

select *

from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b
where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and b.constraint_type = 'P'
and a.table_name = upper('表名')


select a.constraint_name,a.TABLE_NAME,count(a.constraint_name),concat('alter table ', concat(a.TABLE_NAME,concat(' add constraint ',concat(a.constraint_name , concat(' primary key (',concat(wmsys.wm_concat(a.column_name),');'))))))
from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name and b.constraint_type = 'P'
and a.table_name in ( '表名1','表名2') group by a.constraint_name,a.TABLE_NAME


-- 索引 create index IDX_USER_STA on USERTAB (STATUS);
select c.INDEX_NAME,count(c.INDEX_NAME), c.TABLE_NAME,
concat( ' create ' ,concat( ' index ' ,concat( c.INDEX_NAME ,concat( ' on ',concat(c.TABLE_NAME,concat(' (',concat(wmsys.wm_concat(c.COLUMN_NAME),');')))))))

from user_ind_columns c, user_indexes i
where c.index_name = i.INDEX_NAME
and i.table_name in ('表名')
and i.index_name not in (
) group by c.INDEX_NAME, c.TABLE_NAME, i.index_type order by table_name;

posted @ 2020-06-16 16:41  为了WZJ  阅读(963)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报