ORACLE创建临时事务表global temporary table 和 查询时临时表with tempName as (select ) select

Create table create global temporary table TEM_FI_COURSE_CONFIG ( lgart VARCHAR2(20), komok VARCHAR2(20), sign VARCHAR2(20), lgart1 VARCHAR2(20), sign1 VARCHAR2(20), ktosl VARCHAR2(20), bschs VARCHAR2(20), bschh VARCHAR2(20), konts VARCHAR2(20), konth VARCHAR2(20), neg_postng VARCHAR2(20), col01 VARCHAR2(20), neg_postng_deb VARCHAR2(20), symko VARCHAR2(20) ) on commit delete rows;

查询时临时表with tempName as (select ) select

 with as 相当于虚拟视图。

  with as短语,也叫做子查询部分(subquery factoring),可以让你做很多事情,定义一个sql片断,该sql片断会被整个sql语句所用到


with tempName as (select ....)
select ...

with tmp as (select * from tb_name)

   tmp as (select * from tb_name),
   tmp2 as (select * from tb_name2),
   tmp3 as (select * from tb_name3),





posted @ 2019-03-29 18:36  1只在路上的程序猿  阅读(1472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报