【PyCharm】选择性忽略 PEP8 警告
PyCharm 是个很强大的 python IDE,PEP 8 的告警提示也很好用,但是函数名不能包含大写字母等少数几个规范真心觉得不好,作为一名处女座强迫症患者,代码下面的波浪线这种东西是绝对不允许存在的。
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> 右侧Python
在 Ignored errors 中添加要忽略的告警ID。注意,要区分是属于 coding 还是 naming。
PEP 8 coding style violation 的告警ID查看 https://pep8.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes
PEP 8 naming convention violation 的告警ID查看 https://pypi.org/project/pep8-naming/
code |
sample message |
N801 |
class names should use CapWords convention |
N802 |
function name should be lowercase |
N803 |
argument name should be lowercase |
N804 |
first argument of a classmethod should be named ‘cls’ |
N805 |
first argument of a method should be named ‘self’ |
N806 |
variable in function should be lowercase |
N807 |
function name should not start or end with ‘__’ |
N811 |
constant imported as non constant |
N812 |
lowercase imported as non lowercase |
N813 |
camelcase imported as lowercase |
N814 |
camelcase imported as constant |
如上图,添加 N802、N803、N806 的忽略,然后,这个世界就清净了。