#include <iostream> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp> #include <Eigen/Core> #include <g2o/core/base_vertex.h> #include <g2o/core/base_unary_edge.h> #include <g2o/core/sparse_optimizer.h> #include <g2o/core/block_solver.h> #include <g2o/core/solver.h> #include <g2o/core/optimization_algorithm_gauss_newton.h> #include <g2o/solvers/dense/linear_solver_dense.h> #include <sophus/se3.hpp> #include <chrono> using namespace std; using namespace cv; void find_feature_matches( const Mat &img_1, const Mat &img_2, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints_1, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints_2, std::vector<DMatch> &matches); // 像素坐标转相机归一化坐标 Point2d pixel2cam(const Point2d &p, const Mat &K); // BA by g2o typedef vector<Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2d>> VecVector2d; typedef vector<Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d>> VecVector3d; void bundleAdjustmentG2O( const VecVector3d &points_3d, const VecVector2d &points_2d, const Mat &K, Sophus::SE3d &pose ); // BA by gauss-newton void bundleAdjustmentGaussNewton( const VecVector3d &points_3d, const VecVector2d &points_2d, const Mat &K, Sophus::SE3d &pose ); int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 5) { cout << "usage: pose_estimation_3d2d img1 img2 depth1 depth2" << endl; return 1; } //-- 读取图像 Mat img_1 = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); Mat img_2 = imread(argv[2], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); assert(img_1.data && img_2.data && "Can not load images!"); vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1, keypoints_2; vector<DMatch> matches; find_feature_matches(img_1, img_2, keypoints_1, keypoints_2, matches); cout << "一共找到了" << matches.size() << "组匹配点" << endl; // 建立3D点 Mat d1 = imread(argv[3], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); // 深度图为16位无符号数,单通道图像 Mat K = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 520.9, 0, 325.1, 0, 521.0, 249.7, 0, 0, 1); vector<Point3f> pts_3d; vector<Point2f> pts_2d; for (DMatch m:matches) { ushort d = d1.ptr<unsigned short>(int(keypoints_1[m.queryIdx].pt.y))[int(keypoints_1[m.queryIdx].pt.x)]; if (d == 0) // bad depth continue; float dd = d / 5000.0; Point2d p1 = pixel2cam(keypoints_1[m.queryIdx].pt, K); pts_3d.push_back(Point3f(p1.x * dd, p1.y * dd, dd)); pts_2d.push_back(keypoints_2[m.trainIdx].pt); } cout << "3d-2d pairs: " << pts_3d.size() << endl; chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); Mat r, t; solvePnP(pts_3d, pts_2d, K, Mat(), r, t, false); // 调用OpenCV 的 PnP 求解,可选择EPNP,DLS等方法 Mat R; cv::Rodrigues(r, R); // r为旋转向量形式,用Rodrigues公式转换为矩阵 chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); chrono::duration<double> time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1); cout << "solve pnp in opencv cost time: " << time_used.count() << " seconds." << endl; cout << "R=" << endl << R << endl; cout << "t=" << endl << t << endl; VecVector3d pts_3d_eigen; VecVector2d pts_2d_eigen; for (size_t i = 0; i < pts_3d.size(); ++i) { pts_3d_eigen.push_back(Eigen::Vector3d(pts_3d[i].x, pts_3d[i].y, pts_3d[i].z)); pts_2d_eigen.push_back(Eigen::Vector2d(pts_2d[i].x, pts_2d[i].y)); } cout << "calling bundle adjustment by gauss newton" << endl; Sophus::SE3d pose_gn; t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); bundleAdjustmentGaussNewton(pts_3d_eigen, pts_2d_eigen, K, pose_gn); t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1); cout << "solve pnp by gauss newton cost time: " << time_used.count() << " seconds." << endl; cout << "calling bundle adjustment by g2o" << endl; Sophus::SE3d pose_g2o; t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); bundleAdjustmentG2O(pts_3d_eigen, pts_2d_eigen, K, pose_g2o); t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1); cout << "solve pnp by g2o cost time: " << time_used.count() << " seconds." << endl; return 0; } void find_feature_matches(const Mat &img_1, const Mat &img_2, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints_1, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints_2, std::vector<DMatch> &matches) { //-- 