Why you should speak at technical conferences

Why you should speak at technical conferences

source: http://www.slideshare.net/poornimav/why-you-should-speak-at-technical-conferences

  • Background • Femgineer • Forums 2
  • Agenda
    • • Why you should speak at technical conferences.
    •  • How to brainstorm topics.
    •  • How to submit a proposal.
    • • How to structure a talk.
    • • How to engage an audience.
    • • How to get over stage fright.
    • • How to get paid to speak!
    • • Breakout session 3
  • Let’s wait in line together! 4
  • Why would anyone care about what I have to say? 5
  • Experiences & perspective. 6
  • Someone more inexperienced. 7
  • What I call networking! 8
  • People come to you! 9
  • Opportunities. 10
  • What do I talk about? 11
  • Heads down. 12
  • Don’t have time... 13
  • Take stock of past projects. 14
  • A problem you solved. 15
  • Something you learned. 16
  • Share it with someone. 17
  • How do I submit a proposal? 18
    • • Keynote
    • • Lightning
    • • Panel
    • • Workshop Types of Talks 19
  • Audience. 20
  • Who is attending? Interests? Experience level? Companies? 21
    • • Title
    • • Summary
    • • Takeaways
    • • Format
    • • Level Proposal 22
  • Don’t fear being clear! 23
  • How do I structure a talk? 24
  • Narrow scope. 25
  • Wide open. 26
  • High level. 27
  • Strategy. 28
  • Step-by-step. 29
  • Balanced. 30
  • How do I keep them engaged? 31
  • Storytelling. 32
  • Connection. 33
  • Sign post. 34
  • Connect the dots! 35
  • 36
  • Stage fright? 37
  • Prep Practice Poise 38
  • Record yourself. 39
  • Getting paid to speak. 40
  • ASK! 41
  • Contract. 42
  • Review
    • • Why you should speak at technical conferences.
    • • How to brainstorm topics.
    • • How to submit a proposal.
    •  • How to structure a talk.
    • • How to engage an audience.
    • • How to get over stage fright.
    • • How to get paid to speak!
    • • Breakout session 43
  • Want to host a forum at your company? Contact: justin@femgineer.com 44
  • Additional Resources
    • • How to Start Getting Speaking Engagements
    • • Presentation Zen Book
    • • Presentation Zen Blog
    • • Screw the Script
    • • Sample Presentations 45
  • Q&A 46
  • 47
  • Breakout Session! 48
  • KEY OBJECTIVE(S) AGENDA DELIVERABLE BREAK OUT SESSION Come up with a topic. 30 minutes Get into groups of ~5 people. 1. Introduce yourself to the group. 2. Take stock of past projects, problems, or what you recently learned that you’d like to share. 3. Create a title for the talk. 4. What are the takeaways? 5. Share it with the group. Short presentation 49
  • Confident Communicator Get on the mailing list! Visit http://femgineer.com/learn/confident- communicator-course 50
posted @ 2014-06-21 22:11  testglen  阅读(106)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报