
# 学号20202309  2021-2022-1 《数据结构与面向对象程序设计》实验8报告

班级: 2023
姓名: 葛鹏宇
必修/选修: 必修

## 1.实验内容

    1. 参考教材PP16.1,完成链树LinkedBinaryTree的实现(getRight,contains,toString,preorder,postorder)

    2. 基于LinkedBinaryTree,实现基于(中序,先序)序列构造唯一一棵二㕚树的功能,比如给出中序HDIBEMJNAFCKGL和后序ABDHIEJMNCFGKL,构造出附图中的树

    3. 自己设计并实现一颗决策树

    4. 输入中缀表达式,使用树将中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式,并输出后缀表达式和计算结果(如果没有用树,正常评分。如果用到了树,即使有小的问题,也酌情给满分)

## 2. 实验过程及结果

码云:gpy/gpy20202309 - Gitee.com

    1. 参考教材PP16.1,完成链树LinkedBinaryTree的实现(getRight,contains,toString,preorder,postorder)




import  java.util.*;
public class LinkedBinaryTree<T>
    protected BTNode<T> root;

    public LinkedBinaryTree()
        root = null;

    public LinkedBinaryTree (T element)
        root = new BTNode<T>(element);

    public LinkedBinaryTree (T element, LinkedBinaryTree<T> left,
                             LinkedBinaryTree<T> right)
        root = new BTNode<T>(element);

    public T getRootElement() throws Exception, EmptyCollectionException {
        if (root == null)
            throw new EmptyCollectionException ("Get root operation "
                    + "failed. The tree is empty.");

        return root.getElement();

    public LinkedBinaryTree<T> getLeft() throws Exception, EmptyCollectionException {
        if (root == null)
            throw new EmptyCollectionException ("Get left operation "
                    + "failed. The tree is empty.");

        LinkedBinaryTree<T> result = new LinkedBinaryTree<T>();
        result.root = root.getLeft();

        return result;

    public T find (T target) throws ElementNotFoundException {
        BTNode<T> node = null;

        if (root != null)
            node = root.find(target);

        if (node == null)
            throw new ElementNotFoundException("Find operation failed. "
                    + "No such element in tree.");

        return node.getElement();

    public int size()
        int result = 0;

        if (root != null)
            result = root.count();

        return result;

    public LinkedBinaryTree<T> getRight() throws Exception, EmptyCollectionException {
        if (root == null)
            throw new EmptyCollectionException ("Get left operation "
                    + "failed. The tree is empty.");

        LinkedBinaryTree<T> result = new LinkedBinaryTree<T>();
        result.root = root.getRight();

        return result;

    public boolean contains (T target) {
        if (root.find(target)==null){
            return false;
        else {
            return true;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        if (root==null){
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    public ArrayList<T> preorder() {
        ArrayList<T> iter = new ArrayList<T>();

        if (root != null)
            root.preorder (iter);

        return iter;

    public ArrayList<T> postorder(BTNode<Character> root) {
        ArrayList<T> iter = new ArrayList<T>();

        if (this.root != null)
            this.root.postorder (iter);

        return iter;
    public String toString() {
        return super.toString();
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public interface BinaryTree<T> extends Iterable<T>
    public T getRootElement() throws  Exception;

    public BinaryTree<T> getLeft() throws  Exception;

    public BinaryTree<T> getRight() throws Exception;

    public boolean contains (T target) throws Exception;

    public T find (T target) throws  Exception;

    public boolean isEmpty();

    public int size();

    public String toString();

    public ArrayList<T> preorder();

    public Iterator<T> inorder();

    public ArrayList<T> postorder();

    public Iterator<T> levelorder() throws Exception, EmptyCollectionException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class BTNode<T>
    protected T element;
    protected BTNode<T> left, right;
    public BTNode(T element)
        this.element = element;
        left = right = null;
    public T getElement()
        return element;
    public void setElement (T element)
        this.element = element;
    public BTNode<T> getLeft()
        return left;
    public void setLeft (BTNode<T> left)
        this.left = left;
    public BTNode<T> getRight()
        return right;
    public void setRight (BTNode<T> right)
        this.right = right;
    public BTNode<T> find (T target) {
        BTNode<T> result = null;
        if (element.equals(target))
            result = this;
            if (left != null)
                result = left.find(target);
            if (result == null && right != null)
                result = right.find(target);
        return result;
    public int count() {
        int result = 1;
        if (left != null)
            result += left.count();
        if (right != null)
            result += right.count();
        return result;
    public void inorder (ArrayList<T> iter) {
        if (left != null)
            left.inorder (iter);
        iter.add (element);
        if (right != null)
            right.inorder (iter);
    public void preorder (ArrayList<T> iter) {
        iter.add (element);
        if (left != null)
            left.inorder (iter);
        if (right != null)
            right.inorder (iter);
    public void postorder (ArrayList<T> iter) {
        if (left != null)
            left.inorder (iter);
        if (right != null)
            right.inorder (iter);
        iter.add (element);





import  java.util.*;
public class LinkedBinaryTree<T>
    protected BTNode<T> root;

    public LinkedBinaryTree()
        root = null;

    public LinkedBinaryTree (T element)
        root = new BTNode<T>(element);

    public LinkedBinaryTree (T element, LinkedBinaryTree<T> left,
                             LinkedBinaryTree<T> right)
        root = new BTNode<T>(element);

    public T getRootElement() throws Exception, EmptyCollectionException {
        if (root == null)
            throw new EmptyCollectionException ("Get root operation "
                    + "failed. The tree is empty.");

        return root.getElement();

    public LinkedBinaryTree<T> getLeft() throws Exception, EmptyCollectionException {
        if (root == null)
            throw new EmptyCollectionException ("Get left operation "
                    + "failed. The tree is empty.");

