


  1. 聚合查询 使用$unwind将数组打散,获取结果集后用$match筛选符合条件的数据,最后使用$group进行聚合获取最终结果集
  2. 普通查询 先筛选记录,然后通过投影查询过滤数组




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  "asset_id": "0069c99ca882f0f20a77be6230ff26f5951c7789",
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      "index": 0,
      "box": {
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        "h": 631,
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      "score": 0.943848,
      "anno_quality": 0,
      "tags": {
      "cm": 1,
      "det_link_id": 2,
      "class_name": "渣土车",
      "polygon": [
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      "type": 0,
      "mask_area": 0
      "index": 1,
      "box": {
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      "score": 0.916992,
      "anno_quality": 0,
      "tags": {
      "cm": 1,
      "det_link_id": 0,
      "class_name": "渣土车",
      "polygon": [
      "mask": "",
      "is_crowd": 0,
      "type": 0,
      "mask_area": 0
  "cks": {
  "quality": -1


    $and: [
      { "class_ids": { $in: [3] } },
      { "pred": { $elemMatch: { "class_id": 3, "score": { $gt: 0.5 }, "cm": 2 } } },
    "pred": {
      $filter: {
        input: "$pred",
        as: "p",
        cond: {
          $and: [
            { $eq: ["$$p.class_id", 3] },
            { $gt: ["$$p.score", 0.5] },
            { $eq: ["$$p.cm", 2] }
    "class_ids": 1,
    "metadata": 1,
    "gt": 1,
    "asset_id": 1,
    "gt_class_ids": 1,
    "pred_class_ids": 1,
    "cks": 1,
    "quality": 1


{ _id: '0b8f88717e05ffbca3faef7b2ff3e94ddfd726a7',
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     byte_size: 36315,
     origin_filename: '0b8f88717e05ffbca3faef7b2ff3e94ddfd726a7.jpg' },
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       score: -1,
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       tags: {},
       cm: 11,
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       type: 0,
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  quality: -1,
   [ { index: 1,
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     byte_size: 119941,
     origin_filename: '0f2d84c53627d922b58fb5bab0daed9b2288be59.jpg' },
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   [ { index: 0,
       box: { x: 672, y: 213, w: 79, h: 76, rotate_angle: 0 },
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       score: -1,
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       tags: {},
       cm: 11,
       det_link_id: 1,
       class_name: '水泥罐车',
       polygon: [],
       mask: '',
       is_crowd: 0,
       type: 0,
       mask_area: 0 },
     { index: 1,
       box: { x: 61, y: 99, w: 556, h: 387, rotate_angle: 0 },
       class_id: 3,
       score: -1,
       anno_quality: -1,
       tags: {},
       cm: 11,
       det_link_id: 0,
       class_name: '水泥罐车',
       polygon: [],
       mask: '',
       is_crowd: 0,
       type: 0,
       mask_area: 0 },
     { index: 2,
       box: { x: 1, y: 111, w: 204, h: 287, rotate_angle: 0 },
       class_id: 0,
       score: -1,
       anno_quality: -1,
       tags: {},
       cm: 3,
       det_link_id: -1,
       class_name: '忽略',
       polygon: [],
       mask: '',
       is_crowd: 0,
       type: 0,
       mask_area: 0 } ],
  cks: {},
  quality: -1,
   [ { index: 2,
       box: { x: 619, y: 240, w: 72, h: 60, rotate_angle: 0 },
       class_id: 3,
       score: 0.718262,
       anno_quality: 0,
       tags: {},
       cm: 2,
       det_link_id: -1,
       class_name: '水泥罐车',
       polygon: [],
       mask: '',
       is_crowd: 0,
       type: 0,
       mask_area: 0 } ] }



package main

import (

func main() {
    // Set client options
    clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://mysql_initial_user:mysql_initial_passwd@")

    // Connect to MongoDB
    client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions)
    if err != nil {

    // Check the connection
    err = client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Println("Connected to MongoDB!")

    // 指定数据库和集合
    collection := client.Database("YMIR-data").Collection("t000000100000176d0991727677623@t000000100000176d0991727677623")

    // 查询条件
    filter := bson.D{
        {"$and", []bson.D{
            {{"class_ids", bson.D{{"$in", []interface{}{3}}}}},
            {{"pred", bson.D{{"$elemMatch", bson.D{
                {"class_id", 3},
                {"score", bson.D{{"$gt", 0.3}}},
                {"score", bson.D{{"$lt", 0.9}}},
                {"cm", 2},


    // 投影条件
    projection := bson.D{
        {"pred", bson.D{
            {"$filter", bson.D{
                {"input", "$pred"},
                {"as", "p"},
                {"cond", bson.D{
                    {"$and", []bson.D{
                        {{"$eq", []interface{}{"$$p.class_id", 3}}},
                        {{"$gt", []interface{}{"$$p.score", 0.3}}},
                        {{"$lt", []interface{}{"$$p.score", 0.9}}},
                        {{"$eq", []interface{}{"$$p.cm", 2}}},
        {"class_ids", 1},
        {"metadata", 1},
        {"gt", 1},
        {"asset_id", 1},
        {"gt_class_ids", 1},
        {"pred_class_ids", 1},
        {"cks", 1},
        {"quality", 1},


