

Sub 宏1()
' 宏1 宏

    With Selection.Font
        .Name = "微软雅黑"
        .Size = 10.5
        .Strikethrough = False
        .Superscript = False
        .Subscript = False
        .OutlineFont = False
        .Shadow = False
        .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
    End With
End Sub
Sub 宏2()
' 宏2 宏

    With Selection.Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent2
        .TintAndShade = -0.249977111117893
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
    With Selection.Font
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
End Sub


Sub 按钮6_Click()
    If MsgBox("确认要归档“挂起”状态与“已关闭”问题吗?操作过程将不可逆!", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbExclamation, "提示") <> vbYes Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    MoveRecord "CLOSED", "已关闭问题归档"
    MoveRecord "PENDING", "挂起问题"
End Sub

Public Sub RefreshColor()
    Dim CurSheet As Worksheet
    Set CurSheet = Sheets("设计问题跟踪")
    RowNum = CurSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For i = RowNum To 3 Step -1
        CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 15
        strStatus = CurSheet.Cells(i, "H").Text
        property = CurSheet.Cells(i, "C").Text
        Select Case UCase(strStatus)
            Case "OPEN"
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
                CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Font.ColorIndex = 5
                If Not IsDate(CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
                    MsgBox "第" + CStr(i) + "行E列日期格式不对!"
                    iDiff = Date - CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value
                    If iDiff > 0 Then
                        CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                        If iDiff > -30 Then
                            CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 5
                            CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
                        End If
                    End If
                    If property = "高" Then
                     Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                    End If
                End If
                If CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value = "" Then
                    MsgBox "第" + CStr(i) + "行D列责任人不能为空!"
                End If
            Case "CLOSED"
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 15
            Case "CONFIRMING"
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 10
            Case "PENDING"
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 54
            Case ""
                If Cells(i, "A").Value <> "" And Cells(i, "B").Value <> "" And Cells(i, "D").Value <> "" And Cells(i, "E").Value <> "" Then
                    Cells(i, "H").Value = "OPEN"
                    Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
                    Cells(i, "D").Font.ColorIndex = 5
                    Cells(i, "F").Value = ""
                    If Not IsDate(Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
                        MsgBox "第" + CStr(i) + "行E列日期格式不对!"
                        iDiff = Date - Cells(i, "E").Value
                        If iDiff > 0 Then
                            Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                            If iDiff > -30 Then
                                Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 5
                                Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            Case Else
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
        End Select
        strNameList = FormatStr(CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value)
        If strNameList <> CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value Then
            CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value = strNameList
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Public Sub ChangeIssueColor(Target As Range)
    Dim i, j As Integer
    i = Target.Row
    j = Target.Column

    If j <> 8 And j <> 5 And j <> 4 And j <> 3 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    strStatus = Cells(i, "H").Text
    property = Cells(i, "C").Text
    Select Case UCase(strStatus)
        Case "OPEN"
            Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
            Cells(i, "D").Font.ColorIndex = 5
            Cells(i, "F").Value = ""
            If Not IsDate(Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
                MsgBox "第" + CStr(i) + "行E列日期格式不对!"
                iDiff = Date - Cells(i, "E").Value
                If iDiff > 0 Then
                    Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                    If iDiff > -30 Then
                        Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 5
                        Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
                    End If
                If property = "高" Then
                   Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                End If
                End If
            End If
            If Cells(i, "D").Value = "" Then
                MsgBox "第" + CStr(i) + "行D列责任人不能为空!"
            End If
        Case "CLOSED"
            Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 15
            Cells(i, "F").Value = Date
        Case "CONFIRMING"
            Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 10
            Cells(i, "F").Value = Date
        Case "PENDING"
            Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 54
            Cells(i, "F").Value = Date
        Case ""
            If Cells(i, "A").Value <> "" And Cells(i, "B").Value <> "" And Cells(i, "D").Value <> "" And Cells(i, "E").Value <> "" Then
                Cells(i, "H").Value = "OPEN"
                Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
                Cells(i, "D").Font.ColorIndex = 5
                Cells(i, "F").Value = ""
                If Not IsDate(Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
                    MsgBox "第" + CStr(i) + "行E列日期格式不对!"
                    iDiff = Date - Cells(i, "E").Value
                    If iDiff > 0 Then
                        Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                        If iDiff > -30 Then
                            Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 5
                            Rows(i).Font.ColorIndex = 0
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Case Else
    End Select
    strNameList = FormatStr(Cells(i, "D").Value)
    If strNameList <> Cells(i, "D").Value Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = strNameList
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub MoveRecord(strStatus As String, DstSheet As String)
    Dim RowNum As Integer, i As Integer
    SrcSheet = "设计问题跟踪"
    RowNum = Sheets(SrcSheet).UsedRange.Rows.Count
    j = Sheets(DstSheet).UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For i = RowNum To 3 Step -1
        If UCase(Sheets(SrcSheet).Cells(i, "H").Value) = UCase(strStatus) Then
            Sheets(SrcSheet).Rows(i).Copy Destination:=Sheets(DstSheet).Rows(j + 1)
            j = j + 1
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Public Function CopyRecord(CurSheet As Worksheet, strName As String, strStatus As String, DstSheet As Worksheet)
    Dim RowNum As Integer, i As Integer
    iRowNum = CurSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    j = DstSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If j <= 1 Then
        CurSheet.Rows(2).Copy Destination:=DstSheet.Rows(1)
    End If
    iAlreadyDue = 0
    iWillDue = 0
    For i = 3 To iRowNum
        strTemp = GetFirstName(CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value)
        If IsDate(CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
            iDiff = Date - CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value
            If UCase(CurSheet.Cells(i, "H").Value) = UCase(strStatus) And strTemp = strName And iDiff > -30 Then
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Copy Destination:=DstSheet.Rows(j + 1)
                j = j + 1
                iDiff = Date - DstSheet.Cells(j, "E").Value
                If iDiff > 0 Then
                    iAlreadyDue = iAlreadyDue + 1
                    iWillDue = iWillDue + 1
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    DstSheet.Cells(1, "K").Value = "超期问题总数"
    DstSheet.Cells(2, "K").Value = iAlreadyDue
    DstSheet.Cells(1, "L").Value = "到期或将到期问题总数"
    DstSheet.Cells(2, "L").Value = iWillDue
    DstSheet.Cells(1, "M").Value = "责任人"
    DstSheet.Cells(2, "M").Value = strName
End Function