初始化 Mat descriptors_1, descriptors_2; // used in OpenCV3 Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector = ORB::create(); Ptr<DescriptorExtractor> descriptor = ORB::create(); // use this if you are in OpenCV2 // Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector = FeatureDetector::create ( "ORB" ); // Ptr<DescriptorExtractor> descriptor = DescriptorExtractor::create ( "ORB" ); Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> matcher = DescriptorMatcher::create("BruteForce-Hamming"); //-- 第一步:检测 Oriented FAST 角点位置 detector->detect(img_1, keypoints_1); detector->detect(img_2, keypoints_2); //-- 第二步:根据角点位置计算 BRIEF 描述子 descriptor->compute(img_1, keypoints_1, descriptors_1); descriptor->compute(img_2, keypoints_2, descriptors_2); //-- 第三步:对两幅图像中的BRIEF描述子进行匹配,使用 Hamming 距离 vector<DMatch> match; // BFMatcher matcher ( NORM_HAMMING ); matcher->match(descriptors_1, descriptors_2, match); //-- 第四步:匹配点对筛选 double min_dist = 10000, max_dist = 0; //找出所有匹配之间的最小距离和最大距离, 即是最相似的和最不相似的两组点之间的距离 for (int i = 0; i < descriptors_1.rows; i++) { double dist = match[i].distance; if (dist < min_dist) min_dist = dist; if (dist > max_dist) max_dist = dist; } printf("-- Max dist : %f \n", max_dist); printf("-- Min dist : %f \n", min_dist); //当描述子之间的距离大于两倍的最小距离时,即认为匹配有误.但有时候最小距离会非常小,设置一个经验值30作为下限. for (int i = 0; i < descriptors_1.rows; i++) { if (match[i].distance <= max(2 * min_dist, 30.0)) { matches.push_back(match[i]); } } } Point2d pixel2cam(const Point2d &p, const Mat &K) { return Point2d ( (p.x - K.at<double>(0, 2)) / K.at<double>(0, 0), (p.y - K.at<double>(1, 2)) / K.at<double>(1, 1) ); } void bundleAdjustmentGaussNewton( const VecVector3d &points_3d, const VecVector2d &points_2d, const Mat &K, Sophus::SE3d &pose) { typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> Vector6d; const int iterations = 10; double cost = 0, lastCost = 0; double fx = K.at<double>(0, 0); double fy = K.at<double>(1, 1); double cx = K.at<double>(0, 2); double cy = K.at<double>(1, 2); for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) { Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> H = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Zero(); Vector6d b = Vector6d::Zero(); cost = 0; // compute cost for (int i = 0; i < points_3d.size(); i++) { Eigen::Vector3d pc = pose * points_3d[i]; double inv_z = 1.0 / pc[2]; double inv_z2 = inv_z * inv_z; Eigen::Vector2d proj(fx * pc[0] / pc[2] + cx, fy * pc[1] / pc[2] + cy); Eigen::Vector2d e = points_2d[i] - proj; cost += e.squaredNorm(); Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 6> J; J << -fx * inv_z, 0, fx * pc[0] * inv_z2, fx * pc[0] * pc[1] * inv_z2, -fx - fx * pc[0] * pc[0] * inv_z2, fx * pc[1] * inv_z, 0, -fy * inv_z, fy * pc[1] * inv_z2, fy + fy * pc[1] * pc[1] * inv_z2, -fy * pc[0] * pc[1] * inv_z2, -fy * pc[0] * inv_z; H += J.transpose() * J; b += -J.transpose() * e; } Vector6d dx; dx = H.ldlt().solve(b); if (isnan(dx[0])) { cout << "result is nan!" << endl; break; } if (iter > 0 && cost >= lastCost) { // cost increase, update is not good cout << "cost: " << cost << ", last cost: " << lastCost << endl; break; } // update your estimation pose = Sophus::SE3d::exp(dx) * pose; lastCost = cost; cout << "iteration " << iter << " cost=" << std::setprecision(12) << cost << endl; if (dx.norm() < 1e-6) { // converge break; } } cout << "pose by g-n: \n" << pose.matrix() << endl; } /// vertex and edges used in g2o ba class VertexPose : public g2o::BaseVertex<6, Sophus::SE3d> { public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW; virtual void setToOriginImpl() override { _estimate = Sophus::SE3d(); } /// left multiplication on SE3 virtual void oplusImpl(const double *update) override { Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> update_eigen; update_eigen << update[0], update[1], update[2], update[3], update[4], update[5]; _estimate = Sophus::SE3d::exp(update_eigen) * _estimate; } virtual bool read(istream &in) override {} virtual bool write(ostream &out) const override {} }; class EdgeProjection : public