      End If
    End If
  End Sub

  'Windows 窗体设计器所必需的
  Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

  '注意: 以下过程是 Windows 窗体设计器所必需的
  '可以使用 Windows 窗体设计器修改此过程。
  Friend WithEvents ListBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
  Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
  <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
    Me.ListBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
    Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Me.ListBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 8)
    Me.ListBox1.Name = "ListBox1"
    Me.ListBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(280, 186)
    Me.ListBox1.TabIndex = 0
    Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(56, 208)
    Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
    Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(168, 32)
    Me.Button1.TabIndex = 1
    Me.Button1.Text = "装载计算机处理器信息"
    Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
    Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(296, 254)
    Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.Button1, Me.ListBox1})
    Me.Text = "计算机处理器信息"

  End Sub

#End Region

  Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
   Handles Button1.Click

    Dim ProcQuery As New SelectQuery("Win32_Processor")
    Dim ProcSearch As New ManagementObjectSearcher(ProcQuery)
    Dim ProcInfo As ManagementObject

    For Each ProcInfo In ProcSearch.Get()
      Call processorfamily(ProcInfo("Family").ToString)
      ListBox1.Items.Add("Description: " & ProcInfo("Description").ToString())
      ListBox1.Items.Add("caption: " & ProcInfo("caption").ToString())
      ListBox1.Items.Add("Architecture: " & ProcInfo("Architecture").ToString())
      Call processortype(ProcInfo("ProcessorType").ToString())
      Call CpuStat(ProcInfo("CpuStatus").ToString)
      ListBox1.Items.Add("MaxClockSpeed: " & ProcInfo("MaxClockSpeed").ToString() & "MHZ")
      ListBox1.Items.Add("L2CacheSpeed: " & ProcInfo("L2CacheSpeed").ToString() & "MHZ")
      ListBox1.Items.Add("ExtClock: " & ProcInfo("L2CacheSpeed").ToString() & "MHZ")
      ListBox1.Items.Add("ProcessorId: " & ProcInfo("ProcessorId").ToString())
      ListBox1.Items.Add("AddressWidth: " & ProcInfo("AddressWidth").ToString() & "Bits")
      ListBox1.Items.Add("DataWidth: " & ProcInfo("DataWidth").ToString() & "Bits")
      ListBox1.Items.Add("Version: " & ProcInfo("Version").ToString())
      ListBox1.Items.Add("ExtClock: " & ProcInfo("ExtClock").ToString() & "MHZ")
  End Sub
  Function processorfamily(ByVal procssfam)
    Dim processtype
    Select Case procssfam
      Case 1
        processtype = "Other"
      Case 2
        processtype = "Unknown "
      Case 3
        processtype = "8086 "
      Case 4
        processtype = "80286 "
      Case 5
        processtype = "80386 "
      Case 6
        processtype = "80486 "
      Case 7
        processtype = "8087 "
      Case 8
        processtype = "80287 "
      Case 9
        processtype = "80387 "
      Case 10
        processtype = "80487 "
      Case 11
        processtype = "Pentium brand "
      Case 12
        processtype = "Pentium Pro "
      Case 13
        processtype = "Pentium II "
      Case 14
        processtype = "Pentium processor with MMX technology "
      Case 15
        processtype = "Celeron "
      Case 16
        processtype = "Pentium II Xeon "
      Case 17
        processtype = "Pentium III "
      Case 18
        processtype = "M1 Family "
      Case 19
        processtype = "M2 Family "
      Case 24
        processtype = "K5 Family "
      Case 25
        processtype = "K6 Family "
      Case 26
        processtype = "K6-2 "
      Case 27
        processtype = "K6-3 "
      Case 28
        processtype = "AMD Athlon Processor Family "
      Case 29
        processtype = "AMD Duron Processor "
      Case 30
        processtype = "AMD2900 Family "
      Case 31
        processtype = "K6-2+ "
      Case 32
        processtype = "Power PC Family "
      Case 33
        processtype = "Power PC 601 "
      Case 34
        processtype = "Power PC 603 "
      Case 35
        processtype = "Power PC 603+ "
      Case 36
        processtype = "Power PC 604 "
      Case 37
        processtype = "Power PC 620 "
      Case 38
        processtype = "Power PC X704 "
      Case 39
        processtype = "Power PC 750 "
      Case 48
        processtype = "Alpha Family "
      Case 49
        processtype = "Alpha 21064 "
      Case 50
        processtype = "Alpha 21066 "
