
九章算法:系统设计班 - 课程大纲

第1章 Introduce System Design - How to Design Twitter

  · What is System Design
  · Who should Learn System Design
  · How we ask System Design in Interview
  · How to answer System Design Question
  · Basic Knowledge of System Design
  · Design a Twitter

第2章 Database 数据库系统设计
  · 实战真题
    1) Table Design
    2) Design User System
    3) Design a Key-value Storage
    4) Memcache, Redis, MongoDB, Dynamo DB, Cassandra
  · 关键词:database, primary/foreign key, table, row, attribute, index, transaction, log, lock, lifecycle

第3章 OOD 面向对象设计
  · 实战真题
    1) toy factory
    2) shape factory
    3) parking lot
    4) blackj(todo)
    5) elevator(todo)
    6) achievement system(todo)
  · 关键词:面向对象

第4章 Web System 网站系统设计
  · 实战真题
    1) What happend if you visit www.google.com?
    2) How to design tiny url?
    3) How to design rate limiter?
    4) How to design data dog?
  · 关键词:Web, Consistent Hashing, Memcached, Tiny url.

第5章 Search Engine 搜索系统设计
  · 实战真题
    1) crawler
    2) typeahead
    3) inverted index
  · 关键词:failure rate, DNS, web server, file server, timeout, content delivery network, cookie, HTTP, divide and conquer, Internet service provider, hosts, hijack, retention rate, cache, lazy load, rate limiter, QPS, counter , expire, request 

第6章 分布式系统 Mapreduce & Distributed File System
  · 实战真题
    1)Inverted index
    3) Word Count
    4) Distributed File System Design 设计
  · 关键词:Map Reduce

第7章 实时位置系统设计 Location Based Realtime System
  · 实战真题:
    1) Design Yelp
    2) Design Uber
    3) Design Whatsapp
  · 关键词 Location Based, Realtime System

posted @ 2016-10-17 16:49  dai.sp  阅读(3790)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报