    // 执行查询
    cur, err := collection.Find(context.TODO(), filter, options.Find().SetProjection(projection))
    if err != nil {

    // 遍历结果
    var results []bson.M
    if err = cur.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {

    // 输出结果
    fmt.Println("total: ", len(results))
    for _, result := range results {

    // 断开连接
    err = client.Disconnect(context.TODO())
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Println("Connection to MongoDB closed.")



mkdir mongo
cd mongo


mod init 文件名



go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io,direct


go run mongo_test.go


Connected to MongoDB!
[{$and [[{class_ids [{$in [3]}]}] [{pred [{$elemMatch [{class_id 3} {score [{$gt 0.3}]} {score [{$lt 0.9}]} {cm 2}]}]}]]}]
[{pred [{$filter [{input $pred} {as p} {cond [{$and [[{$eq [$$p.class_id 3]}] [{$gt [$$p.score 0.3]}] [{$lt [$$p.score 0.9]}] [{$eq [$$p.cm 2]}]]}]}]}]} {class_ids 1} {metadata 1} {gt 1} {asset_id 1} {gt_class_ids 1} {pred_class_ids 1} {cks 1} {quality 1}]
total:  6
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map[_id:a9c1102d23ca92102bb57695136e1611460061ca asset_id:a9c1102d23ca92102bb57695136e1611460061ca cks:map[] class_ids:[0 2 3] gt:[map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:82 rotate_angle:0 w:200 x:811 y:170] class_id:0 class_name:忽略 cm:3 det_link_id:-1 index:0 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_are0 polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0] map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:175 rotate_angle:0 w:144 x:1760 y:145] class_id:2 class_name:渣土车 cm:11 det_link_id:0 index:1 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0] map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:705 rotate_an:0 w:666 x:1255 y:208] class_id:0 class_name:忽略 cm:3 det_link_id:-1 index:2 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0]] gt_class_ids:[0 2] metadata:map[asset_type:1 byte_size:381183 height:1080 image_channels:3 origin_filename:a9c1102d23ca92102bb576956e1611460061ca.jpg timestamp:map[duration:0 start:1727596672] tvt_type:0 width:1920] pred:[map[anno_quality:0 box:map[h:410 rotate_angle:0 w:309 x:945 y:238] class_id:3 class_name:水泥罐车 cm:2 det_link_id:-1 index:2 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:0.605469 tags:m type:0]] pred_class_ids:[2 3] quality:-1]
map[_id:ae4875ffbb45392521606b62cd682ef97bbbee70 asset_id:ae4875ffbb45392521606b62cd682ef97bbbee70 cks:map[] class_ids:[1 3 0] gt:[map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:113 rotate_angle:0 w:30 x:962 y:1] class_id:0 class_name:忽略 cm:3 det_link_id:-1 index:0 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0] map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:31 rotate_angle:0 w:55 x:991 y:81] class_id:0 class_name:忽略 cm:3 det_link_id:-1 index:1 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0]] gt_class_ids:[0] metadata:map[asset_type:1 byte_si:486054 height:720 image_channels:3 origin_filename:ae4875ffbb45392521606b62cd682ef97bbbee70.jpg timestamp:map[duration:0 start:1727596672] tvt_type:0 width:1280] pred:[map[anno_quality:0 box:map[h:47 rotate_angle:0 w:36 x:1099 y:75] class_id:3 class_name:水泥罐车 cm:2 det_link-1 index:1 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:0.707031 tags:map[] type:0]] pred_class_ids:[1 3] quality:-1]
map[_id:cc9d0775d5302ebd2d2c2abd89a89c889a42622c asset_id:cc9d0775d5302ebd2d2c2abd89a89c889a42622c cks:map[] class_ids:[2 3 1] gt:[map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:74 rotate_angle:0 w:118 x:843 y:172] class_id:2 class_name:渣土车 cm:11 det_link_id:1 index:0 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_a:0 polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0] map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:246 rotate_angle:0 w:279 x:844 y:208] class_id:2 class_name:渣土车 cm:11 det_link_id:0 index:1 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0] map[anno_quality:-1 box:map[h:228 rotate_an:0 w:245 x:1116 y:169] class_id:3 class_name:水泥罐车 cm:11 det_link_id:2 index:2 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:-1 tags:map[] type:0]] gt_class_ids:[2 3] metadata:map[asset_type:1 byte_size:613432 height:1080 image_channels:3 origin_filename:cc9d0775d5302ebd2d2c89a89c889a42622c.jpg timestamp:map[duration:0 start:1727596672] tvt_type:0 width:1920] pred:[map[anno_quality:0 box:map[h:420 rotate_angle:0 w:528 x:1018 y:346] class_id:3 class_name:水泥罐车 cm:2 det_link_id:-1 index:3 is_crowd:0 mask: mask_area:0 polygon:[] score:0.715332 tags:map[] type:0]] pred_class_ids:[1 2 3] quality:-1]
Connection to MongoDB closed.

posted @ 2024-10-12 11:11  金色旭光  阅读(13)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报