react 瀑布流
import { View, Image, ScrollView } from '@tarojs/components' import Taro, { Component } from '@tarojs/taro' import './index.scss' type Props = { } type State = { list: Object[], leftList: Object[], rightList: Object[], leftHeight: Number, rightHeight: Number } let leftHeight = 0 let rightHeight = 0 class Pull extends Component<Props, State> { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { list: [{ CoverWidth: '', CoverHeight: '', Cover: '' }, { CoverWidth: '', CoverHeight: '', Cover: '' }, { CoverWidth: '', CoverHeight: '', Cover: '' }, { CoverWidth: '', CoverHeight: '', Cover: '' }, { CoverWidth: '', CoverHeight: '', Cover: '' }, { CoverWidth: '', CoverHeight: '', Cover: '' }], leftList: [], rightList: [], } } componentDidMount() { const { list } = this.state; for (const item of list) { Taro.getImageInfo({ src: item.Cover }).then((res) => { item.CoverWidth = res.width + 'px' item.CoverHeight = res.height + 'px' }) } console.log(list) this.isLeft() } async isLeft() { const { list, leftList, rightList } = this.state; for (const item of list) { leftHeight <= rightHeight ? leftList.push(item) : rightList.push(item); //判断两边高度,来觉得添加到那边 await this.getBoxHeight(leftList, rightList); } } getBoxHeight(leftList, rightList) { //获取左右两边高度 let query = Taro.createSelectorQuery(); return new Promise((resolve) => { this.setState({ leftList, rightList }, () => { setTimeout(() => {'#left').boundingClientRect();'#right').boundingClientRect(); query.exec((res) => { leftHeight = res[0].height; rightHeight = res[1].height; resolve(); }); }, 50); }); }) } render() { const { leftList, rightList } = this.state; return ( <ScrollView enableFlex={true} className='content'> <View className='left' id="left" ref="left"> {, index) => { return <View key={index}> <Image lazyLoad mode="widthFix" className='pic' src={item.Cover}></Image> </View> })} </View> <View className='right' id="right"> {, index) => { return <View key={index}> <Image lazyLoad mode="widthFix" className='pic' src={item.Cover}></Image> </View> })} </View> <View className="clear"></View> </ScrollView> ) } } export default Pull
.content{ // flex-direction: column; } .left{ width: 47%; float: left; margin:0 1% 0 2%; } .right{ width: 47%; float: right; margin:0 2% 0 1%; } .pic{ border-radius: 10rpx; width: 100%; } .clear{ clear: both; }