lesson 2 :特殊符号学习 !
example ① :
set Z "zhou li "
set Z_LABEL "boy "
puts "$Z_LABEL $Z"
puts "$Z_LABEL \$Z"
// 可通过 \将特殊符号输出,和C语言一样
example ② :
1. puts "\nI have $100.00 bill"
//如果这样会报错 :提示100.00非法 ps: \n是换行
set a 100.00
puts "I have $a bill" ;
3.puts "Lincoln is not on the $$a bill" ;# This is OK
//如果在$前面再加一个$ ,将会把$输出
4.puts "Hamilton is not on the \$a bill" ;# This is not what you want
//这种会输出$a bill
5.puts "Ben Franklin is on the \$$a bill" ;# But, this is OK
6.puts "\n................. examples of escape strings"
//学习 \n是换行
7.puts "Tab\tTab\tTab"
//学习 \t是留空格
8.puts "This string prints out \non two lines"
puts "This string comes out\
on a single line"