Public Sub SetBorder(rg As Range)
    rg.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    rg.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 2
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlHairline
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 2
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlHairline
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 2
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlHairline
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 2
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlHairline
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 2
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlHairline
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 2
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlHairline
    End With
End Sub

Public Sub ClearBorder(rg As Range)

    rg.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    rg.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 1
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 1
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 1
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 1
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 1
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With rg.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ThemeColor = 1
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
End Sub

Public Function IsSheetExist(strSheetName As String) As Boolean
    Dim sht As Worksheet
    Dim bExist  As Boolean
    IsSheetExist = False
    For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sht.Name = strSheetName Then
            IsSheetExist = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next sht

End Function

Public Function FindTheRow(CurSheet As Worksheet, strRowName As String) As Integer
    Dim ret As Range

    Set ret = CurSheet.Columns(1).Find(what:=strRowName, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ret Is Nothing Then
        FindTheRow = ret.Row
        MsgBox "找不到" + strRowName, vbOKOnly, ""
        FindTheRow = 0
        Exit Function
    End If

End Function

Public Function getTextColor(strStatus As String, dtDate As Date) As String
    getTextColor = "black"
    Select Case strStatus
        Case "CLOSED"
            getTextColor = "gray"
        Case "OPEN"
            If IsDate(dtDate) Then
                iDiff = Date - dtDate
                If iDiff > 0 Then
                    getTextColor = "red"
                End If
                If iDiff <= 0 And iDiff > -30 Then
                    getTextColor = "blue"
                End If
            End If
        Case "CONFIRMING"
            getTextColor = "Green"
        Case "PENDING"
            getTextColor = "Purple"
        Case Else
            getTextColor = "black"
        End Select

End Function


Public Function InitErrSheet() As Worksheet
    Dim TempWS As Worksheet
    Dim bFound As Boolean
    Dim iWSNum As Integer
    Set InitErrSheet = Nothing
    bFound = False
    iWSNum = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
    For i = 1 To iWSNum
        If ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Name = "Log" Then
            bFound = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    If Not bFound Then
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add After:=Sheets(iWSNum)
        iWSNum = iWSNum + 1
        Sheets(iWSNum).Name = "Log"
        Set TempWS = Sheets(iWSNum)
        Call ClearBorder(TempWS.Cells)
        TempWS.Cells.Font.Name = "微软雅黑"
        TempWS.Cells.Font.Size = 10
        TempWS.Rows(1).Font.Bold = True
        Call SetBorder(TempWS.Columns("A:E"))
        TempWS.Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 14      '时间
        TempWS.Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 28      '操作
        TempWS.Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 20      '操作对象
        TempWS.Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 12      '操作结果
        TempWS.Columns("E:E").ColumnWidth = 50      '相关信息
        TempWS.Cells(1, "A").Value = "时间"
        TempWS.Cells(1, "B").Value = "操作"
        TempWS.Cells(1, "C").Value = "操作对象"
        TempWS.Cells(1, "D").Value = "操作结果"
        TempWS.Cells(1, "E").Value = "相关信息"
        With TempWS.Range("A1:E1").Interior
            .Pattern = xlSolid
            .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
            .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent2
            .TintAndShade = -0.249977111117893
            .PatternTintAndShade = 0
        End With
        With TempWS.Range("A1:E1").Font
            .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
            .TintAndShade = 0
        End With
        Set TempWS = Sheets("Log")
        iRowNum = TempWS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
        For i = iRowNum To 2 Step -1
            If TempWS.Cells(i, 1).Value = "" Then
                TempWS.Rows(i).Delete Shift:=xlUp
            End If
        Next i
        'TempWS.Rows("1:1000").Delete Shift:=xlUp
    End If

    'TempWS.Visible = xlSheetHidden

    Set InitErrSheet = TempWS
    Set TempWS = Nothing

End Function

Public Sub RecordTheLog(strOp As String, strObj As String, iResult As Integer, strInfo As String, iSuppress As Integer)
    Dim ErrSheet As Worksheet
    Dim iTimeCol, iOpCol, iObjCol, iResultCol, iInfoCol As Integer
    iTimeCol = 1
    iOpCol = 2
    iObjCol = 3
    iResultCol = 4
    iInfoCol = 5
    If Not IsSheetExist("Log") Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set ErrSheet = Sheets("Log")
    iRowNum = ErrSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    Select Case iSuppress
    Case 0      '不抑制
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iTimeCol) = Now
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iOpCol) = strOp
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iObjCol) = strObj
        Select Case iResult
          Case 0
            ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iResultCol) = "成功!"
          Case Else
            ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iResultCol) = "失败!(" + CStr(iResult) + ")"
        End Select
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iInfoCol) = strInfo
    Case 1      '抑制上一条
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum, iTimeCol) = Now
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum, iOpCol) = strOp
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum, iObjCol) = strObj
        Select Case iResult
          Case 0
            ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum, iResultCol) = "成功!"
          Case Else
            ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum, iResultCol) = "失败!(" + CStr(iResult) + ")"
        End Select
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum, iInfoCol) = strInfo
    Case Else   '暂不支持
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iTimeCol) = Now
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iOpCol) = strOp
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iObjCol) = strObj
        Select Case iResult
          Case 0
            ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iResultCol) = "成功!"
          Case Else
            ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iResultCol) = "失败!(" + CStr(iResult) + ")"
        End Select
        ErrSheet.Cells(iRowNum + 1, iInfoCol) = strInfo
        Exit Sub
    End Select
End Sub