g2o::BaseUnaryEdge<2, Eigen::Vector2d, VertexPose> { public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW; EdgeProjection(const Eigen::Vector3d &pos, const Eigen::Matrix3d &K) : _pos3d(pos), _K(K) {} virtual void computeError() override { const VertexPose *v = static_cast<VertexPose *> (_vertices[0]); Sophus::SE3d T = v->estimate(); Eigen::Vector3d pos_pixel = _K * (T * _pos3d); pos_pixel /= pos_pixel[2]; _error = _measurement - pos_pixel.head<2>(); } virtual void linearizeOplus() override { const VertexPose *v = static_cast<VertexPose *> (_vertices[0]); Sophus::SE3d T = v->estimate(); Eigen::Vector3d pos_cam = T * _pos3d; double fx = _K(0, 0); double fy = _K(1, 1); double cx = _K(0, 2); double cy = _K(1, 2); double X = pos_cam[0]; double Y = pos_cam[1]; double Z = pos_cam[2]; double Z2 = Z * Z; _jacobianOplusXi << -fx / Z, 0, fx * X / Z2, fx * X * Y / Z2, -fx - fx * X * X / Z2, fx * Y / Z, 0, -fy / Z, fy * Y / (Z * Z), fy + fy * Y * Y / Z2, -fy * X * Y / Z2, -fy * X / Z; } virtual bool read(istream &in) override {} virtual bool write(ostream &out) const override {} private: Eigen::Vector3d _pos3d; Eigen::Matrix3d _K; }; void bundleAdjustmentG2O( const VecVector3d &points_3d, const VecVector2d &points_2d, const Mat &K, Sophus::SE3d &pose) { // 构建图优化,先设定g2o typedef g2o::BlockSolver<g2o::BlockSolverTraits<6, 3>> BlockSolverType; // pose is 6, landmark is 3 typedef g2o::LinearSolverDense<BlockSolverType::PoseMatrixType> LinearSolverType; // 线性求解器类型 // 梯度下降方法,可以从GN, LM, DogLeg 中选 auto solver = new g2o::OptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton( g2o::make_unique<BlockSolverType>(g2o::make_unique<LinearSolverType>())); g2o::SparseOptimizer optimizer; // 图模型 optimizer.setAlgorithm(solver); // 设置求解器 optimizer.setVerbose(true); // 打开调试输出 // vertex VertexPose *vertex_pose = new VertexPose(); // camera vertex_pose vertex_pose->setId(0); vertex_pose->setEstimate(Sophus::SE3d()); optimizer.addVertex(vertex_pose); // K Eigen::Matrix3d K_eigen; K_eigen << K.at<double>(0, 0), K.at<double>(0, 1), K.at<double>(0, 2), K.at<double>(1, 0), K.at<double>(1, 1), K.at<double>(1, 2), K.at<double>(2, 0), K.at<double>(2, 1), K.at<double>(2, 2); // edges int index = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < points_2d.size(); ++i) { auto p2d = points_2d[i]; auto p3d = points_3d[i]; EdgeProjection *edge = new EdgeProjection(p3d, K_eigen); edge->setId(index); edge->setVertex(0, vertex_pose); edge->setMeasurement(p2d); edge->setInformation(Eigen::Matrix2d::Identity()); optimizer.addEdge(edge); index++; } chrono::steady_clock::time_point t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); optimizer.setVerbose(true); optimizer.initializeOptimization(); optimizer.optimize(10); chrono::steady_clock::time_point t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now(); chrono::duration<double> time_used = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1); cout << "optimization costs time: " << time_used.count() << " seconds." << endl; cout << "pose estimated by g2o =\n" << vertex_pose->estimate().matrix() << endl; pose = vertex_pose->estimate(); }
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(vo1) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") add_definitions("-DENABLE_SSE") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -O2 ${SSE_FLAGS} -msse4") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) find_package(OpenCV 3 REQUIRED) find_package(G2O REQUIRED) find_package(Sophus REQUIRED) include_directories( ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${G2O_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Sophus_INCLUDE_DIRS} "/usr/include/eigen3/" ) add_executable(orb_cv orb_cv.cpp) target_link_libraries(orb_cv ${OpenCV_LIBS}) add_executable(orb_self orb_self.cpp) target_link_libraries(orb_self ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # add_executable( pose_estimation_2d2d pose_estimation_2d2d.cpp extra.cpp ) # use this if in OpenCV2 add_executable(pose_estimation_2d2d pose_estimation_2d2d.cpp) target_link_libraries(pose_estimation_2d2d ${OpenCV_LIBS}) # # add_executable( triangulation triangulation.cpp extra.cpp) # use this if in opencv2 add_executable(triangulation triangulation.cpp) target_link_libraries(triangulation ${OpenCV_LIBS}) add_executable(pose_estimation_3d2d pose_estimation_3d2d.cpp) target_link_libraries(pose_estimation_3d2d g2o_core g2o_stuff ${OpenCV_LIBS}) add_executable(pose_estimation_3d3d pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp) target_link_libraries(pose_estimation_3d3d g2o_core g2o_stuff ${OpenCV_LIBS})
