

期刊缩写                                         期刊全名                            近年影响因子
P IEEE                          Proceedings Of The IEEE                              3.686
IEEE WIREL COMMUN   IEEE Wireless Communications                         2.577
IEEE T MOBILE COMPUT            IEEE Transactions On Mobile Computing             2.55
IEEE NETWORK                    IEEE Network                                         2.211
IEEE PERVAS COMPUT              IEEE Pervasive Computing                             2.062
IEEE INTERNET COMPUT           IEEE Internet Computing           1.935
IEEE J SEL AREA COMM   IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications     1.816
IEEE J SEL AREA COMM            IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications     1.816
IEEE ACM T NETWORK             IEEE-ACM Transactions On Networking                  1.789
IEEE COMMUN MAG                 IEEE Communications Magazine                         1.678
IEEE T SIGNAL PROCES            IEEE Transactions On Signal Processing               1.57
COMMUN ACM                      Communications Of The ACM             1.509
IEEE T PARALL DISTR             IEEE Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems1.246
IEEE T COMMUN                   IEEE Transactions On Communications                  1.208
IEEE T WIREL COMMUN           IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Wireless Communications         1.184
IEEE T VEH TECHNOL              IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON Vehicular Technology     1.071
J NETW COMPUT APPL             Journal Of Network And Computer Applications         1.071
WIREL NETW                      Wireless Networks                                    0.812
IEEE COMMUN LETT                IEEE Communications Letter                           0.684
SIGNAL PROCESS (EURASIP)     European Association For Signal Processing           0.669
MOBILE NETW APPL                Mobile Networks & Applications                       0.659
COMPUT NETW                     Computer Networks                                    0.631
COMPUT COMMUN REV           Computer Communication Review                        0.578
WIREL COMMUN MOB COM     Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing           0.511
NETWORKS                        Networks                                             0.485
EURASIP J APPL SIG P            EURASIP Journal On Advances In Signal Processing     0.463         
SCI CHINA F INFOSCIENCES     《中国科学f辑》(英文版)                            0.454
COMPUT COMMUN                   Computer Communications                              0.444
EUR T TELECOMMUN                European Transactions On Telecommunications          0.434
J PARALLEL DISTR COM            Journal Of Parallel And Distributed Computing        0.43
INT J DISTRIB SENS N            International Journal Of Distributed Sensor Networks 0.333
J COMPUT SCI TECHNOL       《计算机科学与技术》(英文版)                       0.293
IEICE T COMMUN                  IEICE Transactions On Communications                 0.29  
WIRELESS PERS COMMUN     Wireless Personal Communications                     0.247
J COMMUN NETW-S KOR     Journal Of Communications And Networks               0.233
IET Communications              IET Communications                                   0.199
CHINESE J ELECTRON           《电子学报》(英文版)                               0.185
IET Engineering& Technology     IET Engineering & Technology                         0.126


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