javascript download geoserver layer as kml file
var sqlfilter = " CITY='" + city + "' and SDATE>" + sdate + " and SDATE <" + edate;
soMapRoad.downLoadGeoLayer(actionId, kpi, layerTitle, sqlfilter);
function downloadTileGridMap(layerName, styleId, filterQuery) {
var url = "http://" + geoIP + "/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&LAYERS=FAST:" + layerName + "&STYLES=" + styleId + "&CQL_FILTER=" + filterQuery + "&bbox=109.0,20.0,118.0,26.0&width=768&height=512&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/";;
function downLoadGeoLayer(currentActionId, kpi, sqlfilter) {
function (json) {
function (infoIndex, info) {
var actionId = info["ID"];
if (actionId === currentActionId) {
var layerName = info["layers"];
var styleId = info["style"];
var bbox = info['filter'];
var filter = sqlfilter;
downloadTileGridMap(layerName, styleId, filter, bbox);
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