Dim InfoStr(100) As String

Sub GetInfoFromID(iSheetNo As Integer)
    Dim i, iRowNum, iErrCount As Integer
    Dim strID As String
    Dim shtContact As Worksheet
    If iSheetNo > Worksheets.Count Or iSheetNo < 1 Then
        Call RecordTheLog("由工号获取员工信息", CStr(iSheetNo), 1, "无效表单ID!", 0)
        MsgBox "无效表单ID!(" + CStr(iSheetNo) + ")", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "出错"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set shtContact = Sheets(iSheetNo)
    iRowNum = shtContact.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    iErrCount = 0
    For i = 4 To iRowNum
        strID = CStr(shtContact.Cells(i, 2).Value)
        If strID <> "" Then
            strEmail = GetEmailFromID(strID)
            If strEmail <> "" Then
                shtContact.Cells(i, 1).Value = InfoStr(1)   '中文名
                shtContact.Cells(i, 3).Value = strEmail     'Email
                shtContact.Cells(i, 4).Value = InfoStr(2)   '部门
                iErrCount = iErrCount + 1
                Call RecordTheLog("由工号获取员工信息", strID, 1, "查不到有效Email!", 0)
            End If
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    If iErrCount <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "有 " + CStr(iErrCount) + " 个工号查不到有效Email地址", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "出错"
    End If

End Sub

Function CheckID(strID As String) As Boolean
    Dim iLen As Integer
    Dim str1 As String
    CheckID = False
    iLen = Len(strID)
    If iLen = 6 Or iLen = 8 Then
        If (iLen = 8 And Left(strID, 2) = "WX") Or IsNumeric(strID) Then
            CheckID = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
End Function

Function GetEmailFromID(strID As String) As String
    Dim i, j, iCount As Integer
    Dim strFields, strTemp, strQuery As String
    Dim objConn, objCommand, objRecord As Object
    GetEmailFromID = ""
    If Not CheckID(strID) Then
        Call RecordTheLog("由工号获取员工信息", strID, 1, "无效工号!", 0)
        MsgBox "无效工号!(" + CStr(strID) + ")", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "出错"
        Exit Function
    End If
    strFields = "mail,extensionattribute1,physicaldeliveryofficename,hw-departname5,department,streetaddress,sn,name"
    iCount = 8
    For i = 0 To iCount - 1
        InfoStr(i) = ""
    Next i

    Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConn.ConnectionString = "DS Query"
    objConn.Provider = "ADsDSoobject"
    ' 设置查询字符串
    strTemp = "(&(objectClass=user)(|(sn=" + strID + ")(sAMAccountName=" + strID + ")(mailnickname=" + strID + ")))"
    strQuery = "<LDAP://china.huawei.com/DC=china,DC=huawei,DC=com>;" + strTemp + ";" + strFields + ";subtree"

    Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    objCommand.CommandText = strQuery
    objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConn
    Set objRecord = objCommand.Execute()

    If objRecord.EOF Then
        GetEmailFromID = objRecord.Fields(0).Value

        On Error Resume Next

        For i = 0 To iCount - 1
            InfoStr(i) = objRecord.Fields(i).Value
        Next i
    End If
    Set objConn = Nothing
    Set objCommand = Nothing
    Set objRecord = Nothing
End Function

Public Function FindIDList(strName As String) As String
    Dim ret As Range
    Dim CurSheet As Worksheet
    Set CurSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    Set ret = CurSheet.Columns(1).Find(what:=strName, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ret Is Nothing Then
        FindIDList = CurSheet.Cells(ret.Row, 2).Value
        FindIDList = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function GetFirstName(strNameList As String) As String

    iPos = InStr(strNameList, "、")
    If iPos = 0 Then
        GetFirstName = strNameList
        GetFirstName = Left(strNameList, iPos - 1)
    End If

End Function

Public Function FindTheAddress(strName As String) As String
    Dim ContactSheet As Worksheet
    Dim ret As Range
    Set ContactSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    Set ret = ContactSheet.Columns(1).Find(what:=strName, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ret Is Nothing Then

        strEmail = Trim(ContactSheet.Cells(ret.Row, ret.Column + 2).Value)
        If strEmail <> "" Then
            FindTheAddress = FindTheAddress + "; " + strEmail

            Call RecordTheLog("查找责任人Email地址", strName, 1, "Email地址均为空!", 0)
        End If
        ContactSheet.Cells(ContactSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1, "A").Value = strName
        Call RecordTheLog("查找通信录责任人", strName, 1, "通信录中未找到责任人,已添加!", 0)
        FindTheAddress = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function FindTheAddressOLD(strName As String) As String
    Dim ContactSheet As Worksheet
    Dim ret As Range
    Set ContactSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    Set ret = ContactSheet.Columns(1).Find(what:=strName, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ret Is Nothing Then
        strSN = Trim(ContactSheet.Cells(ret.Row, ret.Column + 1).Value)
        strEmail = Trim(ContactSheet.Cells(ret.Row, ret.Column + 2).Value)
        If strSN <> "" Then
            FindTheAddress = strSN + "@notesmail.huawei.com.cn"
            If strEmail <> "" Then
                FindTheAddress = FindTheAddress + "; " + strEmail
            End If
            If strEmail <> "" Then
                FindTheAddress = strEmail
                Call RecordTheLog("查找责任人Notes ID及Email地址", strName, 1, "Notes ID及Email地址均为空!", 0)
            End If
        End If
        ContactSheet.Cells(ContactSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1, "A").Value = strName
        Call RecordTheLog("查找通信录责任人", strName, 1, "通信录中未找到责任人,已添加!", 0)
        FindTheAddress = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function AddToMailAddr(strMailAddr As String, strNameList As String, iStartPos As Integer, strNameAll As String) As String
    Dim ContactSheet As Worksheet
    Dim strName As String
    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim iPos As Integer

