09 2016 档案
摘要:step 1: Draw a PCB shape and the main component placed in the PCB. The drawing sheet should be in the top view. If the drawing sheet is a 3D file, you
摘要:modify the software source: The software source is a place where several free application for linux is stored, you don't compile applications by yours
摘要:Linux系统下图形界面与Linux命令行模式的切换的方法 由图形转换到控制台模式:ctrl+alt+f1~f6(同时按下3秒钟不要马上松开)。。。。由控制台转向图形模式是:alt+f7 快捷键(ubuntu) 快捷键(ubuntu) 打开终端 ctrl+alt+t 结束目前程序 ctrl + C
摘要:ABSTRACT There are two main methods for building the kernel. You can build locally on a Raspberry Pi which will take a long time; or you can cross-com