I must say that it is a time of deep analysis and relevant acceptance tests. You can say: “He repeats”, “Another set of buzzwords” and “It’s obvious”. Is everything clear ? How to fit acceptance testing in Agile environment, how to test just in time, which tools use and when ? Recently, a colleague from work asked me for a collection of knowledge about the acceptance tests. I have reviewed my bookmarks, and so I created the following list. Not complete but helpful.

Acceptance Test Engineering Guide

Very important lecture, complete and free to download. It is connected with Microsoft patterns and practices idea. In addition to presenting a basic introduction to terms and mental models to help you understand the concept, shows the difference in the perception of the tests from business, and IT point of view. There is also place for test planning process description.

Agile Acceptance Testing with Fitnesse

We can write testing in any text editor, even in notepad. The work can be facilitated by using freely available tools, one of them is Fitnesse. The author describes the process of creating test scripts, wrapping it with required expertise and good practices.

Agile Testing Book

Another very important item, simply describing the process of merging good tests in Agile environment. The quality of this book may provide feedback on Amazon: “A much needed book. A must-read”, “Great book, Long Overdue,” “Great help for transitioning to Agile QA analysts teams”.

Fitting Agile Acceptance Testing Into Development Process

Gojko is an acceptance testing evangelist, right guy at right place. His blog is a mine of knowledge, I recommend reading from cover to cover. In this article he shows best ways to archive perfect match our agile process and testing phrases.

User Acceptance Testing – a business analyst’s perspective

Another great knowledge source especially for business analysts and this article describes that kind of view. From objectives, role to planning with principles. Very interesting including lots of comments.

8 Tips To Create Complete Test Cases

My short list with basic principles regarding writing good, complete and easy to understand test cases. These principles also can be used when creating acceptance tests.




Pasted from <http://www.testandtry.com/2010/05/18/acceptance_testing_agile/>

posted on 2010-06-19 22:12  gracestoney  阅读(99)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报