    Set ContactSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    AddToMailAddr = strMailAddr
    Select Case iStartPos
        Case 1
            strTemp = strNameList
        Case 2
            iPos = InStr(strNameList, "、")
            If iPos = 0 Then
                Exit Function
            End If
            strTemp = Mid(strNameList, iPos + 1)
        Case Else
            Exit Function
    End Select
    While strTemp <> ""
        iPos = InStr(strTemp, "、")
        'strName = IIf(iPos > 0, Left(strTemp, iPos - 1), strTemp)
        If iPos = 0 Then
            strName = strTemp
            strName = Left(strTemp, iPos - 1)
        End If
        If InStr(strNameAll, strName) = 0 Then
            strAddr = FindTheAddress(strName)
            If strAddr <> "" Then
                AddToMailAddr = AddToMailAddr + IIf(AddToMailAddr = "", "", "; ") + strAddr
            End If

        End If
        strTemp = IIf(iPos = 0, "", Mid(strTemp, iPos + 1))
End Function

Public Function CombineNameList(strNameAll As String, strNameList As String, iStartPos As Integer, strNameAllRef As String) As String

    CombineNameList = strNameAll
    strNameList = FormatStr(strNameList)
    If strNameList = "" Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    Select Case iStartPos
        Case 1
            strTemp = strNameList
        Case 2
            iPos = InStr(strNameList, "、")
            If iPos = 0 Then
                Exit Function
            End If
            strTemp = Mid(strNameList, iPos + 1)
        Case Else
            Exit Function
    End Select
    While strTemp <> ""
        iPos = InStr(strTemp, "、")
        If iPos = 0 Then
            strName = strTemp
            strName = Left(strTemp, iPos - 1)
        End If
        If InStr(strNameAllRef, strName) = 0 Then
            strNameAll = strNameAll + IIf(strNameAll = "", "", "、") + strName
        End If
        If iPos = 0 Then
            strTemp = ""
            strTemp = Mid(strTemp, iPos + 1)
        End If
    CombineNameList = strNameAll

End Function

Public Function FormatStr(strNameList As String) As String
    If strNameList <> "" Then
        strTemp = Replace(strNameList, ",", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, ";", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, ",", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, ";", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "/", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "\", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, " ", "")
        strTemp = Trim(strTemp)
        While strTemp <> Replace(strTemp, "、、", "、")
            strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "、、", "、")
        While Left(strTemp, 1) = "、"
            strTemp = Mid(strTemp, 2)
        While Right(strTemp, 1) = "、"
            strTemp = Left(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - 1)
        strTemp = ""
    End If
    FormatStr = strTemp

End Function


Dim InfoStr(100) As String

Sub GetInfoFromID(iSheetNo As Integer)
    Dim i, iRowNum, iErrCount As Integer
    Dim strID As String
    Dim shtContact As Worksheet
    If iSheetNo > Worksheets.Count Or iSheetNo < 1 Then
        Call RecordTheLog("由工号获取员工信息", CStr(iSheetNo), 1, "无效表单ID!", 0)
        MsgBox "无效表单ID!(" + CStr(iSheetNo) + ")", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "出错"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set shtContact = Sheets(iSheetNo)
    iRowNum = shtContact.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    iErrCount = 0
    For i = 4 To iRowNum
        strID = CStr(shtContact.Cells(i, 2).Value)
        If strID <> "" Then
            strEmail = GetEmailFromID(strID)
            If strEmail <> "" Then
                shtContact.Cells(i, 1).Value = InfoStr(1)   '中文名
                shtContact.Cells(i, 3).Value = strEmail     'Email
                shtContact.Cells(i, 4).Value = InfoStr(2)   '部门
                iErrCount = iErrCount + 1
                Call RecordTheLog("由工号获取员工信息", strID, 1, "查不到有效Email!", 0)
            End If
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    If iErrCount <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "有 " + CStr(iErrCount) + " 个工号查不到有效Email地址", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "出错"
    End If

End Sub

Function CheckID(strID As String) As Boolean
    Dim iLen As Integer
    Dim str1 As String
    CheckID = False
    iLen = Len(strID)
    If iLen = 6 Or iLen = 8 Then
        If (iLen = 8 And Left(strID, 2) = "WX") Or IsNumeric(strID) Then
            CheckID = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
End Function

Function GetEmailFromID(strID As String) As String
    Dim i, j, iCount As Integer
    Dim strFields, strTemp, strQuery As String
    Dim objConn, objCommand, objRecord As Object
    GetEmailFromID = ""
    If Not CheckID(strID) Then
        Call RecordTheLog("由工号获取员工信息", strID, 1, "无效工号!", 0)
        MsgBox "无效工号!(" + CStr(strID) + ")", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "出错"
        Exit Function
    End If
    strFields = "mail,extensionattribute1,physicaldeliveryofficename,hw-departname5,department,streetaddress,sn,name"
    iCount = 8
    For i = 0 To iCount - 1
        InfoStr(i) = ""
    Next i

    Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConn.ConnectionString = "DS Query"
    objConn.Provider = "ADsDSoobject"
    ' 设置查询字符串
    strTemp = "(&(objectClass=user)(|(sn=" + strID + ")(sAMAccountName=" + strID + ")(mailnickname=" + strID + ")))"
    strQuery = "<LDAP://china.huawei.com/DC=china,DC=huawei,DC=com>;" + strTemp + ";" + strFields + ";subtree"

    Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    objCommand.CommandText = strQuery
    objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConn
    Set objRecord = objCommand.Execute()

    If objRecord.EOF Then
        GetEmailFromID = objRecord.Fields(0).Value

        On Error Resume Next

        For i = 0 To iCount - 1
            InfoStr(i) = objRecord.Fields(i).Value
        Next i
    End If
    Set objConn = Nothing
    Set objCommand = Nothing
    Set objRecord = Nothing
End Function

