随笔分类 - Amazon Web Service
摘要:Using CloudFormation template to create CodePipeline should be the best practice to maintain a pipeline. There are a lot of posts or videos online tha
摘要:Unlike AWS_REGION or AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME, we cannot get current account id from the environment variables. In order to to get the account id, we
摘要:When you deploy with SAM CLI using sam deploy, you might get the following error: Error: Unable to upload artifact <YourComponent> referenced by Conte
摘要:When use AWS API gateway with lambda authorizer, you may get 403 Forbidden error code with the error message User is not authorized to access this res
摘要:If you configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for an API, API Gateway automatically sends a response to preflight OPTIONS requests, even if th
摘要:AWS Lambda allows you to write customized authorizer for the API gateway, here is the video for Secure your API Gateway with Lambda Authorizer | Step
摘要:AWS lambda function has some built-in packages, but when you use some other packages (like requests), you might get the following error: Unable to imp
摘要:If you got the following error when run the sam deploy : CREATE_FAILED AWS::Lambda::Function <YourFunctionName> Resource handler Function returned mes
摘要:If the CodeBuild failed with following issue: Err:4 https://deb.nodesource.com/node_14.x focal Release Certificate verification failed: The certificat
摘要:DynamoDB 是 AWS 全家桶中非常重要的一个服务,跟 MongoDB 一样,是 NoSQL 数据库。有时候我们需要将某个表的数据整个导出或者导入,如果数据量很大的话,建议使用 AWS Data Pipeline 导出和导入 DynamoDB,如果数据量不是特别大的话,建议使用 AWS CLI
摘要:When runs "serverless create_domain", we may get the following error: Could not find the certificate xxxx.com. at ServerlessCustomDomain. This indicat
摘要:After install the Nginx on AWS instance, and visit your public ip address, you might see the following: This site can't be reached xxx.xxx.xx take too
摘要:Go to Elastic Beanstalk -> Configuration -> Security -> Virtual machine permissions -> EC2 key pair. Choose your key pair. If you do not have one, The