vue 上拉加载自定义组件,超好用哦
1.创建组件components > zj-roll > index.vue
<template> <div> <slot></slot> <div class='bottom' v-if='(! && lastPage.empty!=0)'>---------- <span >我也是有底线的</span> ----------</div> <div class='loading' v-if=' && lastPage.empty!=0'> <!-- <img src='@/assets/loading.png' /> --> 玩命加载中</div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'scroll', props: ['lastPage'], data: function () { return { startY: 0, endY: 0, initTop: null, move: 0, a: 0, b: 0 } }, methods: { getScrollTop () { let scrollTop = 0 let bodyScrollTop = 0 let documentScrollTop = 0 if (document.body) { bodyScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop } if (document.documentElement) { documentScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop } scrollTop = (bodyScrollTop - documentScrollTop > 0) ? bodyScrollTop : documentScrollTop return scrollTop }, // 文档的总高度 getScrollHeight () { let scrollHeight = 0 let bodyScrollHeight = 0 let documentScrollHeight = 0 if (document.body) { bodyScrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight } if (document.documentElement) { documentScrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight } scrollHeight = (bodyScrollHeight - documentScrollHeight > 0) ? bodyScrollHeight : documentScrollHeight return scrollHeight }, // 浏览器视口的高度 getWindowHeight () { var windowHeight = 0 if (document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat') { windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight } else { windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight } return windowHeight }, handleScroll () { if (this.getScrollTop() + this.getWindowHeight() === this.getScrollHeight()) { this.$emit('zj-load') } } }, mounted () { window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll) } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .bottom{ padding:20px 0; width:100%; text-align: center; font-size:16px; color: #bbb; span{ margin:0 16px; } } .loading{ padding:20px 0; text-align: center; display: flex; justify-content:center; align-items: center; font-size:16px; color: #bbb; img{ animation: mymove .5s linear infinite; width:30px; height:30px; margin-right:10px; } } @-webkit-keyframes mymove { 0% {transform:rotate(0deg);} 50% {transform:rotate(180deg);} 100% {transform:rotate(360deg);} } </style>
<template> <div class="collection" v-if="show"> <scroll style="position:relative;-webkit-overflow-scrolling : touch;overflow:auto;margin-bottom:45px;" @zj-load="listLoad" :lastPage='{total: !allLoaded, empty: ulList.length}'> <x-header :left-options="{backText: ''}">我的收藏</x-header> <stopData :ulList="ulList" collection="收藏" v-if="ulList.length > 0"></stopData> <div class="noPoster" v-else> <div class="font32"> <img src="../../assets/sp_iconx.png"/>暂无收藏~ </div> </div> </scroll> </div> </template> <script> import { XHeader } from 'vux' import stopData from '@/components/stop' import { collectGoods } from '@/api' import { timingSafeEqual } from 'crypto'; import { types } from 'util'; import scroll from '@/components/zj-roll' export default { data () { return { ulList: [], pageSize: 3, pageIndex: 1, show: false, allLoaded: false } }, components: { stopData, XHeader, scroll }, mounted () { this.defined() }, methods: { listLoad(){ let that = this if (!that.allLoaded) { that.defined() } }, async defined(){ let that = this
//调取收藏列表数据 const {data} = await collectGoods({pageSize: this.pageSize, pageIndex: this.pageIndex}) if (data.code == 0) { this.ulList = this.ulList.concat(
// 判断是否还有下一页,如果是pageIndex加一 if ( { this.allLoaded = false this.pageIndex = this.pageIndex + 1 } else { this.allLoaded = true } = true } }, } } </script> <style lang="less"> .collection{ .noPoster{ margin-top: 5.333333rem /* 400/75 */; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; color: #999999; z-index: 0; background: #ffffff; div{ display: flex; align-items: center; } img{ width: .746667rem /* 56/75 */; height: .8rem /* 60/75 */; margin-right: .32rem /* 24/75 */; } } } </style>