Public Function FindIDList(strName As String) As String
    Dim ret As Range
    Dim CurSheet As Worksheet
    Set CurSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    Set ret = CurSheet.Columns(1).Find(what:=strName, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ret Is Nothing Then
        FindIDList = CurSheet.Cells(ret.Row, 2).Value
        FindIDList = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function GetFirstName(strNameList As String) As String

    iPos = InStr(strNameList, "、")
    If iPos = 0 Then
        GetFirstName = strNameList
        GetFirstName = Left(strNameList, iPos - 1)
    End If

End Function

Public Function FindTheAddress(strName As String) As String
    Dim ContactSheet As Worksheet
    Dim ret As Range
    Set ContactSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    Set ret = ContactSheet.Columns(1).Find(what:=strName, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ret Is Nothing Then

        strEmail = Trim(ContactSheet.Cells(ret.Row, ret.Column + 2).Value)
        If strEmail <> "" Then
            FindTheAddress = FindTheAddress + "; " + strEmail

            Call RecordTheLog("查找责任人Email地址", strName, 1, "Email地址均为空!", 0)
        End If
        ContactSheet.Cells(ContactSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1, "A").Value = strName
        Call RecordTheLog("查找通信录责任人", strName, 1, "通信录中未找到责任人,已添加!", 0)
        FindTheAddress = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function FindTheAddressOLD(strName As String) As String
    Dim ContactSheet As Worksheet
    Dim ret As Range
    Set ContactSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    Set ret = ContactSheet.Columns(1).Find(what:=strName, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    If Not ret Is Nothing Then
        strSN = Trim(ContactSheet.Cells(ret.Row, ret.Column + 1).Value)
        strEmail = Trim(ContactSheet.Cells(ret.Row, ret.Column + 2).Value)
        If strSN <> "" Then
            FindTheAddress = strSN + "@notesmail.huawei.com.cn"
            If strEmail <> "" Then
                FindTheAddress = FindTheAddress + "; " + strEmail
            End If
            If strEmail <> "" Then
                FindTheAddress = strEmail
                Call RecordTheLog("查找责任人Notes ID及Email地址", strName, 1, "Notes ID及Email地址均为空!", 0)
            End If
        End If
        ContactSheet.Cells(ContactSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1, "A").Value = strName
        Call RecordTheLog("查找通信录责任人", strName, 1, "通信录中未找到责任人,已添加!", 0)
        FindTheAddress = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function AddToMailAddr(strMailAddr As String, strNameList As String, iStartPos As Integer, strNameAll As String) As String
    Dim ContactSheet As Worksheet
    Dim strName As String
    Dim strTemp As String
    Dim iPos As Integer

    Set ContactSheet = Sheets("通信录")
    AddToMailAddr = strMailAddr
    Select Case iStartPos
        Case 1
            strTemp = strNameList
        Case 2
            iPos = InStr(strNameList, "、")
            If iPos = 0 Then
                Exit Function
            End If
            strTemp = Mid(strNameList, iPos + 1)
        Case Else
            Exit Function
    End Select
    While strTemp <> ""
        iPos = InStr(strTemp, "、")
        'strName = IIf(iPos > 0, Left(strTemp, iPos - 1), strTemp)
        If iPos = 0 Then
            strName = strTemp
            strName = Left(strTemp, iPos - 1)
        End If
        If InStr(strNameAll, strName) = 0 Then
            strAddr = FindTheAddress(strName)
            If strAddr <> "" Then
                AddToMailAddr = AddToMailAddr + IIf(AddToMailAddr = "", "", "; ") + strAddr
            End If

        End If
        strTemp = IIf(iPos = 0, "", Mid(strTemp, iPos + 1))
End Function

Public Function CombineNameList(strNameAll As String, strNameList As String, iStartPos As Integer, strNameAllRef As String) As String

    CombineNameList = strNameAll
    strNameList = FormatStr(strNameList)
    If strNameList = "" Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    Select Case iStartPos
        Case 1
            strTemp = strNameList
        Case 2
            iPos = InStr(strNameList, "、")
            If iPos = 0 Then
                Exit Function
            End If
            strTemp = Mid(strNameList, iPos + 1)
        Case Else
            Exit Function
    End Select
    While strTemp <> ""
        iPos = InStr(strTemp, "、")
        If iPos = 0 Then
            strName = strTemp
            strName = Left(strTemp, iPos - 1)
        End If
        If InStr(strNameAllRef, strName) = 0 Then
            strNameAll = strNameAll + IIf(strNameAll = "", "", "、") + strName
        End If
        If iPos = 0 Then
            strTemp = ""
            strTemp = Mid(strTemp, iPos + 1)
        End If
    CombineNameList = strNameAll

End Function

Public Function FormatStr(strNameList As String) As String
    If strNameList <> "" Then
        strTemp = Replace(strNameList, ",", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, ";", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, ",", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, ";", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "/", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "\", "、")
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, " ", "")
        strTemp = Trim(strTemp)
        While strTemp <> Replace(strTemp, "、、", "、")
            strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "、、", "、")
        While Left(strTemp, 1) = "、"
            strTemp = Mid(strTemp, 2)
        While Right(strTemp, 1) = "、"
            strTemp = Left(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - 1)
        strTemp = ""
    End If
    FormatStr = strTemp

