Semaphore:信号量。 相当于一个计数器,记录一个共享资源被访问线程的个数;好比有两个或者更多个办事窗口,他们都做同一件事;假设有4个窗口,五个窗口都没人访问的时候计数器为4;有一个窗口被占用计数器减1,为3;全部被占用则计数器为0;这时候其他人想要访问就必须等待占用结束后计数器加1;
using System; using System.Threading; namespace semaphoreSlim_Test { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { string threadName = "Thread" + i; int secondsToWait = 2 + 2 * i; var t = new Thread(() => AccessDatabase(threadName, secondsToWait)); t.Start(); } Console.ReadKey(); } static SemaphoreSlim _semaphor = new SemaphoreSlim(4); static void AccessDatabase(string name,int seconds) { Console.WriteLine("{0} waits to access a database", name); _semaphor.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("{0} was granted an access to a database", name); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds)); Console.WriteLine("{0} is completed", name); _semaphor.Release(); } } }