
 方法1 :
1。使用Remote File Viewer将C:\Program Files\MapInfo\MapX Mobile-5.05 目录下的MapInfo MapX Mobile.CAB导入虚拟机中
2。On the Pocket PC 2003 device, locate to the file and click on it. It will automatically install the necessary files on the device.

1)Launch the target installer bat file (C:\Program Files\MapInfo\MapX Mobile5.5\target\x86\TargetInstaller\setup_x86.bat).
The installer starts and then launches the emulator.
The installer copies all the necessary files to the emulator.
When the installation is complete a target installer message is displayed.
2)Soft-reset your emulator. Use the Emulator->Soft Reset menu option to do this. Any other
reset of your emulator causes you to lose anything installed in it.
This soft reboot necessary to have the newly installed MapX Mobile fonts available for the
system so that your map symbols display properly.
3)If you want to transfer any map files (such as geosets and map data) to your emulated device, use
the Windows CE Remote File Viewer (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows
CE Tools\Platman\bin\cefilevw.exe). All MapX Mobile related files should be placed in the My
Documents\Maps directory on the Pocket PC device. The Pocket PC registry is already configured
to use this directory to find any geosets and map data.  

posted @ 2008-11-28 16:48  googlegis  阅读(171)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

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