End Function


Sub SendMailByIssue_Click()
    Dim CurSheet As Worksheet
    Dim SendSheet As Worksheet
    Dim ErrSheet As Worksheet
    Dim strName As String, strNameAll As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim strSubject As String
    Dim strTo As String
    Dim strCopy As String
    Dim strErr As String, strErrInfo As String
    Set CurSheet = Sheets("设计问题跟踪")
    If MsgBox("确定要发送邮件吗?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "提示") <> vbYes Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set ErrSheet = InitErrSheet()
    iRowNum = CurSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    iSuccess = 0
    iErr = 0
    strErr = ""
    strErrInfo = ""
    strNameAll = ""
    For i = 3 To iRowNum
        If CurSheet.Cells(i, "H").Value = "OPEN" And IsDate(CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
            strName = GetFirstName(CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value)
            If strName <> "" Then
                Set SendSheet = InitTempSheet()
                CurSheet.Rows(2).Copy Destination:=SendSheet.Rows(1)
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Copy Destination:=SendSheet.Rows(2)
                strErr = MySendEmailByIssue(SendSheet, strName)
                If strErr = "" Then
                    iSuccess = iSuccess + 1
                    Call RecordTheLog("按问题发送邮件", CStr(CurSheet.Cells(i, "A").Value) + "(" + strName + ")", 0, "", 0)
                    iErr = iErr + 1
                    Call RecordTheLog("按问题发送邮件", CStr(CurSheet.Cells(i, "A").Value) + "(" + strName + ")", 1, strErr, 0)
                    If InStr(strErrInfo, strErr) = 0 Then
                        strErrInfo = strErrInfo + Chr(10) + strErr
                    End If
                End If
                strNameAll = CombineNameList(strNameAll, strName, 1, strNameAll)

            End If
        End If
    Next i
    MsgBox "邮件已发送完毕!共发送 " & iSuccess & " 封邮件" & IIf(iErr > 0, ",失败 " & iErr & " 封。失败信息如下:" + Chr(10) + strErrInfo, "。"), vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "提示"
    If iErr > 0 Then
        ErrSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    End If
End Sub

Sub SelectIssueNotify_Click()
    Dim myRow As Range
    Dim CurSheet As Worksheet
    Dim SendSheet As Worksheet
    Dim ErrSheet As Worksheet
    Dim strName As String, strNameAll As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim strSubject As String
    Dim strTo As String
    Dim strCopy As String
    Dim strErr As String, strErrInfo As String
    Set CurSheet = Sheets("设计问题跟踪")
    strList = ""
    For Each myRow In Selection.EntireRow
        i = myRow.Row
        strList = strList + IIf(strList = "", "", ",") + CStr(i)
    If MsgBox("将针对第" + strList + "行发送邮件,确定要发送吗?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "提示") <> vbYes Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set ErrSheet = InitErrSheet()
    iRowNum = CurSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    iSuccess = 0
    iErr = 0
    strErr = ""
    strErrInfo = ""
    strNameAll = ""
    For Each myRow In Selection.EntireRow
        i = myRow.Row
        If CurSheet.Cells(i, "H").Value = "OPEN" And IsDate(CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
            strName = GetFirstName(CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value)
            If strName <> "" Then
                Set SendSheet = InitTempSheet()
                CurSheet.Rows(2).Copy Destination:=SendSheet.Rows(1)
                CurSheet.Rows(i).Copy Destination:=SendSheet.Rows(2)
                strErr = MySendEmailByIssue(SendSheet, strName)
                If strErr = "" Then
                    iSuccess = iSuccess + 1
                    Call RecordTheLog("按问题发送邮件", CStr(CurSheet.Cells(i, "A").Value) + "(" + strName + ")", 0, "", 0)
                    iErr = iErr + 1
                    Call RecordTheLog("按问题发送邮件", CStr(CurSheet.Cells(i, "A").Value) + "(" + strName + ")", 1, strErr, 0)
                    If InStr(strErrInfo, strErr) = 0 Then
                        strErrInfo = strErrInfo + Chr(10) + strErr
                    End If
                End If
                strNameAll = CombineNameList(strNameAll, strName, 1, strNameAll)

            End If
        End If
    MsgBox "邮件已发送完毕!共发送 " & iSuccess & " 封邮件" & IIf(iErr > 0, ",失败 " & iErr & " 封。失败信息如下:" + Chr(10) + strErrInfo, "。"), vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "提示"
    If iErr > 0 Then
        ErrSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    End If
End Sub

Public Function MySendEmailByIssue(CurSheet As Worksheet, strName As String) As String
    'On Error Resume Next
    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Dim objMail As Object
    Dim TextHtml As String
    Dim strCopy As String
    Dim strSubject As String

    iRowNum = CurSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If iRowNum < 2 And CurSheet.Cells(2, "B").Value = "" Then
        MySendEmailByIssue = "待发送内容为空!"
        Exit Function
    End If
    strTo = FindTheAddress(strName)
    If strTo = "" Then
        MySendEmailByIssue = "找不到责任人 '" + strName + "' 的邮件地址!"
        Exit Function
    End If
    strCopy = AddToMailAddr("", CurSheet.Cells(2, "D").Value, 2, "")
    iDiff = Date - CurSheet.Cells(2, "E")
    strSubject = "[设计问题跟踪] 遗留问题 <" + CStr(CurSheet.Cells(2, "A").Value) + "> " + IIf(iDiff > 0, "已经超期 " + CStr(Abs(iDiff)) + " 天,请反馈处理进展!", IIf(iDiff = 0, "今天已到期,请反馈处理进展!", "还有" + CStr(Abs(iDiff)) + "天将即将到期,请及时处理并反馈问题进展!"))
    TextHtml = "<body>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<div style='margin-left:10pt;text-indent:0pt'>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<b>" + strName + ",您好!</b><br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<p class=MsoNormal style='text-indent:20.0pt'>" & _
        "您名下的问题 &lt;" + CStr(CurSheet.Cells(2, "A").Value) + "&gt; " + IIf(iDiff > 0, "<b><font color=red>已超期</font></b> " + CStr(Abs(iDiff)) + " 天", IIf(iDiff = 0, "<b><font color=orange>今天到期</font></b>", "<b><font color=blue>即将到期</font></b>")) + ",请及时处理并反馈问题进展!<br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<table class=MsoNormalTable border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=1715 style='width:1286.0pt;margin-left:20pt;border-collapse:collapse;mso-yfti-tbllook:1184;mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<tr style='background:#C5D9F1;font-size:10.5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:40.75pt'>"
    For j = 1 To 10
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<th>" & CurSheet.Cells(1, j) & "</th>"
    Next j
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</tr>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<tr style='font-size:10.2pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:65.25pt'>"