# Find the header files FIND_PATH(G2O_INCLUDE_DIR g2o/core/base_vertex.h ${G2O_ROOT}/include $ENV{G2O_ROOT}/include $ENV{G2O_ROOT} /usr/local/include /usr/include /opt/local/include /sw/local/include /sw/include NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) # Macro to unify finding both the debug and release versions of the # libraries; this is adapted from the OpenSceneGraph FIND_LIBRARY # macro. MACRO(FIND_G2O_LIBRARY MYLIBRARY MYLIBRARYNAME) FIND_LIBRARY("${MYLIBRARY}_DEBUG" NAMES "g2o_${MYLIBRARYNAME}_d" PATHS ${G2O_ROOT}/lib/Debug ${G2O_ROOT}/lib $ENV{G2O_ROOT}/lib/Debug $ENV{G2O_ROOT}/lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) FIND_LIBRARY("${MYLIBRARY}_DEBUG" NAMES "g2o_${MYLIBRARYNAME}_d" PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib64 /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /opt/local/lib /sw/local/lib /sw/lib ) FIND_LIBRARY(${MYLIBRARY} NAMES "g2o_${MYLIBRARYNAME}" PATHS ${G2O_ROOT}/lib/Release ${G2O_ROOT}/lib $ENV{G2O_ROOT}/lib/Release $ENV{G2O_ROOT}/lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) FIND_LIBRARY(${MYLIBRARY} NAMES "g2o_${MYLIBRARYNAME}" PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib64 /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /opt/local/lib /sw/local/lib /sw/lib ) IF(NOT ${MYLIBRARY}_DEBUG) IF(MYLIBRARY) SET(${MYLIBRARY}_DEBUG ${MYLIBRARY}) ENDIF(MYLIBRARY) ENDIF( NOT ${MYLIBRARY}_DEBUG) ENDMACRO(FIND_G2O_LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARYNAME) # Find the core elements FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_STUFF_LIBRARY stuff) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_CORE_LIBRARY core) # Find the CLI library FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_CLI_LIBRARY cli) # Find the pluggable solvers FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_CHOLMOD solver_cholmod) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_CSPARSE solver_csparse) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_CSPARSE_EXTENSION csparse_extension) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_DENSE solver_dense) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_PCG solver_pcg) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_SLAM2D_LINEAR solver_slam2d_linear) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_STRUCTURE_ONLY solver_structure_only) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_SOLVER_EIGEN solver_eigen) # Find the predefined types FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_TYPES_DATA types_data) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_TYPES_ICP types_icp) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_TYPES_SBA types_sba) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_TYPES_SCLAM2D types_sclam2d) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_TYPES_SIM3 types_sim3) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_TYPES_SLAM2D types_slam2d) FIND_G2O_LIBRARY(G2O_TYPES_SLAM3D types_slam3d) # G2O solvers declared found if we found at least one solver SET(G2O_SOLVERS_FOUND "NO") IF(G2O_SOLVER_CHOLMOD OR G2O_SOLVER_CSPARSE OR G2O_SOLVER_DENSE OR G2O_SOLVER_PCG OR G2O_SOLVER_SLAM2D_LINEAR OR G2O_SOLVER_STRUCTURE_ONLY OR G2O_SOLVER_EIGEN) SET(G2O_SOLVERS_FOUND "YES") ENDIF(G2O_SOLVER_CHOLMOD OR G2O_SOLVER_CSPARSE OR G2O_SOLVER_DENSE OR G2O_SOLVER_PCG OR G2O_SOLVER_SLAM2D_LINEAR OR G2O_SOLVER_STRUCTURE_ONLY OR G2O_SOLVER_EIGEN) # G2O itself declared found if we found the core libraries and at least one solver SET(G2O_FOUND "NO") IF(G2O_STUFF_LIBRARY AND G2O_CORE_LIBRARY AND G2O_INCLUDE_DIR AND G2O_SOLVERS_FOUND) SET(G2O_FOUND "YES") ENDIF(G2O_STUFF_LIBRARY AND G2O_CORE_LIBRARY AND G2O_INCLUDE_DIR AND G2O_SOLVERS_FOUND)