01 2010 档案
Requires development platform Eclair but this is a release platform. in eclair emulator
摘要:Well, it should run just fine in the emulator that's part of the platform build, and that's by far the preferred way to run the platform code. Trying to mix-and-match platform work and SDK work is pai...
Setting up UDEV rules to grant access to your phone
摘要:Setting up UDEV rules to grant access to your phone. Ubuntu won't allow the DDMS access to the Android phone via USB unless the appropriate udev rule is set. This is Bug #316215. In order to provide ...
摘要:1 好好陪陪飞飞和宝宝。 2 写一个自己认为还过得去的android的应用,最好是多媒体相关3 学习一个audio codec,一个Video codec4 学习数字图像处理(基于matlab) 5 学习一套多媒体框架 -openmax 6 做一些多媒体播放器(转码器)的框架。要求有一定的灵活性和扩展性。tcpmp是一个很好的例子 7 给可怜的QQ2440板子porting上一个QT过去。目前ke...
NDK setup error
摘要:在设置ndk时,遇到错误 Could not find a valid Nawk or Gawk executable. 然后,去更改一下host-setup.sh 把119行的if改成"$result" = "Pass"这样,错误就没了 错误具体看这http://groups.google.com/group/android-ndk/browse_thread/thread/2127fa52...