因业务需要,我们现有得服务器上一个节点上装了多个服务,前后端都有涉及,因此就需要用 filebeat 将这些日志收集起来生成不一样得索引,配置如下(仅供参考):
filebeat.inputs: # Each - is an input. Most options can be set at the input level, so # you can use different inputs for various configurations. # Below are the input specific configurations. - type: log # Change to true to enable this input configuration. enabled: true # Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths. paths: - /var/log/nginx/*.log fields: log_type: "nginx" json.key_under_root: true json.overwite_keys: true #- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\* - type: log enabled: true paths: - /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log fields: log_type: "es" multiline.pattern: '^\s' multiline.negate: true multiline.match: after - type: log enabled: true paths: - /data/ruoyi/*.log fields: log_type: "ruoyi" multiline.pattern: '^\s' multiline.negate: true multiline.match: after
output.elasticsearch: # Array of hosts to connect to. hosts: ["",""] index: "nginx-%{+yyyy.MM}" indices: - index: "es-log" when.contains: fields: log_type: "es" - index: "ruoyi-log" when.contains: fields: log_type: "ruoyi"
解释一下大概就是按域或者说是字段区分,按照域创建不同得索引,output 中 hosts 下面得index 意思是除下面两个判断,其他得放在nginx索引中