    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=93>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 1) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=309>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 2) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=61>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 3) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=101>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 4) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=85" + IIf(iDiff > 0, " style='color:red'", IIf(iDiff = 0, " style='color:orange'", "")) + ">" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 5) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=85>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 6) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=485>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 7) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=77>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 8) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=165>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 9) & "</td>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=207>" & CurSheet.Cells(2, 10) & "</td>"

    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</tr>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</table>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</div>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<hr>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<div style='margin-left:none;text-indent:0pt'>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<b>说明:</b><br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<p class=MsoNormal style='font-size:10.1pt;text-indent:5pt'>" & _
    "1、由第一责任人负责刷新并反馈问题进展,必要时提供反应问题进展的附件<br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<p class=MsoNormal style='font-size:10.1pt;text-indent:5pt'>" & _
    "2、非第一责任人可以对问题进展进行补充说明<br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</body>"
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("outlook.application")
    Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
    On Error GoTo ErrHandle
    With objMail
        .To = strTo
        .cc = strCopy
        .Subject = strSubject
        .HTMLbody = TextHtml
        '.attachments.Add "E:\新建 Microsoft Office Excel 工作表.xlsx"
    End With
    Set objMail = Nothing
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
    MySendEmailByIssue = ""
    Exit Function
    If Not objOutlook Is Nothing Then
        Set objOutlook = Nothing
        Set objMail = Nothing
    End If
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case -2147467259
            MySendEmailByIssue = "邮件地址错误!"
        Case -2147024894
            MySendEmailByIssue = "附件不存在!"
        Case Else
            MySendEmailByIssue = Err.Description
    End Select
End Function

Sub SendEmailByName_Click()
    Dim CurSheet As Worksheet
    Dim SendSheet As Worksheet
    Dim strName As String, strNameAll As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim strSubject As String
    Dim strTo As String
    Dim strCopy As String
    Dim strErr As String, strErrInfo As String
    Set CurSheet = Sheets("设计问题跟踪")
    If MsgBox("确定要发送邮件吗?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "提示") <> vbYes Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set ErrSheet = InitErrSheet()
    iRowNum = CurSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    iSuccess = 0
    iErr = 0
    strErr = ""
    strErrPrev = ""
    strErrInfo = ""
    strNameAll = ""
    For i = 3 To iRowNum
        If CurSheet.Cells(i, "H").Value = "OPEN" And IsDate(CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
            strName = GetFirstName(CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value)
            If strName <> "" And InStr(strNameAll, strName) = 0 Then
                Set SendSheet = InitTempSheet()
                iRet = CopyRecord(CurSheet, strName, "OPEN", SendSheet)
                strErr = MySendEmailByName(SendSheet, strName)
                If strErr = "" Then
                    iSuccess = iSuccess + 1
                    Call RecordTheLog("按第一责任人发送邮件", strName, 0, "", 0)

                    iErr = iErr + 1
                    Call RecordTheLog("按第一责任人发送邮件", strName, 1, strErr, 0)
                    If InStr(strErrInfo, strErr) = 0 Then
                        strErrInfo = strErrInfo + Chr(10) + strErr
                    End If
                End If
                strNameAll = CombineNameList(strNameAll, strName, 1, strNameAll)
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    MsgBox "邮件已发送完毕!共发送 " & iSuccess & " 封邮件" & IIf(iErr > 0, ",失败 " & iErr & " 封。失败信息如下:" + Chr(10) + strErrInfo, "。"), vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "提示"
    If iErr > 0 Then
        ErrSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    End If
End Sub

Public Function MySendEmailByName(CurSheet As Worksheet, strName As String) As String
    'On Error Resume Next
    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Dim objMail As Object
    Dim TextHtml As String
    Dim strCopy As String
    Dim strNameAll As String
    Dim strSubject As String

    iRowNum = CurSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If iRowNum < 2 And CurSheet.Cells(2, "B").Value = "" Then
        MySendEmailByName = "待发送内容为空!"
        Exit Function
    End If
    strTo = FindTheAddress(strName)
    If strTo = "" Then
        MySendEmailByName = "找不到责任人 '" + strName + "' 的邮件地址!"
        Exit Function
    End If
    strCopy = ""
    strNameAll = ""
    iAlreadyDue = CurSheet.Cells(2, "K").Value
    iWillDue = CurSheet.Cells(2, "L").Value
    If iAlreadyDue + iWillDue = 0 Then
        MySendEmailByName = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    strSubject = "[设计问题跟踪] 您有 " & IIf(iAlreadyDue > 0, CStr(iAlreadyDue) + " 个超期问题", "") & IIf(iWillDue > 0, IIf(iAlreadyDue > 0, ",以及", "") + CStr(iWillDue) + " 个即将到期问题", "") & "请及时处理并反馈进展!"
    TextHtml = "<body>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<div style='margin-left:10pt;text-indent:0pt'>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<b>" + strName + ",您好!</b><br />"
    If iAlreadyDue > 0 Then
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<p class=MsoNormal style='text-indent:20.0pt'>" & _
            "您有" + CStr(iAlreadyDue) + " 个问题<b><font color=red>已超期</font></b>,请及时处理并反馈进展!<br />"

