
1.确保你的IE在5.5版本以上 否则不支持树控件

2.并在开始菜单---> 运行中输入cmd ---> 按回车---> 输入以下命令

D:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\csc.exe /out:build\Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll

3.  一般默认安装完树控件后 都会安装在 Program Files\Microsoft Internet Explorer WebControls下
   你运行完 注册命令后 会 产生  \build\Runtime 目录  
  下面有 images 、treeimages  等文件夹和文件
   在wwwroot下创建 webctrl_client\1_0 目录 然后把Runtime下所有东西copy到webctrl_client\1_0下

1. Verifies that IIS V5.0 or later is installed.

2. Creates the following directory:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Internet Explorer WebControls"

and copies Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll to the directory.

Note: The folder is created on the disk being used by the operating
system (OS). The "C" drive may not be used for the OS on all machines.

3. Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll is installed into the Global
Assembly Cache

4. Adds a link to the MSDN WebControls documentation to the Programs

5. The following directories are added below the Root Web:


6. Copies the HTC files (Behaviors)

The HTML Components files implementing the behaviors are copied to the
"webctrl_client\1_0\" folder below the Root Web folder.

These behaviors can be used in Internet Explorer 5.5 and later
versions, and are used automatically by the IE WebControls in ASP.NET

7. Copies images to the following paths:

Images used by the WebControls: "webctrl_client\1_0\images"

Images for the TreeView: "webctrl_client\1_0\treeimages"

Right-to-left images for the TreeView:

8. Creates the following registry key:


The default string value of this key is set to the folder where
Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll was installed, which is usually
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Internet Explorer WebControls"

posted @ 2005-07-07 16:08  PointNet  阅读(3335)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报