        LinkedBinaryTree<T> result = new LinkedBinaryTree<T>();
        result.root = root.getLeft();

        return result;

    public T find (T target) throws ElementNotFoundException {
        BTNode<T> node = null;

        if (root != null)
            node = root.find(target);

        if (node == null)
            throw new ElementNotFoundException("Find operation failed. "
                    + "No such element in tree.");

        return node.getElement();

    public int size()
        int result = 0;

        if (root != null)
            result = root.count();

        return result;

    public LinkedBinaryTree<T> getRight() throws Exception, EmptyCollectionException {
        if (root == null)
            throw new EmptyCollectionException ("Get left operation "
                    + "failed. The tree is empty.");

        LinkedBinaryTree<T> result = new LinkedBinaryTree<T>();
        result.root = root.getRight();

        return result;

    public boolean contains (T target) {
        if (root.find(target)==null){
            return false;
        else {
            return true;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        if (root==null){
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    public ArrayList<T> preorder() {
        ArrayList<T> iter = new ArrayList<T>();

        if (root != null)
            root.preorder (iter);

        return iter;

    public ArrayList<T> postorder(BTNode<Character> root) {
        ArrayList<T> iter = new ArrayList<T>();

        if (this.root != null)
            this.root.postorder (iter);

        return iter;
    public String toString() {
        return super.toString();

    public int findIndexInArray(char[] a, char x, int begin, int end) {
        for(int i=begin;i<=end;i++) {
            if(a[i] == x) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    public void initTree(char[] preOrder, char[] inOrder) {
        this.root = this.initTree(preOrder, 0, preOrder.length-1, inOrder, 0, inOrder.length-1);

    public BTNode initTree(char[] preOrder, int start1, int end1, char[] inOrder, int start2, int end2) {
        if(start1 > end1 || start2 > end2) {
            return null;
        char rootData = preOrder[start1];
        BTNode<Character> head = new BTNode(rootData);
        int rootIndex = findIndexInArray(inOrder, rootData, start2, end2);
        int offSet = rootIndex - start2 - 1;
        BTNode left = initTree(preOrder, start1+1, start1+1+offSet, inOrder, start2, start2+offSet);
        BTNode right = initTree(preOrder, start1+offSet+2, end1, inOrder, rootIndex+1, end2);
        head.left = left;
        head.right = right;
        return head;





import java.util.Scanner;

public class DecisionTree {
    private LinkedBinaryTree<String> tree;

    public DecisionTree(){
        String e1 = "Do you have homework?";
        String e2 = "Do you have any difficulties in study?";
        String e3 = "Are you always hungry?";
        String e4 = "Is it difficult for you to get up?";
        String e5 = "Do you often exercise?";
        String e6 = "Do you like study Java?";
        String e7 = "thank you";
        String e8 = "thank you";
        String e9 = "thank you";
        String e10 = "thank you";
        String e11 = "thank you";
        String e12 = "pass!";
        String e13 = "fail!!!";

        LinkedBinaryTree<String> n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n13;
        n8 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e8);
        n9 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e9);
        n4 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e4,n8,n9);
        n10 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e10);
        n11 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e11);
        n5 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e5,n10,n11);
        n12 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e12);
        n13 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e13);
        n6 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e6,n12,n13);
        n7 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e7);
        n2 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e2,n4,n5);
        n3 = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e3,n6,n7);

        tree = new LinkedBinaryTree<String>(e1,n2,n3);

    public void diagnose() throws Exception {
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
        LinkedBinaryTree<String> current = tree;

        System.out.println("some questions:");
                current = current.getLeft();
                current = current.getRight();






import java.util.Stack;
public class Reverse {
    static Stack<Character> op = new Stack<>();
    public static Float getv(char op, Float f1, Float f2) {
        if (op == '+')
            return f1 + f2;
        else if (op == '-')
            return f2 - f1;
        else if (op == '*')
            return f2 * f1;
        else if (op == '/')
            return f2 / f1;
            return Float.valueOf(-0);
    public static float cal(String rp) {
        Stack<Float> v = new Stack<>();
        char[] arr = rp.toCharArray();
        int len = arr.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            Character ch = arr[i];
            if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
                v.push(Float.valueOf(ch - '0'));
                v.push(getv(ch, v.pop(), v.pop()));
        return v.pop();
    public static String get(String s) {
        char[] arr = s.toCharArray();
        int len = arr.length;
        String out = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            char ch = arr[i];
            if (ch == ' ')
            if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
                out += ch;
            if (ch == '(')
            if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
                while (!op.empty() && (op.peek() != '('))
                    out += op.pop();
            if (ch == '*' || ch == '/') {
                while (!op.empty() && (op.peek() == '*' || op.peek() == '/'))
                    out += op.pop();
            if (ch == ')') {
                while (!op.empty() && op.peek() != '(')
                    out += op.pop();
        while (!op.empty()) out += op.pop();
        return out;



## 3. 实验过程中遇到的问题和解决过程
- 问题1:第二个实验题目给我带来了挺大的困难,就是想不出构造要求的那个二叉树的逻辑是什么。

 - 问题1解决方案:在网上查阅资料,参考了别人的想法。

## 其他(感悟、思考等)

## 参考资料

-  [《Java程序设计与数据结构教程(第4版)》]

posted @ 2021-11-28 21:46  20202309葛鹏宇  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报