could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled on windows
Try setting a temporary credential handler for GitHub:
git config --global credential.helper "!f() { echo \`"username=`${GIT_USER}`npassword=`${GIT_PASS}\`"; }; f"
Or install the github cli and authenticate to github using gh auth login
And check out the docs mentioned in the error message for other options:
Git can be configured to authenticate over HTTPS or to use SSH in place of HTTPS. To authenticate over HTTPS, you can add a line to the $HOME/.netrc
file that git consults:
machine login USERNAME password APIKEY
For GitHub accounts, the password can be a personal access token.
Git can also be configured to use SSH in place of HTTPS for URLs matching a given prefix. For example, to use SSH for all GitHub access, add these lines to your ~/.gitconfig
[url "ssh://"]
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