

v21.10 Latest

All links in the timeline have been replaced by links to the new info archive at https://distroware.gitlab.io/ which is pratically empty at this point

21.10 2021.10.23

  • Added: EuroLinux (thanks to jakub-olczyk, AlexBaranowski and Barnabasz)
  • Added: postmarketOS (thanks to krkk)
  • Blacklisted: bundled with hardware only distros (CromeOS, etc)
  • Blacklisted: commercial only (no sources) embedded distros (ELinOS, etc)
  • Continued: Lunar Linux (thanks to dagbrown)
  • Discontinued: OpenELEC
  • Discontinued: Qomo (thanks to OkayPJ)
  • Discontinued: SteamOS (the old Debian based)
  • Discontinued: Rocks, TENS
  • Rebased: OSMC (Debian since 2015.06.28, thanks to jb2cool)
  • Rebased: AV Linux (MX Linux since 2020.11.25)
  • Rebased: Finnix (Debian since 2005.10.23)
  • Fixed: SUSE and openSUSE history

posted @ 2022-08-08 14:32  Granding  阅读(608)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报