        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<table class=MsoNormalTable border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=1715 style='width:1286.0pt;margin-left:20pt;border-collapse:collapse;mso-yfti-tbllook:1184;mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'>"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<tr style='background:#C5D9F1;font-size:10.5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:40.75pt'>"
        For j = 1 To 10
            TextHtml = TextHtml + "<th>" & CurSheet.Cells(1, j) & "</th>"
        Next j
        For i = 2 To iRowNum
            strStatus = CurSheet.Cells(i, "H").Value
            If strStatus = "OPEN" And IsDate(CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
                iDiff = Date - CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value
                If iDiff > 0 Then
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</tr>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<tr style='font-size:10.2pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:65.25pt'>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=93>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 1) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=309>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 2) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=61>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 3) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=101>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 4) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=85 style='color:red'>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 5) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=85>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 6) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=485>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 7) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=77>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 8) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=165>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 9) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=207>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 10) & "</td>"
                    strCopy = AddToMailAddr(strCopy, CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value, 2, strNameAll)
                    strNameAll = CombineNameList(strNameAll, CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value, 2, strNameAll)
                    'If strNameAll = "" Then
                    '    strNameAll = CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value
                    '    strNameAll = strNameAll + "、" + CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value
                    'End If
                End If
            End If
        Next i
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "</tr>"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "</table>"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<br />"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "</div>"
    End If

    If iWillDue > 0 Then
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<div style='margin-left:10pt;text-indent:0pt'>"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<p class=MsoNormal style='text-indent:20.0pt'>" & _
            "您有" + CStr(iWillDue) + " 个问题<b><font color=blue>即将到期</font></b>,请及时处理并反馈进展!<br />"

        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<table class=MsoNormalTable border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=1715 style='width:1286.0pt;margin-left:20pt;border-collapse:collapse;mso-yfti-tbllook:1184;mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt'>"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<tr style='background:#C5D9F1;font-size:10.5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:40.75pt'>"
        For j = 1 To 10
            TextHtml = TextHtml + "<th>" & CurSheet.Cells(1, j) & "</th>"
        Next j
        For i = 2 To iRowNum
            strStatus = CurSheet.Cells(i, "H").Value
            If strStatus = "OPEN" And IsDate(CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value) Then
                iDiff = Date - CurSheet.Cells(i, "E").Value
                If iDiff <= 0 Then
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</tr>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<tr style='font-size:10.2pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;height:65.25pt'>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=93>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 1) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=309>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 2) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=61>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 3) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=101>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 4) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=85>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 5) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=85>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 6) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=485>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 7) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=77>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 8) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=165>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 9) & "</td>"
                    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<td width=207>" & CurSheet.Cells(i, 10) & "</td>"
                    strCopy = AddToMailAddr(strCopy, CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value, 2, strNameAll)
                    strNameAll = CombineNameList(strNameAll, CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value, 2, strNameAll)
                    'If strNameAll = "" Then
                    '    strNameAll = CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value
                    '    strNameAll = strNameAll + "、" + CurSheet.Cells(i, "D").Value
                    'End If
                End If
            End If
        Next i
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "</tr>"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "</table>"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<br />"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "<br />"
        TextHtml = TextHtml + "</div>"
    End If
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<hr>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<div style='margin-left:none;text-indent:0pt'>"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<b>说明:</b><br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<p class=MsoNormal style='font-size:10.1pt;text-indent:5pt'>" & _
    "1、由第一责任人负责刷新并反馈问题进展,必要时提供反应问题进展的附件<br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "<p class=MsoNormal style='font-size:10.1pt;text-indent:5pt'>" & _
    "2、非第一责任人可以对问题进展进行补充说明<br />"
    TextHtml = TextHtml + "</body>"
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("outlook.application")
    Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
    On Error GoTo ErrHandle
    With objMail
        .To = strTo
        .cc = strCopy
        .Subject = strSubject
        .HTMLbody = TextHtml
        '.attachments.Add "E:\新建 Microsoft Office Excel 工作表.xlsx"
    End With
    Set objMail = Nothing
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
    MySendEmailByName = ""
    Exit Function
    If Not objOutlook Is Nothing Then
        Set objOutlook = Nothing
        Set objMail = Nothing
    End If
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case -2147467259
            MySendEmailByName = "邮件地址错误!"
        Case -2147024894
            MySendEmailByName = "附件不存在!"
        Case Else
            MySendEmailByName = Err.Description
    End Select
End Function

Public Function InitTempSheet() As Worksheet
    Dim TempWS As Worksheet
    Dim bFound As Boolean
    Dim iWSNum As Integer
    Set InitTempSheet = Nothing
    bFound = False
    iWSNum = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
    For i = 1 To iWSNum
        If ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Name = "Temp" Then
            bFound = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    If Not bFound Then
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add After:=Sheets(iWSNum)
        iWSNum = iWSNum + 1
        Sheets(iWSNum).Name = "Temp"
        Set TempWS = Sheets(iWSNum)
        Set TempWS = Sheets("Temp")
        TempWS.Rows("1:100").Delete Shift:=xlUp
    End If

    TempWS.Visible = xlSheetHidden

    Call ClearBorder(TempWS.Cells)
    TempWS.Cells.Font.Size = 10
    Call SetBorder(TempWS.Columns("A:J"))
    TempWS.Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 11      '93
    TempWS.Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 38      '309
    TempWS.Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 7       '61
    TempWS.Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 12      '101
    TempWS.Columns("E:E").ColumnWidth = 10      '85
    TempWS.Columns("F:F").ColumnWidth = 10      '85
    TempWS.Columns("G:G").ColumnWidth = 60      '485
    TempWS.Columns("H:H").ColumnWidth = 9       '77
    TempWS.Columns("I:I").ColumnWidth = 20      '165
    TempWS.Columns("J:J").ColumnWidth = 25      '207

    Set InitTempSheet = TempWS
    Set TempWS = Nothing

End Function


Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Call RefreshColor
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    GetInfoFromID Index
End Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

ChangeIssueColor Target

End Sub

posted @ 2023-01-18 10:40  易先讯  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报