      Case 51
        processtype = "Alpha 21164 "
      Case 52
        processtype = "Alpha 21164PC "
      Case 53
        processtype = "Alpha 21164a "
      Case 54
        processtype = "Alpha 21264 "
      Case 55
        processtype = "Alpha 21364 "
      Case 64
        processtype = "MIPS Family "
      Case 65
        processtype = "MIPS R4000 "
      Case 66
        processtype = "MIPS R4200 "
      Case 67
        processtype = "MIPS R4400 "
      Case 68
        processtype = "MIPS R4600 "
      Case 69
        processtype = "MIPS R10000 "
      Case 80
        processtype = "SPARC Family "
      Case 81
        processtype = "SuperSPARC "
      Case 82
        processtype = "microSPARC II "
      Case 83
        processtype = "microSPARC IIep "
      Case 84
        processtype = "UltraSPARC "
      Case 85
        processtype = "UltraSPARC II "
      Case 86
        processtype = "UltraSPARC IIi "
      Case 87
        processtype = "UltraSPARC III "
      Case 88
        processtype = "UltraSPARC IIIi "
      Case 96
        processtype = "68040 "
      Case 97
        processtype = "68xxx Family "
      Case 98
        processtype = "68000 "
      Case 99
        processtype = "68010 "
      Case 100
        processtype = "68020 "
      Case 101
        processtype = "68030 "
      Case 112
        processtype = "Hobbit Family "
      Case 120
        processtype = "Crusoe TM5000 Family "
      Case 121
        processtype = "Crusoe TM3000 Family "
      Case 128
        processtype = "Weitek "
      Case 130
        processtype = "Itanium Processor "
      Case 144
        processtype = "PA-RISC Family "
      Case 145
        processtype = "PA-RISC 8500 "
      Case 146
        processtype = "PA-RISC 8000 "
      Case 147
        processtype = "PA-RISC 7300LC "
      Case 148
        processtype = "PA-RISC 7200 "
      Case 149
        processtype = "PA-RISC 7100LC "
      Case 150
        processtype = "PA-RISC 7100 "
      Case 160
        processtype = "V30 Family "
      Case 176
        processtype = "Pentium III Xeon "
      Case 177
        processtype = "Pentium III Processor with Intel SpeedStep Technology "
      Case 178
        processtype = "Pentium 4 "
      Case 179
        processtype = "Intel Xeon "
      Case 180
        processtype = "AS400 Family "
      Case 181
        processtype = "Intel Xeon processor MP "
      Case 182
        processtype = "AMD AthlonXP Family "
      Case 183
        processtype = "AMD AthlonMP Family "
      Case 184
        processtype = "Intel Itanium 2 "
      Case 185
        processtype = "AMD Opteron Family "
      Case 190
        processtype = "K7 "
      Case 200
        processtype = "IBM390 Family "
      Case 201
        processtype = "G4 "
      Case 202
        processtype = "G5 "
      Case 250
        processtype = "i860 "
      Case 251
        processtype = "i960 "
      Case 260
        processtype = "SH-3 "
      Case 261
        processtype = "SH-4 "
      Case 280
        processtype = "ARM "
      Case 281
        processtype = "StrongARM "
      Case 300
        processtype = "6x86 "
      Case 301
        processtype = "MediaGX "
      Case 302
        processtype = "MII "
      Case 320
        processtype = "WinChip "
      Case 350
        processtype = "DSP "
      Case 500
        processtype = "Video Processor "
    End Select
    ListBox1.Items.Add("Family: " & processtype)

  End Function
  Function CpuStat(ByVal CpuStNUM)
    Dim stat
    Select Case CpuStNUM
      Case 0
        stat = "Unknown "
      Case 1
        stat = "CPU Enabled "
      Case 2
        stat = "CPU Disabled by User via BIOS Setup "
      Case 3
        stat = "CPU Disabled By BIOS (POST Error) "
      Case 4
        stat = "CPU is Idle "
      Case 5
        stat = "Reserved "
      Case 6
        stat = "Reserved "
      Case 7
        stat = "Other "
    End Select
    ListBox1.Items.Add("CpuStatus: " & stat)
  End Function
  Function processortype(ByVal proctypenum)
    Dim proctype
    Select Case proctypenum
      Case 1
        proctype = "Other "
      Case 2
        proctype = "Unknown "
      Case 3
        proctype = "Central Processor "
      Case 4
        proctype = "Math Processor "
      Case 5
        proctype = "DSP Processor "
      Case 6
        proctype = "Video Processor "
    End Select
    ListBox1.Items.Add("Processor Type: " & proctype)

  End Function
End Class

posted on 2007-01-24 14:39  小小小程序员  阅读(247)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
