How do you make an object in C? Used in RTOS.

I went through the EE445M and found it’s interesting since the goal of this class is to build a working RTOS. The first lec note mentioned how to make an object in C. The example he used is the “FIFO”.


There are 2 things to learn:

1. “##”: this is called token paste operator, “\”is like “…”in MATLAB, just means next line is connected to current line.

2. C doesn’t support OOP (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism). In here, we are trying to mimic encapsulation in C.

// macro to create a pointer FIFO
// Comment: NAME is the param to rename the var, functions inside the "class"
#define AddPointerFifo(NAME,SIZE,TYPE,SUCCESS,FAIL) \
TYPE volatile *NAME ## PutPt;    \
TYPE volatile *NAME ## GetPt;    \
TYPE static NAME ## Fifo [SIZE];        \
void NAME ## Fifo_Init(void){ long sr;  \
  sr = StartCritical();                 \
  NAME ## PutPt = NAME ## GetPt = &NAME ## Fifo[0]; \
  EndCritical(sr);                      \
}                                       \
int NAME ## Fifo_Put (TYPE data){       \
  TYPE volatile *nextPutPt;             \
  nextPutPt = NAME ## PutPt + 1;        \
  if(nextPutPt == &NAME ## Fifo[SIZE]){ \
    nextPutPt = &NAME ## Fifo[0];       \
  }                                     \
  if(nextPutPt == NAME ## GetPt ){      \
    return(FAIL);                       \
  }                                     \
  else{                                 \
    *( NAME ## PutPt ) = data;          \
    NAME ## PutPt = nextPutPt;          \
    return(SUCCESS);                    \
  }                                     \
}                                       \
int NAME ## Fifo_Get (TYPE *datapt){    \
  if( NAME ## PutPt == NAME ## GetPt ){ \
    return(FAIL);                       \
  }                                     \
  *datapt = *( NAME ## GetPt ## ++);    \
  if( NAME ## GetPt == &NAME ## Fifo[SIZE]){ \
    NAME ## GetPt = &NAME ## Fifo[0];   \
  }                                     \
  return(SUCCESS);                      \
}                                       \
unsigned short NAME ## Fifo_Size (void){\
  if( NAME ## PutPt < NAME ## GetPt ){  \
    return ((unsigned short)( NAME ## PutPt - NAME ## GetPt + (SIZE*sizeof(TYPE)))/sizeof(TYPE)); \
  }                                     \
  return ((unsigned short)( NAME ## PutPt - NAME ## GetPt )/sizeof(TYPE)); \
// e.g.,
// AddPointerFifo(Rx,32,unsigned char, 1,0)
// SIZE can be any size
// creates RxFifo_Init() RxFifo_Get() and RxFifo_Put()


1. lec note of EE 445M




posted @ 2014-07-17 14:32  fxrcode  阅读(305)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报