随笔分类 - LeetCode
摘要:Some people will make friend requests. The list of their ages is given and ages[i] is the age of the ith person. Person A will NOT friend request pers
摘要:A sentence S is given, composed of words separated by spaces. Each word consists of lowercase and uppercase letters only. We would like to convert the
摘要:Given an array of unique integers, each integer is strictly greater than 1. We make a binary tree using these integers and each number may be used for
摘要:On a table are N cards, with a positive integer printed on the front and back of each card (possibly different). We flip any number of cards, and afte
摘要:Given a string S and a character C, return an array of integers representing the shortest distance from the character C in the string. Example 1: Inpu
摘要:Given a list of words, we may encode it by writing a reference string S and a list of indexes A. For example, if the list of words is ["time", "me", "
摘要:Given a paragraph and a list of banned words, return the most frequent word that is not in the list of banned words. It is guaranteed there is at leas
摘要:Given a blacklist B containing unique integers from [0, N), write a function to return a uniform random integer from [0, N) which is NOT in B. Optimiz
摘要:Implement function ToLowerCase() that has a string parameter str, and returns the same string in lowercase. Example 1: Input: "Hello" Output: "hello"
摘要:Design your implementation of the linked list. You can choose to use the singly linked list or the doubly linked list. A node in a singly linked list
摘要:Given a robot cleaner in a room modeled as a grid. Each cell in the grid can be empty or blocked. The robot cleaner with 4 given APIs can move forward
摘要:Given a node from a Circular Linked List which is sorted in ascending order, write a function to insert a value insertVal into the list such that it r
摘要:Design a HashMap without using any built-in hash table libraries. Implement the MyHashMap class: MyHashMap() initializes the object with an empty map.
摘要:Design a HashSet without using any built-in hash table libraries. To be specific, your design should include these functions: add(value): Insert a val
摘要:Serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object into a sequence of bits so that it can be stored in a file or memory buffer, or
摘要:Design an algorithm to encode an N-ary tree into a binary tree and decode the binary tree to get the original N-ary tree. An N-ary tree is a rooted tr
摘要:Design a class to find the kth largest element in a stream. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order, not the kth distinct element.
摘要:Given a sorted (in ascending order) integer array nums of n elements and a target value, write a function to search target in nums. If target exists,
摘要:Given an integer array sorted in ascending order, write a function to search target in nums. If target exists, then return its index, otherwise return
摘要:Given the root node of a binary search tree (BST) and a value to be inserted into the tree, insert the value into the BST. Return the root node of the